93-002043 Division Of Real Estate vs. Robert A. Schwartz
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, May 26, 1994.

View Dockets  
Summary: Resondent guilty of breach of trust but not of failing to return deposit upon demand. 5 year suspension but reduced if return fees to client.







22Petitioner, )


25vs. ) CASE NO. 93-2043




36Respondent. )



41Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case before Errol H.

55Powell, a duly designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative

66Hearings, on October 13, 1993, in West Palm Beach, Florida.


77For Petitioner: James H. Gillis, Esquire

83Department of Business and

87Professional Regulation

89Division of Real Estate

93400 West Robinson Street

97Orlando, Florida 32801-1772

100For Respondent: Robert A. Schwartz, pro se 1/

108295 Pine Shadow Way

112West Palm Beach, Florida 33414


121The issue for determination at final hearing was whether Respondent

131committed the offenses set forth in Petitioner's amended administrative

140complaint, and if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against

151Respondent's real estate license.


157On February 25, 1993, the Department of Professional Regulation 2/ ,

167Division of Real Estate (Petitioner), filed an amended administrative complaint,

177with supporting documents, against Robert A. Schwartz (Respondent). Petitioner

186alleged in the amended administrative complaint that Respondent had violated

196Subsection 475.25(1)(b), Florida Statutes (1991), by being guilty of fraud,

206misrepresentation, concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest

213dealing by trick, scheme or device, culpable negligence, or breach of trust in

226any business transaction; and Subsection 475.25(1)(d)1, Florida Statutes (1991),

235by being guilty of failure to account or deliver a deposit. Because of the

249alleged violations, Petitioner seeks to discipline Respondent's license as a

259real estate broker.

262On April 6, 1993, Respondent filed an election of rights with Petitioner

274requesting a formal hearing. On April 12, 1993, the matter was referred to the

288Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of a Hearing Officer. A

299formal hearing was scheduled on October 13, 1993, pursuant to notice.

310At the formal hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of three

320witnesses, including Respondent, and entered 12 exhibits into evidence. 3/

330Petitioner testified on his own behalf, presenting no other witnesses, and

341entered no exhibits into evidence.

346A transcript of the formal hearing was ordered. At the request of the

359parties, the time for filing post-hearing submissions was set for more than ten

372days following the conclusion of the hearing. Subsequently, Respondent was

382granted additional time in which to file his post-hearing submissions. Both

393Petitioner and Respondent filed proposed findings of fact which are addressed in

405the appendix to this recommended order.


4141. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of

424Real Estate (Petitioner), is the state licensing and regulatory agency charged

435with the responsibility and duty to prosecute administrative complaints filed

445pursuant to Chapters 455 and 475, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated

457pursuant thereto.

4592. At all times material hereto, Robert A. Schwartz (Respondent) was a

471Florida licensed real estate broker, having been issued license number 0481297,

482with an address of American Real Estate Properties, Inc., 13833 Wellington

493Trace, West Palm Beach, Florida.

4983. Respondent was initially licensed on or about May 23, 1988.

5094. At all times material hereto, Respondent was the qualifying broker and

521officer of American Real Estate Properties, Inc. (American Real Estate).

5315. On or about May 18, 1992, Respondent met with Ms. Renate Schuetze in

545West Palm Beach. 4/ Ms. Schuetze was from the State of New York and was

560interested in buying lots, building homes on the lots and renting the homes.

573Respondent had been referred to Ms. Schuetze by her friend, Ms. Mary Ann Runer.

5876. A few years ago, on behalf of Ms. Runer and using monies provided by

602her, Respondent had purchased a lot in West Palm Beach, overseen the contracting

615and construction of her home on the lot and rented out the home. All for which

631he charged Ms. Runer a fee. Ms. Schuetze wanted Respondent to do the same for


6477. On that same day, after meeting with Respondent, visiting prospective

658lots and model homes with him and discussing his process and procedure, Ms.

671Schuetze gave Respondent a check for $15,120 made payable to American Real

684Estate and returned to New York. Although Ms. Schuetze noted on the check that

698the money was for a deposit on one of the model homes, the monies were actually

714for a deposit of $2,000 on two certain lots ($1,000 each) and Respondent's fee

730of $13,000 ($6,500 per house) 5/ for performing the same service for her that

746he had performed for Ms. Runer. Ms. Schuetze wanted to pay Respondent his fee

760in advance instead of waiting until the homes had been built and rented. This

774was the first time that Respondent had received his fee in advance.

7868. The following day, on May 19, 1992, Respondent deposited the $15,120

799into the operating account of American Real Estate which did not have an escrow

813account. Furthermore, Respondent had no intentions of opening an escrow


8249. However, the day before, on May 18, 1992, Respondent wrote two checks

837for $1,000 each to Miki S. Murray Realty (Murray Realty) for a deposit on two

853certain lots on behalf of Ms. Schuetze, leaving a balance of $13,120 from the

868monies given by her to Respondent. The deposits held the lots for Ms. Schuetze.

88210. On May 19, 1992, Murray Realty completed a document entitled

"893Reservation Deposit" for each of the lots. The document represented an

904acknowledgment of a deposit and the terms associated therewith. Murray Realty

915sold the lots and the homes to be constructed as a package deal. Each

929Reservation Deposit indicated, among other things, a lot deposit of $1,000 on a

943certain lot, the location of the lot, the purchase price of the house to be

958constructed on the lot, the representative for the builder/seller (Murray

968Realty), and the buyer who was indicated as Respondent.

97711. Also, each Reservation Deposit indicated that the deposit was an

"988earnest money deposit," that the contract was to be entered into on June 10,

10021992, and that the deposit could be returned for any reason on or before June

101710, 1992. Murray Realty required no further monies until after the signing of a

1031contract for purchase from which construction draws would come from an account

1043specifically setup for that purpose.

104812. This was not the first time that Respondent had entered into such a

1062transaction with Murray Realty. Respondent used the same transaction for Ms.


107413. From on or about May 12, 1992, through on or about June 1, 1992,

1089Respondent wrote checks from American Real Estate's operating account, totalling

1099$10,403.01, from the remaining $13,120 given to Respondent by Ms. Schuetze. The

1113expenditures were for Respondent's own use and benefit; none were associated

1124with the services requested by Ms. Schuetze.

113114. On or about June 1, 1992, Respondent sent a completed contract for

1144sale and purchase of the lots and homes and a blank buyer-broker contract, by

1158express mail, to Ms. Schuetze for her signature. The contract for sale and

1171purchase reflected that a "deposit" of $15,120 had been paid to American Real

1185Estate, as seller, toward the purchase price and that the deposit was being held

1199in "escrow." The blank buyer-broker agreement contained spaces for Respondent

1209to insert an agreed upon fee but these were also left blank. Prior to sending

1224these documents, Respondent had discussed the contracts with her and informed

1235her that he was sending them to her.

124315. At the same time, on or about June 1, 1992, Ms. Schuetze wrote to

1258Respondent requesting the return of her "deposit" of $15,120 within three days,

1271indicating that she had decided not to sign a contract for the purchase of the


128716. After she received the contracts, Ms. Schuetze returned them to

1298Respondent unsigned.

130017. At no time prior to June 1, 1992, had Respondent presented to Ms.

1314Schuetze for her signature a buyer-broker contract or a contract for sale and

1327purchase. At no time pertinent hereto has Ms. Schuetze executed a buyer-broker

1339contract or a contract for sale and purchase.

134718. Not having received a response to her letter of June 1, 1992, on or

1362about June 8, 1992, Ms. Schuetze again made a demand by way of a letter for

1378return of the $15,120 within three days.

138619. On or about June 11, 1992, at the request of Ms. Schuetze, Murray

1400Realty returned her deposit of $2,000 on the two lots. At that time, Respondent

1415had not contacted Murray Realty regarding her request, and he was unaware that

1428Murray Realty had returned the deposit.

143420. Shortly thereafter, but also in the month of June 1992, Respondent

1446agreed to return the $13,120, less the value of services he had already

1460rendered, to Ms. Schuetze but requested additional time in which to so do since

1474he had spent the money. She agreed to give Respondent additional time.

148621. On or about December 4, 1992, Respondent gave a statement to

1498Petitioner in which he agreed to return, within 12 months, the $13,120 less 10

1513percent for the services that he believed that he had already rendered, leaving

1526a balance of $11,808 to be returned.

153422. At the time of hearing on October 13, 1993, Respondent had failed to

1548refund any of the money to Ms. Schuetze.

155623. Respondent has no history of disciplinary action.


156724. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

1577subject matter of this proceeding and the parties thereto pursuant to Subsection

1589120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The parties were duly noticed for the formal


160125. License revocation proceedings are penal in nature. The burden of

1612proof is on the Petitioner to establish the truthfulness of the allegations of

1625the amended administrative complaint by clear and convincing evidence. Ferris

1635v. Turlington, 510 So.2d 292 (Fla. 1987); Balino v. Department of Health and

1648Rehabilitative Services, 348 So.2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

165726. Respondent agreed to perform certain services on behalf of Ms.

1668Schuetze, relating to the purchasing and renting of real property, for a fee

1681which she paid to him prior to any services being actually performed and any

1695written agreement or contract being entered into. Throughout the transaction,

1705his actions were that of a broker as contemplated by Chapter 475, Part I,

1719Florida Statutes (1991). Subsection 475.01(1)(c), Florida Statutes (1991).

1727Furthermore, Respondent's actions are not exempted from Chapter 475, Part 1,

1738Florida Statutes (1991). Section 475.011, Florida Statutes (1991).

174627. Subsection 475.25(1), Florida Statutes (1991), provides in pertinent

1755part that a licensee may be disciplined when the licensee:

1765(b) Has been guilty of fraud,

1771misrepre l a f , t n e m l a e c s n c , n o i t a t n e s  o e

1798promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing

1803by trick, scheme, or device, culpable

1809negligence, or breach of trust in any

1816business transaction . . . .

182228. Subsection 475.25(1)(b) contemplates that "an intentional act be

1831proved before a violation may be found." Munch v. Department of Professional

1843Regulation, Division of Real Estate, 592 So.2d 1136, 1144 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992).

1856The evidence is compelling that Respondent was intentionally attempting to

1866circumvent the requirements placed upon him as a broker under Chapter 475, Part

1879I. This situation was the first time that he had encountered someone who wanted

1893to pay his fee in advance and he intended to take advantage of the situation and

1909acquire immediate access to the $13,120; and the only way to accomplish this was

1924to circumvent his responsibilities and duties as a broker, which he did.

193629. Several written documents indicated that the $15,120 paid to

1947Respondent by Ms. Schuetze was a "deposit." However, of the $15,120, only the

1961$2,000 for the lots was a "deposit" as defined by Rule 61J2-14.008, Florida

1975Administrative Code, formerly Rule 21V-14.008, Florida Administrative Code. 6/

1984As a result, Respondent was required to place only $2,000 in a trust or escrow

2000account which he failed to do and had no intentions of doing. In fact,

2014Respondent had no escrow or trust account and had no intentions of establishing


202830. Also, although Respondent had intentions of returning Ms. Schuetze's

2038$13,120 to her, he had no intentions of returning the money within a reasonable

2053time. Ms. Schuetze paid to Respondent $15,120, and of that amount, only $2,000

2068was returned to her by Murray Realty, the realty company owning the lots. She

2082made a demand twice on Respondent for the return of the balance, i.e., $13,120,

2097and Respondent agreed twice to return the monies: once shortly after June 11,

21101992, but requested additional time in which to so do and the last time in

2125December 1992, agreeing to return the monies within one year, less what he

2138considered the value of services already rendered. However, at the time of

2150hearing which was over a year after Respondent agreed to return the money,

2163Respondent had not returned any of the money.

217131. Respondent, as the broker for the real estate transaction, was in a

2184position of trust, and he breached that trust. Petitioner has met its burden in

2198showing that Respondent is guilty of a breach of trust in the business


221232. Subsection 475.25(1), Florida Statutes (1991), provides in pertinent

2221part that a licensee may be disciplined when the licensee:

2231(d)1. Has failed to account or deliver to

2239any person . . . at the time which has been

2250agreed upon or is required by law or, in the

2260absence of a fixed time, upon demand of the

2269person entitled to such accounting and

2275delivery, any personal property such as

2281money, fund, deposit, check draft . . . .

229033. Petitioner has failed to meet its burden of proof in showing that

2303Respondent violated Subsection 475.25(1)(d)1, Florida Statutes (1991).

2310Petitioner charged Respondent with being guilty of failing to account or deliver

2322a "deposit," namely $13,120. As discussed above, only the $2,000 for the lots

2337was a deposit within the meaning of Petitioner's promulgated rules applicable

2348hereto. When Ms. Schuetze made her two demands in June 1992 for the return of

2363the $15,120, Respondent agreed to after the second request, but requested

2375additional time and she agreed. Subsequently, in June 1992 and upon Ms.

2387Schuetze's request, Murray Realty returned her $2,000 "deposit." She had

2398received her "deposit" upon demand, albeit not from Respondent. Also, there was

2410an accounting of the $2,000 in that Ms. Schuetze was well aware that the $2,000

2427had been paid to Murray Realty as a deposit on two lots.

243934. Regarding penalty, Subsection 475.25(1), Florida Statutes (1991),

2447provides that for a violation of Subsection 475.25(1)(b) or (d)1, the Real

2459Estate Commission may place a licensee on probation; may suspend a license not

2472to exceed 10 years; may revoke a license; may impose an administrative fine not

2486to exceed $1,000; may issue a reprimand, and any or all of the foregoing. Also,

2502Petitioner's Disciplinary Guidelines found at Chapter 21V-24, Florida

2510Administrative Code, 7/ provide that, except as otherwise provided, the

2520minimum penalty which may be imposed for each violation is a reprimand, or a

2534fine up to $1,000 per count, or both and that the recommended penalty imposed

2549for a violation of Subsection 475.25(1)(b), Florida Statutes (1991), is up to

2561five years suspension or revocation and of Section 475.25(1)(d)1, Florida

2571Statutes (1991), is up to five years suspension. Further, the Disciplinary

2582Guidelines also provide for the consideration of mitigating or aggravating

2592circumstances in the imposition of discipline.

259835. As a mitigating factor, in Respondent's almost 4 1/2 years as a

2611licensed broker, he has had no disciplinary action taken against him.

262236. As aggravating factors, Respondent was intentionally attempting to

2631circumvent the duties and responsibilities placed upon him as a licensed broker,

2643and he has not refunded any of Ms. Schuetze's money even though he has agreed to

2659so do.


2662Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

2675RECOMMENDED that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter a final order

26861. DISMISSING Count II of the amended administrative complaint; and

26962. SUSPENDING the broker's license of Robert A. Schwartz for five years.

2708Provided, however, that the duration of his suspension may be lessened upon the

2721return to Ms. Schuetze of the $13,120.

2729DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 26th day of May




2747Hearing Officer

2749Division of Administrative Hearings

2753The DeSoto Building

27561230 Apalachee Parkway

2759Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

2762(904) 488-9675

2764Filed with the Clerk of the

2770Division of Administrative Hearings

2774this 26th day of May 1994.


27811/ At the final hearing Respondent was represented by counsel, Mark K. Koenig,

2794Esquire. However, subsequent to the final hearing, but prior to the filing of

2807post-hearing submissions, Respondent discharged his counsel and proceeded pro


28172/ Subsequent to the hearing, the Department of Professional Regulation was

2828statutorily merged with the Department of Business Regulation and is now the

2840Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

28463/ At the hearing Petitioner's Exhibit #10 was incorrectly identified. The

2857date of the document was incorrectly given as "May 29, 1992," but it should have

2872been, and is now corrected as, "July 31, 1992."

28814/ Ms. Schuetze did not testify at final hearing nor was her testimony

2894presented by deposition. At final hearing, Petitioner made an ore tenus motion

2906to late-file her deposition which was granted; however, Petitioner later

2916withdrew its request. (By Order rendered September 29, 1993, Petitioner was

2927granted leave to take her deposition by telephone and perpetuate her testimony.)

29395/ After a deposit on the two lots was made, there was a balance of $13,120.

2956Respondent testified that his fee was $6,500 per lot which included the

2969construction of the homes, totalling $13,000. The evidence is not clear what

2982the remaining balance of $120 was for.

29896/ Deposit is defined as "a sum of money, or its equivalent, delivered to a

3004real estate licensee, as earnest money, or a payment, or a part payment, in

3018connection with any real estate transaction named or described in s.

3029475.01(1)(c), Florida Statutes." Rule 61J2-14.008, Florida Administrative Code,

3037formerly 21V-14.008, Florida Administrative Code.

30427/ Changed to Chapter 61J-24, Florida Administrative Code.


3051The following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact.

3063Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact

30681. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1.

30762. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2.

30843. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4.

30924. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7.

31005 & 6. Partially accepted in findings of fact 7 and 8. Also,

3113Petitioner's cite to the transcript refers to Respondent's

3121testimony regarding Ms. Runer, not Ms. Schuetze.

31287. Partially accepted in finding of fact 17.

31368. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

31449. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10.

315210. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13.

316011. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15.

316812. Partially accepted in finding of fact 14.

317613. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18.

318414. Partially accepted in finding of fact 19.

319215. Partially accepted in findings of fact 13 and 21.

320216. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21.

321017. Partially accepted in finding of fact 22.

3218Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact

3223(Respondent did not number his proposed findings of fact. His paragraphs,

3234after the Statement of the Issues, are addressed.)

3242Paragraph one: Discussed in Preliminary Statement.

3248Paragraphs two and three: Rejected as contrary to the evidence.

3258Paragraph four: Partially accepted in finding of fact 4.

3267Paragraph five: Partially accepted in findings of fact 5-7, 9-14 and 20-


3280Paragraph six: Partially accepted in findings of fact 9-11 and 14.

3291Paragraph seven: Rejected as contrary to the evidence.

3299Paragraph eight: Partially accepted in findings of fact 20-21.

3308Paragraph nine: Rejected as constituting argument, or a conclusion of law.

3319Paragraph ten: Partially accepted in findings of Fact 7 and 9.

3330Paragraph eleven: Partially accepted in findings of fact 6-7.

3339Paragraph twelve: Partially accepted in findings of fact 7 and 21.

3350Paragraph thirteen: Partially accepted in findings of fact 7, 9-11.

3360Paragraph fourteen: Rejected as contrary to the evidence.

3368Paragraphs fifteen, sixteen and seventeen: Rejected.

3374Paragraphs eighteen, nineteen and twenty: Partially accepted in

3382findings of fact 5-6.

3386Paragraph twenty-one: Rejected as constituting argument, or a conclusion

3395of law.

3397Paragraph twenty-two: Partially accepted in finding of fact 23.

3406Paragraph twenty-three: Partially accepted in findings of fact 9-12 and


3417Paragraphs twenty-four and twenty-five: Rejected as consti  t u t i n g

3431argument, or a conclusion of law.

3437Paragraph twenty-six: Partially accepted in findings of fact 7 and 16-17.

3448Paragraph twenty-seven: Partially accepted in findings of fact 6-7.

3457Paragraphs twenty-eight through thirty: Rejected as constituting argument,

3465or a conclusion of law.

3470NOTE: Where a proposed finding has been partially accepted, the remainder

3481has been rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, cumulative, not supported by

3492the evidence, argument, recitation of testimony, or a conclusion of law.


3505James H. Gillis, Esquire

3509Department of Business and

3513Professional Regulation

3515Post Office Box 1900

3519Orlando, Florida 32801

3522Robert A. Schwartz

3525295 Pine Shadow Way

3529West Palm Beach, Florida 33414

3534Darlene F. Keller

3537Division Director

3539Division of Real Estate

3543Department of Professional


3547Post Office Box 1900

3551Orlando, Florida 32802-1900

3554Jack McRay

3556General Counsel

3558Department of Business

3561and Professional Regulation

3564Suite 60

35661940 North Monroe Street

3570Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792


3579All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this recommended

3591order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

3605written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

3617written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

3629order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

3642to this recommended order. Any exceptions to this recommended order should be

3654filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.











3696vs. CASE NO. 92-83928

3700DOAH NO. 93-2043





3710On August 16, 1994, pursuant to s.120.57(1), Florida Statutes, the Florida

3721Real Estate Commission heard this case to issue a Final Order.

3732Hearing Officer Errol H. Powell of the Division of Administrative Hearings

3743presided over a formal hearing on October 13, 1993. On May 26, 1994, he issued

3758a Recommended Order, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a

3774part hereof.

3776The Respondent filed Exceptions to the Recommended Order. A copy of these

3788Exceptions is attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof.

3800After completely reviewing the record and being otherwise fully advised,

3810the Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #1, which addresses Finding of

3820Fact #6, because there is nothing in the record to specifically indicate when

3833the transaction with Ms. Runer occurred. The Hearing Officer's finding in #6 is

3846also partially rejected regarding the words "a few years ago," as there is no

3860support in the record. What is known is that the Runer transaction occurred

3873previous to the Schuetze transaction. Therefore, the Commission substitutes the

3883word "previously" for the phrase "a few years ago."

3892The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #2, which addresses Finding

3901of Fact #7. The Commission concluded that the Hearing Officer's finding is

3913supported by competent, substantial evidence.

3918The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #3, which addresses Finding

3927of Fact #8, because the Hearing Officer's finding is supported by competent,

3939substantial evidence.

3941The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #4, which addresses Finding

3950of Fact #17, because the Hearing Officer's findings are supported by competent,

3962substantial evidence.

3964The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #5, which addresses Finding

3973of Fact #11, because the Hearing Officer's findings are supported by competent,

3985substantial evidence.

3987The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #6, which addresses Finding

3996of Fact #12, because the Hearing Officer's findings are supported by competent,

4008substantial evidence.

4010The Commission rejects Respondent's Exception #7, which addresses

4018Conclusion of Law #31. Based upon the record and the facts, the Hearing

4031Officer's conclusion is correct.

4035The remainder of the Respondent's Exceptions appear to be directed at the

4047Recommended Penalty. The Commission finds the penalty of a 5-year suspension to

4059be within the disciplinary guidelines and supported by the facts. In addition,

4071the Commission agrees that the Respondent may shorten the suspension simply by

4083making restitution.

4085After completely reviewing the record and based upon the Hearing Officer's

4096Findings of Fact, the Commission rejects the Hearing Officer's Conclusion of Law

4108#33. The Commission finds that there is a violation of s.475.25(1)(d)1, and

4120failure to account and deliver.

4125Therefore, the Commission rejects the Respondent's Exceptions and adopts

4134the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law (except for

4145Conclusion of Law #33 as stated above), and Recommended Penalty.

4155The Florida Real Estate Commission therefore ORDERS that the license of

4166Robert A. Schwartz be suspended for a period of five (5) years. The period of

4181suspension can be shortened if the Respondent makes restitution to Ms. Schuetze.

4193At the conclusion of the period of suspension, the Respondent is directed

4205to contact the Records Section of the Division of Real Estate at Post Office Box

42201900, Orlando, Florida 32802, or (407) 423-6060, to secure the proper forms for

4233reinstatement of the suspended license.

4238This Order shall be effective 30 days from date of filing with the Clerk of

4253the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. However, any party

4263affected by this Order has the right to seek judicial review, pursuant to

4276s.120.68, Florida Statutes, and to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate


4288Within 30 days of the filing date of this Order, review proceedings may be

4302instituted by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Clerk of the Department of

4316Business and Professional Regulation at 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 309,

4327Orlando, Florida 32801. At the same time, a copy of the Notice of Appeal, with

4342applicable filing fees, must be filed with the appropriate District Court of


4355DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of August 1994 in Orlando, Florida.


4368Darlene F. Keller, Director

4372Division of Real Estate


4379I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true copy of the foregoing was sent by U.S.

4393Certified Mail to Robert A. Schwartz, 295 Pine Shadow Way, West Palm Beach,

4406Florida 33414; by U.S. Mail to Hearing Officer Errol H. Powell, Division of

4419Administrative Hearings, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-

44271550; and a copy provided to Steven Johnson, Esquire, DBPR, Post Office Box

44401900, Orlando, Florida 32801, this 3rd day of October 1994.


4451Sarah Wachman

4453Agency Clerk

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/12/1994
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/16/1994
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/26/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/26/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 10-13-93.
Date: 04/29/1994
Proceedings: Memorandum to JWY from E. Powell (re: extension of time to 5/31/94).
Date: 01/19/1994
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/04/1994
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time sent out.
Date: 12/15/1993
Proceedings: Ltr. to AHP from R. Schwartz enclosing Dr.`s letter filed.
Date: 12/01/1993
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/17/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Transcript sent out.
Date: 11/16/1993
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 10/13/1993
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/12/1993
Proceedings: (joint) Prehearing Stipulation of Material Fact w/Petitioner's Exhibits A-13 filed.
Date: 10/11/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion to Leave Record Open For Late Filed Deposition filed.
Date: 09/29/1993
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Re: Motion for Taking Depositions by Telephone and to Perpetuate Testimony Granted)
Date: 09/16/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Taking Depositions by Telephone and to Perpetuate Testimony filed.
Date: 07/23/1993
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 10/13/93; 1:30pm; West Palm Beach)
Date: 05/06/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 8-12-93; 1:30pm; West Palm Beach)
Date: 04/28/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Unilateral Compliance With Order filed.
Date: 04/15/1993
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 04/12/1993
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Amended Administrative Complaint; Election of Rights filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida

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