93-001592 Evelyn A. Sebree vs. Division Of Retirement
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 29, 1993.

View Dockets  
Summary: Community college financial aid administrator reemployed as college president Search facilitator was independent contractor, not employee; full retirement benefits due.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 93-1592





32Respondent. )



37Upon due notice, this cause came on for formal hearing on July 8, 1993, in

52Leesburg, Florida, before Ella Jane P. Davis, a duly assigned hearing officer of

65the Division of Administrative Hearings.


71For Petitioner: Ms. Evelyn A. Sebree

77Post Office Box 150

81Umatilla, Florida 32784

84For Respondent: Larry D. Scott, Esquire

90Department of Management Services

94Division of Retirement

972639 North Monroe Street, Building C

103Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560


110Whether or not Respondent appropriately denied Petitioner's retirement

118benefits and what, if any, amount Petitioner must repay.


129The controversy in this case arises from a demand by the Division of

142Retirement (DOR) that Petitioner repay $2,037.58 as retirement benefits received

153by Petitioner from the Florida Retirement System (FRS) within the first twelve

165months of her retirement from Lake-Sumter Community College (LSCC) due to her

177re-employment by LSCC. Petitioner contends she was an independent contractor

187and thus exempt from pay-back requirements.

193Petitioner made a timely request for formal hearing and this case was

205originally assigned to Hearing Officer Stephen F. Dean who noticed it for final

218formal hearing on July 8, 1993. In his absence, the formal hearing was

231conducted by the undersigned on the same date at a later hour.

243DOR presented the oral testimony of Pat Ochoa and Petitioner and had four

256exhibits admitted in evidence. DOR Exhibits 2, 3, and 4 are testimony by

269deposition of Randall Thornton, Sarabeth Snuggs, and Petitioner, respectively.

278The parties stipulated that the deposition of Petitioner would be admitted in

290addition to her oral testimony.

295Petitioner testified on her own behalf and presented the oral testimony of

307Dr. Kenneth Stack and Dr. Dixie Allen.

314No transcript was provided. Upon letter-motion filed July 26, 1993,

324Petitioner was granted additional time in which to submit her post-hearing

335proposals, which were filed August 17, 1993. Respondent's post-hearing

344proposals were filed August 16, 1993. All proposed findings of fact have been

357ruled upon in the appendix to this recommended order, pursuant to Section

369120.59(2) F.S.


3741. Petitioner Dr. Evelyn A. Sebree was employed by Lake-Sumter Community

385College (LSCC) for over 25 years. LSCC is an agency within the State of Florida

400Retirement System (FRS).

4032. Petitioner was employed by LSCC as an instructor and later as a part-

417time counselor. She was subsequently named the Director of Financial Aid and

429the Executive Director of the Foundation. She served simultaneously in both

440capacities for many years. The Foundation is the fund-raising arm of LSCC and a

454nonprofit corporation separate from LSCC with its own governing board, bylaws

465and constitution. Only an employee of the college can be Director of the

478Foundation, but the Foundation Board is not made up of LSCC employees.

4903. In her LSCC employment as Director of Financial Aid, Petitioner was

502responsible for administering the college's student financial aid program. Her

512immediate supervisor in this employment category was Dr. Dixie Lee, and

523Petitioner reported ultimately to the Dean of Student Services. In this

534employment capacity, she administered federal, state, institutional and private

543grants, loans, and scholarship programs, including but not limited to Pell

554Grants, the Basic Education Opportunity Grant Program, the GI Bill, and work-

566study programs. She supervised three work-study students, who were part-time

576LSCC employees, and a financial aid specialist, a full-time LSCC employee, and

588had her own private office on campus.

5954. As Executive Director of the Foundation, Petitioner was responsible for

606raising money for the college and for scholarships. She reported to the LSCC

619President, was responsible for fund raisers, making contacts with potential

629donors, and soliciting money from various wealthy people for the college.

6405. During her LSCC employment as Financial Aid Director and collateral

651service as Executive Director of the Foundation, Petitioner developed many

661influential contacts in the fields of higher education and financial

671administration. These contacts were not only statewide, but also national.

681Petitioner also served on many state and national boards, including: State

692Financial Aid Association, Board of Directors of the Southern Association of

703Student Financial Aid, National Board of Student Financial Aid Directors, and

714the Florida Association of Community College and College Board Council on Higher

726Education Services. After her retirement as an employee of LSCC, Petitioner

737could no longer serve as Executive Director of the Foundation, but Petitioner

749continued to serve on the Board of the Foundation, as a private citizen.

7626. As a result of her contacts with many influential people, Petitioner

774considered herself to be a mover and a shaker in the community.

7867. Petitioner decided to retire after 29 years of service at the college

799when she was offered an early retirement incentive package. The package

810included paid health insurance for three years and partial salary for three


8238. Prior to her retirement, DOR mailed Petitioner a brochure. The

834brochure advised the Petitioner of the re-employment limitations. Prior to

844receiving her first retirement warrant, DOR mailed Petitioner a letter, again

855advising her that benefits would be suspended if she was re-employed within

867twelve months of her retirement date.

8739. As an agency within the FRS, LSCC was mailed several numbered memoranda

886advising reporting agencies to avoid "sweetheart" arrangements by hiring

895recently retired employees to fill positions within the system.

90410. Petitioner retired, effective July 1, 1992.

91111. In the fall of 1992, the LSCC college president quit. Dr. Kenneth

924Stack was appointed acting president while the LSCC Board of Trustees mounted a

937search for a permanent replacement president.

94312. The LSCC Board of Trustees is the governing board of the college

956which, among other duties, hires and fires the college president, sets college

968policy and adopts a budget. The LSCC Board of Trustees decided the new college

982president should be someone from Florida. They desired a college president who

994would have knowledge of the Florida educational system.

100213. The LSCC Board of Trustees had previously hired two college

1013presidents, one six years previously and one eleven years previously. In each

1025instance, a search committee made up of faculty, students, trustees, townspeople

1036and residents of the two counties, Lake and Sumter, had been formed, and the

1050Board had contracted with an outside "facilitator" to focus the presidential

1061search and assist the presidential search committee. The last facilitator had

1072been hired in 1986 from a professional group of "consultants" from Washington,


108514. This time, in 1992, LSCC's Board of Trustees decided they needed to

1098hire a facilitator with knowledge of LSCC, the geographic area, college

1109personnel within the state, and the Florida Community College System. The Board

1121also believed that an in-state facilitator would help achieve their ultimate

1132desired result of obtaining a qualified Floridian to fill the vacant LSCC


114515. Petitioner was nominated for facilitator by Board of Trustees member,

1156Randall Thornton, an attorney. Due to her past employment and community

1167reputation, Petitioner's education, training, experience, and status in the

1176community were well known to all Board members. The Board considered

1187facilitator candidates from the University of Florida and Florida State

1197University also, but Petitioner was selected instead. All Board members cast a

1209vote for their choice of facilitator. One consideration in favor of Petitioner

1221was that she would accept a contract capped at $5,000, while the last

1235professional out-of-house facilitator's total cost to LSCC was nine times that

1246figure, or roughly $45,000.

125116. Petitioner was appointed Presidential Search Committee Facilitator

1259pursuant to a contract drawn by attorney Randall Thornton. This contract

1270significantly paralleled the contract between LSCC and its last out-of-state

1280facilitator in that Mr. Thornton used the old contract as his model for the new


129617. For purposes of this proceeding, the significant provisions of

1306Petitioner's contract are that: Petitioner was to be paid at the rate of $40

1320per hour up to a maximum of $5,000, regardless of how long the search took to

1337complete. Clearly, it may be inferred that Petitioner's services would end when

1349a college president was selected. In order to be paid, Petitioner was to bill

1363the Board of Trustees monthly for hours worked and for expenses. She was to be

1378reimbursed for any expenditures or expenses in addition to her hourly fee for

1391personal services. To minimize costs to LSCC, Petitioner's travel expenses were

1402geared to Chapter 112 F.S., normally covering state employees. She also was

1414required to use the college's Watts line "to the extent possible," but she would

1428be reimbursed for all her out of pocket expenses, including but not limited to

1442telephone calls, fax, express mail, travel, and similar items. Because this was

1454a personal services contract, Petitioner could not delegate her duties except

1465with express prior agreement of the Board, but there was no specific prohibition

1478on her hiring subordinate support service helpers. Either LSCC or Petitioner

1489could cancel the contract upon 30 days' written notice without incurring

1500liability to each other. However, Petitioner agreed to indemnify and "hold

1511harmless" the college both for her own negligence in conducting the search and

1524for any other liability arising out of her activities during the search. She

1537was required to comply with equity rules and regulations. This requirement may

1549be inferred to reiterate the obvious, that she, like any other citizen, was

1562bound to comply with all equal opportunity and labor laws for appropriate hiring

1575practices. One contract clause specifically denied Petitioner any employee,

1584servant, or agency authority to bind or incur liability for the college, and

1597described her as an independent contractor.

160318. Mr. Thornton modeled LSCC's contract with Petitioner on the contract

1614drafted by the 1986 facilitator from Washington, D.C., who was clearly an

1626independent contractor. According to Dr. Kenneth Stack, the contract as

1636finalized is similar to the standard contract by which LSCC contracts for

1648outside labor, power, and such professional services as those of architects,

1659normally considered to be independent contractors. This facilitator contract

1668differs significantly from Petitioner's employment contract as Director of

1677Financial Aid for LSCC prior to her retirement on July 1, 1992, the form of

1692which employment contract is prescribed by the Florida Community College System.

170319. After negotiating with Mr. Thornton, who was acting for the Board in

1716the place of the college's general counsel, Petitioner had input into the final

1729version of the facilitator contract. Exactly what Petitioner's input was, is

1740unclear. Although there is some testimony that the former facilitator was paid

1752in a lump sum of $20,000, there is also testimony that the total payments to

1768that facilitator by LSCC totalled $45,000. Although this fact, together with

1780the contents of the final contract between Petitioner and LSCC is not sufficient

1793to infer that the prior out-of-state facilitator was also paid at an hourly rate

1807up to a certain capped amount plus an expense reimbursement, it is sufficient to

1821infer that expense reimbursement was part of the prior out-of-state independent

1832contractor's agreement with the college.

183720. Petitioner's $40/hour fee as "facilitator" constituted a higher hourly

1847rate than she had been paid when employed by LSCC as its Financial Aid Director

1862prior to retirement.

186521. Petitioner was not covered for health insurance or unemployment or

1876workers' compensation benefits under her contract as presidential search

1885facilitator. No social security, retirement, or income tax was withheld by LSCC

1897from her hourly rate as facilitator. LSCC provides all its regular employees

1909with these fringe benefits.

191322. In practice, as LSCC presidential search committee facilitator,

1922Petitioner used her own telephone and the LSCC telephone. She worked out of an

1936established office in her own home where she simultaneously cared for her 92

1949year old mother. She also had the use of, and occasionally utilized, the Board

1963room at LSCC which the Board of Trustees had been made available to her and the

1979search committee whenever the Board was not using it. Because there was no

1992college president, the secretary assigned to the president was available for

2003Petitioner's use, and this secretary did some minimal work for Petitioner,

2014primarily copying materials for the search committee members. An employee of

2025LSCC who regularly deals with equity matters also was available to Petitioner

2037and the search committee for advice as needed.

204523. As facilitator, Petitioner utilized a comprehensive notebook compiled

2054by a prior Chairman of the LSCC Board of Trustees in the course of the 1986

2070presidential search. She also utilized two professional books she specifically

2080purchased in order to fulfill her contract with LSCC. Petitioner gave the

2092Board-appointed search committee their direction, worked with a subcommittee to

2102design the advertisement for position, received all applications, analyzed them,

2112and copied and distributed them to the search committee. After the committee

2124read and ranked the applications and selected the finalists, Petitioner did

2135background checks on the finalists and held personal conversations with

2145applicants' employers, prior employers, and colleagues to get a "feel" for each

2157applicant's qualifications. She then reported these findings to the search

2167committee, and apparently another "cut" was made. She coordinated all visits,

2178receptions, and committee interviews for the last five presidential finalists.

2188In this process, she took no direction from LSCC's Acting President, Dr. Kenneth

2201Stack, who was an applicant, and the Board of Trustees' input was more in the

2216nature of questions concerning what was she doing and what were the search

2229committee's time frames, than directions on what to do or how to do it.

224324. On her own initiative, Petitioner gave interim reports on the search

2255committee's progress, usually at the regularly scheduled monthly Board of

2265Trustees meetings, until the final presidential candidates were chosen, at which

2276time the Board met weekly for the specific purpose of selecting the college

2289president. Petitioner was required to bill her hours and expenses monthly but

2301was not required to appear before the Board of Trustees. She was never summoned

2315to appear before the Board. She had to ask to be put on the Board agenda each

2332time she gave a report. On the basis of her education, training, experience,

2345investigation, and analysis, Petitioner made suggestions to the Board of

2355Trustees as to search procedures, deadlines, the profile of the president, and

2367advertising the college presidency position.

237225. The LSCC Board of Trustees voted on the selection of a college

2385president in April 1993. By its terms, Petitioner's contract terminated with

2396the selection of a college president.

240226. The presidential search was not a regularly established function of

2413the college, although employment of a college president was integral to the

2425college's function and purpose. The search committee and search committee

2435facilitator were not regularly established job positions with the college.

244527. Petitioner did not incorporate because no state license or

2455certification is required for her services. She also did not advertise her

2467services because she planned to work only intermittently as an independent

2478contractor/consultant in a variety of higher education/administrative fields,

2486relying on her professional networking to get offers of specific projects. At

2498the time of formal hearing, she had the potential for contracts to do financial

2512aid counseling at Seminole Community College and to rewrite a policy and

2524procedure manual for South Florida Community College.

253128. LSCC paid Petitioner approximately $435 for her work for LSCC during

2543the month of October 1992, plus some reimbursed expenses.

255229. In November 1992, DOR advised Petitioner it had determined that she

2564was an employee and not an independent contractor. Prior to advising

2575Petitioner, DOR requested the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) render its

2586opinion. This opinion concluded that Petitioner was an employee of LSCC rather

2598than an independent contractor, but the IRS opinion is not binding upon DOR or

2612dispositive of this instant de novo proceeding pursuant to Section 120.57(1)

2623F.S. It is noted that the review sheets filled out by LSCC and Petitioner and

2638utilized by DOR and the IRS were not as detailed as the evidence adduced at

2653formal hearing, and in some respects the answers were unintentionally


266430. At some point, DOR demanded approximately $435 from Petitioner and

2675$1,018.79 from LSCC for retirement benefits DOR had paid Petitioner during

2687October 1992, but apparently DOR now seeks $2,037.58 solely from Petitioner.

269931. Because of the controversy with Respondent DOR, Petitioner did not

2710accept any payment from LSCC pursuant to their facilitator contract after

2721October 1992, when she was notified by DOR that any payment from LSCC for

2735employment would result in a DOR repayment demand and/or withholding of her FRS

2748benefits by DOR.


275432. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2764parties and subject matter of this cause pursuant to Section 120.57(1), F.S.

277633. Chapter 121, F.S., established the Florida Retirement System in 1970.

2787The Division of Retirement, pursuant to Section 121.031(1), F.S. [1991], is

2798authorized to implement rules for the efficient administration of the system.

280934. Pursuant to Section 121.021(11) F.S. [1991],

"2816Officer or employee" means any person

2822receiving salary payments for work performed

2828in a regularly established position and, if

2835employed by a city or special district,

2842employed in a covered group.

284735. The Division of Retirement also promulgated Rule 60S-6.011(49),

2856F.A.C., which defines a regularly established position as follows:

2865A regularly established position in a State

2872agency is a position which is authorized and

2880established pursuant to law and is

2886compensated from a salaries appropriation

2891pursuant to Section 216.011(1)(y)1. and 2.,

2897F.S., or an established position which is

2904authorized pursuant to Section 216.262(1)(a)

2909and (b) F.S., and is compensated from a

2917salaries account in accordance with Rule

29233A-10.031, F.A.C. A regularly established

2928position in a local agency (district school

2935board, county agency, community college, city

2941and special district) is an employment

2947position which will be in existence for a

2955period beyond 6 consecutive months, except as

2962provided in Rule 60S-1.004(5)(e), F.A.C.

296736. Rule 60S-6.001(33), F.A.C., promulgated by the Division, defines

2976independent contractor and reads as follows:


2988individual who is not subject to the control

2996and direction of the employer for whom work

3004is being performed, with respect not only to

3012what shall be done but to how it shall be

3022done. If the employer has the right to exert

3031such control, an employee-employer

3035relationship exists and the person is an

3042employee and not an independent contractor.

3048The Division has adopted the following

3054factors as guidelines to aid in determining

3061whether an individual is an employee or an

3069independent contractor. The weight given

3074each factor is not always the same and varies

3083depending on the particular situation.

30881. INSTRUCTIONS: An employee must comply

3094with instructions from his employer about

3100when, where, and how to work. The

3107instructions may be oral or may be in the

3116form of manuals or written procedures which

3123show how the desired result is to be

3131accomplished. Even if no actual instructions

3137are given, the control factor is present if

3145the employer has the right to give


31532. TRAINING: An employee is trained to

3160perform services in a particular manner.

3166This is relevant when the skills and

3173experience which would be used as an

3180independent contractor were gained as a

3186result of previous employment. Independent

3191contractors ordinarily use their own methods

3197and receive no training from the purchasers

3204of their services.

32073. INTEGRATION: An employee's services

3212are integrated into the business operations

3218because the services are critical and

3224essential to the success or continuation of

3231an agency's progress/operation. This shows

3236that the employee is subject to direction and



3250employee renders services personally. This

3255shows that the employer is interested in the

3263methods as well as the results. Lack of

3271employer control may be indicated when a

3278person has the right to hire a substitute

3286without the employer's knowledge or approval.

32925. HIRING ASSISTANTS: An employee works

3298for an employer who hires, supervises, and

3305pays assistants. An independent contractor

3310hires, supervises, and pays assistants under

3316a contract that requires him or her to

3324provide materials and labor and to be

3331responsible only for the result.


3341has a continuing relationship with an

3347employer. A continuing relationship may

3352exist where work is performed at frequently

3359recurring, although irregular intervals.

33637. SET HOURS OF WORK: An employee usually

3371has set hours of work established by an

3379employer. An independent contractor is the

3385master of his or her own time and works on

3395his own schedule.


3404employee may work either full-time or part-

3411time for an employer. Full-time does not

3418necessarily mean an 8-hour day or a 5 or

34276-day week. Its meanings may vary with the

3435intent of the parties, the nature of the

3443occupation and customs in the locality.

3449These conditions should be considered in

3455defining "full-time." An independent

3459contractor can work when and for whom he or

3468she chooses.

34709. WORK DONE ON PREMISES: An employee

3477works on the premises of an employer, or

3485works on a route or at a location designated

3494by an employer. The performance of work on

3502the employer's premises is not controlling in

3509itself; however, it does imply that the

3516employer has control over the employee. Work

3523performed off the employer's premises does

3529indicate some freedom from control; however,

3535it does not in itself mean the worker is not

3545an employee.


3554employee generally performs services in the

3560order or sequence set by an employer. This

3568shows that the employee is subject to

3575direction and control of the employer.

358111. REPORTS: An employee submits oral or

3588written reports to an employer. This shows

3595that the employee must account to the

3602employer for his or her actions.

360812. PAYMENTS: An employee is usually paid

3615by the hour, week, or month. An independent

3623contractor is paid periodically (usually a

3629percent of the total payment) by the job or

3638on a straight commission.

364213. EXPENSES: An employee's business and/

3648or travel expenses are paid by an employer.

3656This shows that the employer is in a position

3665to control expenses, and, therefore, the

3671employee is subject to regulations and


367814. TOOLS AND MATERIALS: An employee is

3685furnished significant tools, materials, and

3690other equipment by an employer. An

3696independent contractor usually provides his

3701own tools, material, etc.

370515. INVESTMENT: An employee is usually

3711furnished the necessary facilities. An

3716independent contractor has a significant

3721investment in the facilities he or she uses

3729in performing services for someone else.

373516. PROFIT OR LOSS: An employee performs

3742the services for an agreed upon wage and is

3751not in a position to realize a profit or

3760suffer a loss as a result of his services.

3769An independent contractor can make a profit

3776or suffer loss. Profit or loss implies the

3784use of capital by the individual in an

3792independent business of his own.


3805FIRM: An employee usually works for one

3812organization. However, a person may work for

3819a number of people or organizations and still

3827be an employee of one or all of them. An

3837independent contractor provides his or her

3843services to two or more unrelated persons or

3851firms at the same time.


3863independent contractor makes his or her

3869services available to the general public.

3875This can be done in a number of ways: Having

3885his/her own office and assistants, hanging

3891out a "shingle", holding business licenses,

3897having listings in business directories and

3903telephone directories, and advertising in

3908newspapers, trade journals, etc.


3918employee can be fired by an employer. An

3926independent contractor cannot be fired so

3932long as he or she produces a result that

3941meets the specifications of the contract. An

3948independent contractor can be terminated, but

3954usually he will be entitled to damages for

3962expenses incurred, lost profit, etc.

396720. RIGHT TO QUIT: An employee can quit

3975his or her job at any time without incurring

3984liability. An independent contractor usually

3989agrees to complete a specific job and is

3997responsible for its satisfactory completion,

4002or is legally obligated to make good for

4010failure to complete it.

401437. Petitioner contended she was an independent contractor and DOR

4024contended she was an employee. The terms of Petitioner's 1992 facilitator

4035contract and the actual services Petitioner performed as facilitator equate more

4046closely with the definition of an independent contractor.

405438. The tasks of the presidential search facilitator did not relate to

4066administering financial aid to students or raising money for college programs

4077which were the LSCC employment responsibilities and functions from which

4087Petitioner retired. Her services as a presidential search committee facilitator

4097were not integral to the nature of LSCC as an institution. Her facilitator

4110contract and actual work situation did not necessitate Petitioner working with,

4121for, or over other regularly employed LSCC staff. Specifically, she was not

4133supervised nor did she report in either chain of command (Dr. Allen or Dr.

4147Stack) that she had reported in prior to her retirement. While ongoing

4159financial aid counselling might be highly suspect of "continuing employee"

4169status, an activity such as a presidential search which is undertaken by the

4182college only as needed after five or six year gaps and which has a definite,

4197limited goal and a predictable termination date is not an activity so integral

4210to the nature of the institution as to confer an "employee" status. See, Nunn,

4224et al v. Dept. of Administration DOAH Cases Nos. 90-8015, 90-8016, 90-8017,

4236(Recommended order entered January 15, 1992, Final Order April 9, 1992).

424739. As facilitator, Petitioner's association with LSCC was not exclusive,

4257as it would have been had she been an employee of LSCC. Petitioner was

4271negotiating for other contracts from other colleges simultaneously with working

4281as LSCC's facilitator. LSCC did not restrict her to their project at any time

4295either by contract terms or exercise of cloaked authority.

430440. Although the presidential search project does not lend itself to

4315analysis of risk of profit or risk of loss, it would be hard to say that

4331Petitioner did not assume substantial risk as facilitator by contracting to

4342indemnify and hold harmless the college in light of the plethora of equity

4355statutes and rules which had to be followed. On the other hand, advice to

4369Petitioner on these matters, provided by a college employee, was prudent on the

4382college's part but not such a "control" as to significantly affect the bulk of

4396Petitioner's day-to-day performance of her independent contract.

440341. Petitioner earned more per hour on the facilitator contract than she

4415had when she was employed full-time by LSCC.

442342. Under the facilitator contract, Petitioner was outside the normal

4433fringe benefits of LSCC employees.

443843. If Petitioner had been injured while performing her tasks as search

4450facilitator, even if these tasks were performed on campus, she could not have

4463successfully proven "employee" status under the tests established pursuant to

4473Chapter 440 F.S., The Florida Workers' Compensation Act.

448144. Petitioner was paid only for the hours she "facilitated" and only if

4494she billed for the hours worked. The college relied entirely on her

4506representation of her hours worked and did not supervise those working hours as

4519to time or location.

452345. Any report of her activities to the Board initially required the

4535Petitioner to request time on the Board's regular agenda. When the Board became

4548involved weekly in the final selection of a college president from among the

4561five finalists, the Board was not invading Petitioner's independent discretion

4571because as facilitator, Petitioner had no vote on who would be hired as

4584president, anyway. The instructions provided to Petitioner by the Board were

4595general and directional only. No formal training to Petitioner was provided by

4607LSCC or the Board, although records of prior facilitated searches were provided

4619to her.

462146. Petitioner, like many independent contractors, was required to work

4631within certain cost-saving parameters "to the maximum extent possible," using

4641college Watts lines and secretarial help. She was encouraged to keep travel

4653expenses down by having her expenses capped, pursuant to Chapter 112, F.S.

4665However, these expense terms were reasonably negotiated elements of an

4675independent contract favorable to one party, LSCC. As such, they do not equate

4688with the day-to-day control of an employee's expenses contemplated in the rule.

470047. If one factor is foremost, it is the right of control as to the day-

4716to-day mode of doing the work. See, Global Home Care, Inc. v. Dept. of Labor,

4731521 So.2d 220 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1988) and Messer v. Dept. of Labor and Employment,

4746500 So.2d 1372 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987). The degree of LSCC control necessary to

4760define Petitioner as an employee of LSCC is absent here. Compare, by analogy,

4773the circumstances of In re Howard, 4 FALR 542A (Final Order 12/11/81), wherein a

4787school board attorney was held to be an employee and Henry v. State of Florida,

4802Dept. of Administration, Div. of Retirement, 4 FALR 1295A (Final Order 4/27/82)

4814aff. 431 So.2d 677 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983), wherein a hospital attorney was held to

4829be an independent contractor.

483348. DOR places considerable emphasis upon the fact that Petitioner did not

4845draft the contract with LSCC. However, Petitioner negotiated the contract on a

4857parity with the college's acting attorney. The contract grossly parallels the

4868last facilitator's contract, and that facilitator was undeniably an independent

4878contractor. LSCC uses a similar contract for similar personal services, such as

4890those of an architect, and architects are normally considered to be independent

4902contractors. These factors further support the conclusion that Petitioner is a

4913legitimate independent contractor.

491649. DOR also emphasized that Petitioner was not engaged in a distinct

4928occupation or business and did not advertise or distribute business cards. This

4940argument is not persuasive of her "employee" status. Petitioner's skills are

4951somewhat specialized and focused, even if they do not correspond to a distinct

4964occupation or business. Like most professionals in that vague, jello-like world

4975of the professional "consultant," Petitioner offers many similar, but not

4985identical, services to several colleges and is free to peddle her services by

4998the means most successful and economical for her, i.e. networking instead of

5010paying for cards and advertisements which are more commonly tools of an

5022occupation than of a profession.

502750. Petitioner's situation correlates closely to the situation in Davis v.

5038Dept. of Administration, Division of Retirement, 585 So.2d 421 (Fla. 1st DCA

50501991), wherein Respondent's predecessor agency initiated forfeiture proceedings

5058to recover retirement benefits paid to a school board finance officer who, after

5071retiring, subsequently became associated with another school board. The First

5081District Court of Appeal resolved the issue in the retiree's favor, determining

5093he was an independent contractor. Therein, the factors most persuasive to the

5105court seem to have been that the retiree under independent contract did not

5118receive the usual employee health, workers' compensation, or social security

5128benefits or income tax withholding as he would have received if he had been an

5143employee of the school board. Petitioner's situation is the same as to those

5156factors. Also, like Davis, Petitioner set her own work schedule, was free to

5169accomplish her work at a location of her choice, was negotiating other contracts

5182with other colleges, and was not subject to control or review by any superior

5196except as to the results of her work.

520451. A strong indicator of what type of relationship is involved is what

5217the parties believed at the time of contract. The Board wanted to save money,

5231$5,000 versus $20,000. The Board wanted someone to steer the presidential

5244search in favor of a Florida educator. Petitioner wanted to work at her own

5258pace and utilize her talents and contacts on a limited basis without working

5271full-time. This does not sound like the type of "employment" DOR is charged

5284with preventing.

528652. DOR has been rightfully vigilant to ward-off "sweetheart deals"

5296designed to sidestep legitimate state interests in protecting the actuarial

5306soundness of the FRS. Actuarial soundness relies on a proper balance of FRS

5319contributions to benefits. That balance is jeopardized if employers are able to

5331avoid required FRS contributions by obtaining the same employee services by

5342immediately utilizing retirees to perform all or some of the same functions they

5355performed as an employee. See Nunn, supra. However, as in the Davis case, here

5369there is no evidence of collusive activity between the former employer (LSCC)

5381and the employee (Petitioner) to retire the employee and still allow the

5393employer to avail itself of the employee's continued services without

5403appropriate contribution to FRS. The fact that Petitioner learned her skills

5414and "paid her dues" networking while working as LSCC's employee is not

5426controlling. What she did for LSCC as facilitator and how much control LSCC had

5440over what she did as facilitator is material. The majority of indices provided

5453by rule show her to be an independent contractor.


5463Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is

5475recommended that the Department of Management Services, Division of Retirement

5485enter a final order absolving Petitioner of any pay back to FRS for the month of

5501October 1992.

5503RECOMMENDED this 29th day of October, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida.


5514ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer

5520Division of Administrative Hearings

5524The De Soto Building

55281230 Apalachee Parkway

5531Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

5534(904) 488-9675

5536Filed with the Clerk of the

5542Division of Administrative Hearings

5546this 29th day of October, 1993.


5557The following constitute specific rulings, pursuant to S120.59(2), F.S.,

5566upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF).

5575Petitioner's PFOF:

55771 The factual matters are accepted. The legal argument is

5587covered in the Conclusions of Law.

55932 Accepted (FOF 10).

55973 Rejected as argument only. Covered in substance in FOF

56073 and 23 and the Conclusions of Law.

56154 Accepted (FOF 25).

56195 Accepted except as to Conclusion of Law which is covered

5630in the Conclusions of Law. (FOF 22-25).

56376 Accepted except to the degree unnecessary, subordinate

5645or cumulative (FOF 16-19).

56497 Accepted (FOF 12-15).

56538 Constitutes a request to rule certain evidence


5662Not a PFOF. Covered in FOF 27 and the Conclusions of


56749 Accepted except to the degree unnecessary or


5683(FOF 27).

568510 Rejected as related to matters outside the record which

5695apparently occurred after formal hearing. Similar

5701material covered in FOF 27.

5706Respondent's PFOF

57081-17 Accepted (FOF 1-16).

571218 Accepted in part and rejected in part upon the greater

5723weight of the record as set forth in FOF 15.

573319 Accepted (FOF 23).

573720 Rejected as a Conclusion of Law. See, Conclusions of


574821 Accepted (FOF 17, 22).

575322 Rejected because as stated it is misleading. Covered in

5763FOF 17-19.

576523-25 Accepted (FOF 17-25).

576926-27 Accepted (FOF 9).

577328-29 Accepted (FOF 29).

577730 Accepted (FOF 30)


5783A. J. McMullian, III, Director

5788Division of Retirement

5791Cedars Executive Center, Bldg. C

57962639 North Monroe Street

5800Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560

5803Sylvan Strickland, Esquire

5806General Counsel

5808Department of Management Services

5812Knight Building, Suite 309

58162737 Centerview Drive

5819Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

5822Larry D. Scott, Esquire

5826Department of Management Services

5830Division of Retirement

58332639 North Monroe Street, Building C

5839Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560

5842Ms. Evelyn A. Sebree

5846Post Office Box 150

5850Umatilla, Florida 32784


5859All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

5871Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

5885written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

5897written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

5909order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

5922to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

5934filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/13/1993
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/09/1993
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/09/1993
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/29/1993
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held July 8, 1993.
Date: 08/17/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner's Proposed) Recommended Order w/cover ltr filed.
Date: 08/13/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Proposed Recommended Order filed. (From Larry D. Scott)
Date: 07/28/1993
Proceedings: Order sent out.
Date: 07/28/1993
Proceedings: Letter to L D Scott from EJD sent out. (Re: Ex Parte communication)
Date: 07/26/1993
Proceedings: Letter to EJD from Evelyn A. Sebree (re: filing PRO) filed.
Date: 07/15/1993
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Compel Discovery sent out.
Date: 07/13/1993
Proceedings: Post-Hearing Order sent out.
Date: 07/08/1993
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/06/1993
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Request to Produce filed.
Date: 06/14/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 06/04/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Cancellation of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/18/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Continuing Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 05/03/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 04/30/1993
Proceedings: Letter to WRC from Mark A Hanson (re: confirmation on requested subpoenas) filed.
Date: 04/28/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Amended Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 04/22/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing and Order sent out. (hearing set for 7-8-93; 9:30am; Leesburg)
Date: 04/19/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 04/14/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition; Amended Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 04/12/1993
Proceedings: Ltr. to SFD from Larry D. Scott re: Reply to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/09/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Answer and Affirmative Defenses filed.
Date: 03/30/1993
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/24/1993
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Leesburg, Florida

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