93-004880CON Galen Of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Orange Park Medical Center vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, May 11, 1994.

View Dockets  
Summary: Where license holder changes during the pendency of a CON, new license holder lacks standing to protest the Agency decision.






21Petitioner, )


24vs. ) CASE NO. 93-4880





38Respondent, )

40and )




53L.P., )


56Intervenors. )





70Petitioner, )


73vs. ) CASE NO. 93-4881





87Respondent, )

89and )







112Intervenors. )



118Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its

128assigned Hearing Officer, James W. York, held an evidentiary hearing on April

14012, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. This hearing was held pursuant to North

152Broward Hospital District's Motion for Summary Recommended Order.


161For Petitioner John D.C. Newton, II, Esquire



177Post Office Box 1876

181Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1876

184For Petitioner R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire


196204 South Monroe Street

200Tallahassee, Florida 32301

203For Respondent Dean Bunton, Senior Attorney

209AHCA: Agency for Health Care Administration

215The Atrium, Suite 301

219325 John Knox Road

223Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4131

226For Intervenor Seann Michael Frazier, Esquire


2393081 East Commercial Boulevard

243Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308

247For Intervenor Jay Adams, Esquire

252Plantation: 418 East Virginia Street

257Tallahassee, Florida 32308


264The issue in this proceeding is whether, pursuant to current statutory and

276regulatory provisions, the change in licenseholder of Westside Regional Medical

286Center from Galen of Florida, Inc., to Columbia Hospital Corporation of South

298Broward, requires rejection of Certificate of Need application No. 7248, filed

309by Galen and summary dismissal of Galen's petition for formal hearing.


322In February 1993, Galen of Florida, Inc., (Galen) filed a letter of intent,

335seeking Certificate of Need (CON) approval to convert ten acute care beds at

348Westside Regional Medical Center to ten Neonatal Intensive Care Level II beds.

360The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the agency responsible for the

372administration of the CON program, designated Galen's CON application as CON

383Action No. 7428. AHCA notified Galen of its intent to preliminarily deny

395Galen's CON application, and Galen subsequently filed a timely petition to

406challenge AHCA's decision (DOAH Case No. 93-4880).

413The South Broward Hospital district, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West

422(Memorial), a co-batched applicant, filed a competing application to establish

432ten Neonatal Intensive Care Level II beds at its campus in Western Broward

445County. AHCA designated Memorial West's CON application as CON Action No. 7249.

457AHCA notified Memorial West of its intent to preliminarily deny Memorial West's

469CON application, and Memorial West subsequently filed a timely petition to

480challenge AHCA's decision (DOAH Case No. 93-4881).

487The North Broward Hospital District (NBHD) and Plantation General Hospital,

497L.P. (Plantation) filed timely petitions to intervene in DOAH Case No. 93-4880,

509and both were granted leave to intervene.

516Plantation and HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Northwest

526Regional Hospital filed timely petitions to intervene in DOAH Case No. 93-4881,

538and both were granted leave to intervene. These two cases were consolidated by

551an order entered on September 3, 1993.

558On or about November 5, 1993, Galen executed a bill of sale, transferring

571ownership of Westside Regional Medical Center to Columbia Hospital Corporation

581of South Broward, Inc. (Columbia). Pursuant to a Change of Ownership

592application submitted to AHCA, a new license to operate Westside Regional

603Medical Center was issued to Columbia on November 5, 1993.

613On January 7, 1994, NBHD filed the instant Motion for Summary Recommended

625Order, seeking to dismiss Galen's Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing.

635NBHD contends that, as a result of the sale and transfer of assets to Columbia

650Hospital Corporation of South Broward, Inc., Galen is no longer the applicant

662for CON No. 7248.

666At the hearing on NBHD's motion, NBHD presented the testimony of Elizabeth

678Dudek, Chief of the Certificate of Need and Budget Review Sections for the AHCA,

692tendered and accepted as an expert in Health Care Planning specifically related

704to CON administration. The parties to this motion introduced SRO Exhibits 1-5,

716and SRO Exhibit D, which were admitted and received into evidence.

727Galen presented the testimony of Elizabeth Dudek. Prior to its direct

738examination of Ms. Dudek, Galen attempted to introduce into evidence Elizabeth

749Dudek's deposition taken in connection with a pending rule challenge proceeding

760(DOAH Case No. 94-0404RX). Opposing counsel objected to its introduction, which

771objection was sustained. Subsequent to the hearing, an Order was entered

782reversing the prior ruling, allowing the deposition to be entered into evidence.

794On May 2, 1994, a telephonic hearing was held in response to SBHD's request to

809reconsider the Order. SBHD's request was denied and the deposition was ordered

821admitted into evidence. /1

825At the hearing, all participating parties were given the opportunity to

836file proposed summary recommended orders. Galen and Memorial each filed timely

847proposed summary recommended orders. NBHD and AHCA filed a timely joint

858proposed summary recommended order. Specific rulings on the proposed findings

868of fact submitted by the parties are included in the Appendix to this Summary

882Recommended Order.


887The Change of Ownership

8911. In March 1993, Galen filed an application for a CON to add a ten-bed

906Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at its hospital known as Westside

919Regional Medical Center, located in Broward County in District X. This

930application, CON No. 7248, was initially denied by the Agency. Galen filed a

943Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing on August 12, 1993, challenging that

954denial and seeking approval of its application.

9612. In the same batching cycle, Memorial filed an application for a ten bed

975Level II NICU, Con No. 7249, which the Agency also preliminarily denied. On

988August 13, 1993, Memorial filed its petition for formal administrative hearing.

999The cases were consolidated for hearing by Order entered September 3, 1993.

10113. Two existing providers of Level II NICU services in the District sought

1024and were granted leave to intervene: NBHD and Plantation.

10334. On January 7, 1994, NBHD filed a Motion for Summary Recommended Order.

1046The basis for summary relief was that subsequent to the filing of its

1059application for the Westside facility, Galen had sold or transferred that

1070facility to Columbia and that Columbia had become the new license holder for the


10855. Galen responded in opposition that no material facts set forth in the

1098application for the CON to establish the Level II NICU at Westside had changed

1112as a result of the transfer to Columbia. Furthermore, Galen contends that its

1125application must be permitted to undergo the de novo comparative review process.

11376. The Galen application was deemed complete, preliminarily reviewed and

1147initially denied. The basis of the initial denial was unrelated to any change

1160in ownership. Galen timely sought de novo comparative review by invoking the

1172administrative hearing process on August 12, 1993. The application has not been


11857. On November 5, 1993, Galen entered into a purchase and sale agreement

1198with Columbia. Under the terms of that agreement, Columbia undertook legal

1209responsibility for all liabilities and contractual obligations related to the

1219Westside facility.

12218. As required by law, Columbia filed a change of ownership application

1233(CHOW) with the Agency which ultimately issued a new license to Columbia for the

1247operation of the Westside facility.

12529. The Agency's CHOW file establishes that the Agency received and

1263reviewed the following documents, among others, related to Columbia: A list of

1275the officers and directors of Columbia; Columbia's articles of incorporation;

1285the certificate of incorporation of Columbia issued by the State of Florida;

1297Columbia's audited financial statements; affidavits asserting that Columbia

1305would accept all outstanding liabilities due and payable to the State of

1317Florida, including but not limited to any outstanding liabilities to the

1328Medicaid Program; assertions that Columbia would correct deficiencies, if any,

1338on the facilities most recent license survey; and assertions that Columbia would

1350comply in all respects with applicable provisions under Chapter 766, Florida

1361Statutes (regarding the Florida Patient's Compensation Fund).

136810. The deposition of Mr. James A. Cruickshank, chief Operating Officer

1379for Westside Regional Medical Center, was admitted into evidence by NBHD. Mr.

1391Cruickshank testified that he had been employed at Westside since 1987. He is

1404directly responsible for the operations of the facility, and held that position

1416and those duties both before and after the transfer of assets to Columbia. He

1430participated in the preparation of the CON application and is familiar with its


144411. Mr. Cruickshank testified that, as Chief Operating Officer, he was

1455familiar with the following matters, none of which had changed, or were expected

1468to vary from the representations made in the CON application, as a result of the

1483transfer of assets to Columbia:

1488A. Administration - no change;

1493B. Admission and discharge policies - no change;

1501C. Operational Management - no change;

1507D. Personnel - no change;

1512E. Staffing - no change;

1517F. Medical staff - no change;

1523G. Medical committees - no change;

1529H. Financial personnel - no change;

1535I. Charges of fees - no change;

1542J. Financial policies or procedures - no change;

1550K. Budgeting process - no change;

1556L. Financial commitments - no change;

1562M. Projected costs - no change;

1568N. Financial feasibility - no change;

1574O. Data or underlying assumptions -

1580no change;

1582P. Admissions or discharge data - no change;

1590Q. Average length of stay data - no change;

1599R. Scope of services - no change;

1606S. Level of proposed services for NICU unit,

1614including: Nursing, Specialty Nursing,

1618Surgical, Emergency, Respiratory therapy,

1622X-Ray; Obstetrics; Ultrasound; Clinical

1626laboratory; Nutritional; Anesthesia; or

1630social services - no change from those

1637represented in the CON application.

1642T. Quality of care - no change;

1649U. Standards and qualifications for medical

1655staff - no change;

1659V. Ratios for medical specialists - no change;

1667W. Nursing staff qualifications, specialists or

1673ratios - no change;

1677X. Patient stations, equipment or physical plant

1684and layout - no change;

1689Y. Licensed bed capacity - no change;

1696Z. Accessibility of services - no change;

1703AA. Extent to which proposed NICU unit will address

1712patient need in district - no change;

1719BB. Extent to which the medically under served

1727individuals in the district use or will use

1735the Westside facility - no change;

1741CC. Ability of the facility to meet any federal

1750regulations requiring uncompensated care,

1754community service or access by minority and

1761handicapped service to federally assisted

1766programs - no change;

1770DD. Utilization data - no change;

1776EE. Recruitment - no change;

1781Mr. Cruickshank's testimony in this regard is accepted.

178912. Mr. Cruickshank testified that the financial feasibility and stability

1799of this proposal is strengthened by the Columbia acquisition: Westside is the

1811only facility owned by Columbia; the only capital projects or expenditures for

1823which Columbia would be responsible would thus be significantly less than the

1835$27,755,000 listed on Schedule 2 of the CON application; and the source of funds

1851for the proposed NICU is from operating expenses. Mr. Cruickshank's testimony

1862in this regard is also accepted.

186813. Mr. Cruickshank, testified that Galen's board no longer has

1878operational responsibility for or exercises any control over Westside Regional

1888Medical Center. /2 Galen is no longer financially committed to the proposed


190114. Galen's letter of intent was accompanied by a resolution of its board.

1914Galen's CON Application No. 7248 included a listing of Galen of Florida, Inc.'s

1927board. Columbia and Galen do not share any of the same board members.

194015. Mr. Cruickshank testified that Galen's CON application only provided

1950Galen's audited financial statements, and did not contain Columbia's audited

1960financial statements. No audited financial statements for Columbia have been

1970provided to AHCA in relation to CON application 7248.

1979Statutory and Regulatory Criteria

198316. Rule 59C-1.008, Florida Administrative Code (the Rule), provides an

1993outline for what is required of a CON applicant to have an application accepted

2007and reviewed by AHCA.

201117. The Rule implements the statutory criteria in Section 408.037, Florida

2022Statutes, which specifies the CON "Application Content" requirements.

203018. Section 408.037, Florida Statutes, provides, in part, that an

2040application for a CON shall contain:

2046(2) A statement of the financial resources

2053needed by and available to the applicant to

2061accomplish the proposed project. This

2066statement shall include:

2069(a) A complete listing of all capital

2076projects . . . pending, approved, or underway

2084in any state at the time of the application

2093. . .[and] shall include the applicant's

2100actual or proposed financial commitment to

2106those projects and an assessment of their

2113impact on the applicant's ability to provide

2120the proposed project . . .

2126(c) A detailed financial projection . . .

2134[which] shall include a detailed evaluation

2140of the impact of the proposed project on the

2149cost of other services provided by the

2156applicant . . .

2160(3) An audited financial statement of the

2167applicant . . . includ[ing] . . . a balance

2177sheet and a profit-and-loss statement of the

2184two previous fiscal year's operation . . .

2192(4) A certified copy of a resolution by the

2201board of directors of the applicant , or

2208other governing authority if not a

2214corporation, authorizing the filing of the

2220application; authorizing the applicant to

2225incur the expenditures necessary to

2230accomplish the proposed project; certifying

2235that if issued a certificate, the applicant

2242shall accomplish the proposed project within

2248the time allowed by law and at or below the

2258costs contained in the application; and

2264certifying that the applicant shall license

2270and operate the facility. [Emphasis added.]

2276Section 408.037, Florida Statutes.

228019. Elizabeth Dudek, Chief of CON and Budget Review for Respondent AHCA,

2292testified that an applicant's failure to comply with the statutory requirements

2303concerning submission of the letter of intent and board resolution would result

2315in the rejection of the application.

232120. Pursuant to the above statutory criteria, if an applicant fails to

2333submit audited financial statements, AHCA would deem the application incomplete,

2343and the application would be withdrawn from consideration.

235121. The Rule also incorporates the letter of intent and board resolution

2363provisions found in Section 408.039(2), Florida Statutes. This statute


2373. . . a letter of intent shall be filed by

2384the applicant . . . [which] describe[s] the

2392proposal with specificity, including proposed

2397capital expenditures, number of beds sought

2403. . . [and the] identy of the applicant,

2412including the names of those with controlling

2419interest in the applicant. The letter of

2426intent shall contain a certified copy of a

2434resolution by the board of directors of the

2442applicant . . . authorizing the filing of the

2451application described in the letter of intent;

2458authorizing the applicant to incur the

2464expenditures necessary to accomplish the

2469proposed project; certifying that if issued a

2476certificate, the applicant shall accomplish

2481the proposed project within the time allowed by

2489law and at or below the costs contained in the

2499application; and certifying that the applicant

2505shall license and operate the facility.

2511[Emphasis added.]

2513Section 408.039(2)(a-c), Florida Statutes.

251722. Ms. Dudek testified that, pursuant to this statute, the licenseholder

2528for Westside Regional Medical Center is required to be the applicant for a CON.

254223. At the time Galen submitted the letter of intent, Galen was the

2555licenseholder for Westside Regional Medical Center. Columbia has not filed a

2566letter of intent or board resolution for CON Application No. 7248.

257724. In the case of an existing licensed facility, the "applicant" referred

2589to in the statute and the Rule must attest that they will license and operate

2604the facility, and thus is required to be the facility's licenseholder.

261525. If AHCA issued a CON to the applicant, Galen, for the proposed

2628project, Galen would not be able to meet the requirement that it license and

2642operate the project because Galen no longer holds the license for Westside

2654Regional Medical Center.

265726. Rule 59C-1.008(1)(n), Florida Administrative Code, provides:

2664The applicant for a project shall not change

2672from the time a letter of intent is filed, or

2682from the time an application if filed in the

2691case of an expedited review project, through

2698the time of the actual issuance of a

2706Certificate of Need. Properly executed

2711corporate mergers or changes in the corporate

2718name are not a change in the applicant. /3

272727. Nothing in the statute specifically mandates that the licenseholder

2737cannot change or that such change compels involuntary withdrawal of the

2748application from comparative review.

275228. Ms. Dudek testified that when she received notice that AHCA had issued

2765a new license which changed the ownership of Westside Regional Medical Center of

2778Columbia, she determined that, pursuant to Rule 59C-1.008, the CON application

2789filed by Galen was no longer an application that could be reviewed because the

2803entity submitting the application was no longer the licenseholder.

281229. Ms. Dudek explained that in circumstances where the licenseholder

2822sells the facility to another corporation who then becomes the new

2833licenseholder, as is the case here, the rule requires that AHCA reject the CON

2847application because it would not contain a letter of intent, board resolution,

2859audited financial statements, capital project listing and proforma's for the

2869acquiring entity.

287130. Galen did not offer testimony to show that the change in the applicant

2885had occurred as a corporate name change or as a corporate merger.

289731. Ms. Dudek testified that subsequent to the omissions period,

2907applicants are not permitted to amend the application, and AHCA is prohibited by

2920rule from considering subsequent events in the application review process. Rule

293159C-1.010(2)(b), Florida Administrative Code, provides in pertinent part:

2939Subsequent to an application being deemed

2945complete by the agency, no further

2951application information or amendment will be

2957accepted by the agency.

296132. Ms. Dudek testified that the purpose for this prohibition is to set

2974forth parameters in terms of what information will be reviewed for a particular

2987period of time, so that each applicant knows what the agency considers, and that

3001it is considering the same information for all applicants as of the date each is

3016deemed complete.

301833. Without amending or supplementing the application, there is no outlet

3029for Columbia to produce, or for the agency to consider, information concerning

3041the new licenseholder. Amending and supplementing the application is prohibited

3051by Rule 59C-1.010, Florida Administrative Code, as discussed in finding of fact


306434. Ms. Dudek testified that when an existing facility submits a CON

3076application, the "applicant" is required by Agency rule to be the current

3088licenseholder. Rule 59C-1.008(1)(m), Florida Administrative Code, provides in

3096pertinent part:

3098An applicant for a project subject to

3105Certificate of Need review which affects an

3112existing licensed health care facility . . .

3120must be the license holder. . . . If agency

3130records indicate information different from

3135that presented in the letter of intent with

3143respect to the identification of the holder

3150of the license and the licensure status, then

3158the agency records create a rebuttable

3164presumption as to the correctness of those

3171records and therefore the application will be


317935. Ms. Dudek testified that agency records show that Columbia currently

3190holds the license for Westside Regional Medical Center. Mr. Cruickshank

3200confirmed that Columbia, and not Galen, is the current licenseholder for

3211Westside Regional Medical Center.


321836. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

3228subject matter of and the parties in this proceeding. Section 120.57, Florida

3240Statutes, and Section 408.039, Florida Statutes.

324637. A summary recommended order is comparable to summary judgment in a

3258civil proceeding. The movant has the burden to demonstrate that it is entitled

3271to judgment as a matter of law and any doubts are to be resolved against summary

3287disposition. Martin v. Golden Corral Corp., 601 So.2d 1316 (Fla. 2d DCA 1992).

330038. In this case competent, substantial evidence clearly shows that the

3311original license holder and applicant in these proceedings was Galen. The

3322application was filed with the AHCA in March 1993. The evidence in this case

3336also clearly establishes that Galen entered into a purchase and sale agreement

3348with Columbia in the fall of 1993. The change in ownership of Westside Regional

3362Medical Center obviously occurred prior to the issuance of a CON. In addition,

3375Columbia applied for and received a change of ownership application and a new

3388license for the facility in question. Therefore, both the original applicant

3399and the original license holder have changed since the application was filed in

3412March 1993.

341439. Galen has not presented evidence that the transactions with Columbia

3425which are at issue fall within the corporate name change or merger exception to

3439Rule 59-1.008(1)(n) and acknowledges, in its proposed recommended order that it

3450has not pursued this defense to the application of the rule. Therefore there is

3464no genuine issue of fact present here with respect to the application of the

3478rule. There has been a clear departure from Rule 59-1.008., Florida

3489Administrative Code in this case.

349440. In addition, it was clearly established at hearing that the identity

3506of the original applicant and license holder in this case occurred after the

3519agency made a determination that the application was complete, therefore, the

3530agency is now prohibited from allowing any amendment to the original

3541applications by Rule 59C-1.010(2)(6), Florida Administrative Code, which

3549provides in pertinent part:

3553Subsequent to an application being deemed

3559complete by the agency, no further

3565application or amendment will be accepted

3571by the agency.

357441. Galen's argues that the rules should not apply here because the

3586management, direction, staffing and funding of the facility at issue will not be

3599any different as a result of the change in the original applicant. Galen's

3612argument is not persuasive. The agency has established that its rules for

3624review of CON applications are intended to establish parameters in terms of

3636specific information that will be considered at relevant time points within the

3648process. The agency rules appear to be an attempt of AHCA to promote

3661predictable, equal and fair treatment to all applicants.

366942. Galen argues that the application of these agency rules to dismiss its

3682petition under these facts amounts to applying "form over substance." This is

3694not the case. Instead, the agency, by dismissing Galen's petition in this

3706proceeding, would simply be adhering to its rules which are designed to promote

3719consistency and predictability in the CON process. Where, as here, a change in

3732CON applicant has occurred after the application has been deemed by the agency

3745to be complete, the application should be denied. See North Shore Medical

3757Center, Inc. v. Agency for Health Care Administration, 15 F.A.L.R. 4661 (AHCA


377043. The facts developed at the evidentiary hearing conducted in this case

3782also establish that the applicant no longer holds the license to operate the

3795facility in question. Reasonable interpretation of and adherence to the

3805statutory and rule provisions applicable in this case require that only the

3817license holder of the existing facility be permitted to apply for and receive

3830the CON at issue. See, Brookwood-Jackson Convalescent Center v. Dept. of Health

3842and Rehabilitative Services, 591 So.2d 1083 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992).

385244. Further the application at issue contains only Galen's letter of

3863intent, board resolution approving the proposed project and certifying that the

3874project would be completed, and audited financial statements. Therefore, the

3884agency properly takes the position that the Galen application is incomplete and

3896fails to meet unconditional statutory requirements. See, Sections

3904408.039(2)(c), and 408.037(3), Florida Statutes. See also Humhosco, Inc. v.

3914Dept. of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 561 So.2d 388 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990).

392745. Based upon the forgoing findings and conclusions Galen's application

3937should be deemed incomplete, and its petition in this cause should be dismissed.


3951Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

3964RECOMMENDED that a summary final order be entered dismissing the Petition

3975for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Galen of Florida, Inc., d/b/a

3986Westside Regional Medical Centers in this case.

3993DONE and ORDERED this 11th day of May 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida.


4006JAMES W. YORK, Hearing Officer

4011Division of Administrative Hearings

4015The DeSoto Building

40181230 Apalachee Parkway

4021Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550


4025FILED with the Clerk of the

4031Division of Administrative Hearings

4035this 11th day of May 1994.


40421/ SBHD preserves its objection to the introduction of the subject transcript

4054during the final hearing on this matter in that, pursuant to Rule 1.330, Florida

4068Rules of Civil Procedure, Ms. Dudek's deposition, taken in connection with the

4080rule challenge proceeding (DOAH Case No. 94-0404RX), may not be admitted into

4092evidence in this proceeding against parties who were not represented or present

4104at the taking of the deposition, or who did not receive reasonable notice of the

4119taking of the deposition.

41232/ Galen provided a board resolution with its letter of intent, approving the

4136proposed project and certifying that the project would be completed, that it

4148would be accomplished within the time allowed by law, and that Galen would

4161license and operate the facility.

41663/ Rule 59C-1.008(1)(n), Florida Administrative Code, is the subject of a rule

4178challenge, filed by Galen, in DOAH Case No. 94-0404RX, a separate proceeding.


4191Rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by Galen of Florida, Inc.

42031-5. Adopted, in substance, in paragraphs 1-5 of the order.

42136. Proposed finding of fact is hereby accepted.

42217-9. Adopted, in substance, in paragraphs 6-8 of the order.

423110. Adopted in part in paragraph 9 of the order. Portions of this

4244proposed finding are conclusory and argumentative and therefore rejected.

425311. Proposed finding of fact is hereby accepted

426112-14. Adopted, in substance, in paragraphs 10-12 of the order.

427115. Adopted in paragraph 26 of the order.

427916. Rejected in part as conclusory and argument. The final sentence in

4291proposed finding of fact 16 is adopted in paragraph 27 of the order.

430417-18. Proposed finding of fact 18 is hereby accepted.

431319. Rejected as conclusory and argument. Ms. Dudek's testimony in this

4324regard is on the record and speaks for itself.

433320. Rejected as argument.

4337Rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by South Broward Hospital

4348District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West.

43531-4. Adopted in paragraphs 16-19 of the order.

43615. Adopted in paragraph 14 of the order.

43696. Adopted in paragraph 13 of the order.

43777. Adopted in paragraph 20 of the order.

43858. Adopted in paragraph 15 of the order.

43939-14. Adopted in paragraphs 21-26 of the order.

440115-16. Adopted in paragraphs 28-29 of the order.

440917. Proposed finding of fact 17 is hereby adopted.

441818-23. Adopted in paragraphs 30-35 of the order.

4426Rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by North Broward Hospital

4437District and the Agency for Health Care Administration

44451-3. Proposed findings of fact 1-3 are hereby adopted.

44544. Adopted in paragraph 1 of the order.

44625-6. Proposed findings of fact 5 & 6 are hereby adopted.

44737-8. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 1 of the order.

44839-10. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 8 of the order.

449311. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 7 of the order.

450312. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 8 of the order.

451313. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 14 of the order and otherwise

4525hereby adopted.

452714. Adopted in paragraph 26 of the order.

453515. Proposed finding of fact 15 is hereby adopted.

454416-18. Proposed finding of fact 15 is hereby adopted.

455319. Proposed finding of fact 15 is hereby adopted.

456220. Adopted, in substance, in paragraph 28 of the order.

457221. Proposed finding of fact 21 is hereby adopted.

458122. Rejected, not supported by the record.

458823. Proposed finding of fact 23 is hereby adopted.

459724. Is cumulative and not necessary to the conclusion reached.

460725-27. Proposed findings of fact are hereby adopted.


4617Dean Bunton, Esquire

4620Senior Attorney

4622Agency for Health Care Administration

4627The Atrium, Suite 301

4631325 John Knox Road

4635Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4131

4638R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire

4642F. Philip Blank, Esquire


4650204 South Monroe Street

4654Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4657Clarke Walden, Esquire

4660Memorial Hospital

46623501 Johnson Street

4665Hollywood, Florida 33021

4668Seann Frazier, Esquire


46773081 East Commercial Boulevard

4681Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308

4685Jay Adams, Esquire

4688418 East Virginia Street

4692Tallahassee, Florida 32301

4695Barbara Del Castillo, Esquire


4704Post Office Box 14723

4708Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33302

4712James C. Hauser, Esquire

4716Lauchlin T. Waldoch, Esquire



4728Post Office Box 1876

4732Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1876

4735Sam Power, Agency Clerk

4739Agency for Health Care


4744The Atrium, Suite 301

4748325 John Knox Road

4752Tallahassee, Florida 32303

4755Harold D. Lewis, Esquire

4759Agency for Health Care


4764The Atrium, Suite 301

4768325 John Knox Road

4772Tallahassee, Florida 32303


4781All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

4793Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

4807written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

4819written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

4831order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

4844to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

4856filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 07/05/1994
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 06/29/1994
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/29/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/20/1994
Proceedings: Letter to JWY from J. Adams (RE: motion for relief regarding discovery) filed.
Date: 06/03/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital District) Third Amended Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/02/1994
Proceedings: (Plantation General Hospital) Request for Production of Documents; Motion for Relief Regarding Discovery filed.
Date: 05/31/1994
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum (from T. Tigsby) filed.
Date: 05/31/1994
Proceedings: Intervenor North Broward Hospital District's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Date: 05/24/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital) Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/23/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital District) Notice of Cancelling Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/20/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (from J. Adams) filed.
Date: 05/18/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital) Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/18/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed. (From R. Terry Rigsby)
Date: 05/12/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Cancelling Depositions Duces Tecum filed. (From R. Terry Rigsby)
Date: 05/11/1994
Proceedings: Summary Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Motion for Summary Recommended Order hearing held 4-12-94.
Date: 05/11/1994
Proceedings: Case No/s: 93-4880 & 93-4881 unconsolidated.
Date: 05/11/1994
Proceedings: (HCA) Notice of Withdrawal filed.
Date: 05/09/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West's Motion to Compel Against HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital w/Exhibit-A filed.
Date: 05/06/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital Wests Notice of Service of Responses to Interrogatories; South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital Wests Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; (2) Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum
Date: 05/06/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District , d/b/a Memorial Hospital Wests Response to Request for Production From HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital w/(unsigned/TAGGED) Order Holdingin Abeyance a Ruling on Discovery Pending Dis
Date: 05/04/1994
Proceedings: Page 3 (inadvertently omitted) from Response w/cover ltr filed. (From F. Philip Blank)
Date: 05/02/1994
Proceedings: Galen of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Westside Regional Medical Center`s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law and Recommended Order Denying Summary Dismissal filed.
Date: 05/02/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District`s and Agency for Health Care Administration`s Joint Proposed Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/02/1994
Proceedings: Petitioner South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/02/1994
Proceedings: Order on Motion for Reconsideration sent out.
Date: 04/29/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/29/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West's Repsonse To Objection To Discovery And Emergency Motion For Protective OrderBy Galen of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Westside Regional Medical Center, And Emergency Motion To Quash And Motion For Pro
Date: 04/28/1994
Proceedings: HCA`s Written Objections and Responses To Written Discovery Requests of Memorial filed.
Date: 04/26/1994
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (from F.P. Blank) filed.
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (from J. Hauser) filed.
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Broward Healthcare System, Inc`s Emergency Motion To Quash and Motion for Protective Order; Cover Letter filed.
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (from J.C. Hauser) filed.
Date: 04/22/1994
Proceedings: Galen`s Objection To Discovery and Emergency Motion for Protective Order; Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; Request for Oral Argument; Notice of Appearance; Broward Healthcare System, Inc`s Emergency Motion To Quash and Motion for Protective Order
Date: 04/18/1994
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/06/1994
Proceedings: HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital's First Request for Production of Documents on South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West filed.
Date: 04/06/1994
Proceedings: HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital's Notice of Service of Its First Set of Interrogatories to South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West filed.
Date: 04/04/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s First Request for Production of Documents to Plantation General Hospital, L.P. filed.
Date: 04/01/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West's Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Plantation General Hospital, L.P. filed.
Date: 03/30/1994
Proceedings: Second Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 6/27/94 - 7/1/94; 10:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 03/29/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s Notice of Service of Interrogatories to HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital filed.
Date: 03/29/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a Memorial Hospital West`s First Request for Production of Documents to HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital filed.
Date: 03/24/1994
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 4-12-94; 10:00am;Tallahassee)
Date: 03/24/1994
Proceedings: Letter to EMH from J. Newton (re: confirmation of hearing schedule) filed.
Date: 03/16/1994
Proceedings: Westside and HCA Response to Memorial West's Request to Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/15/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital West's Request to Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/10/1994
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention sent out (Intervenor: HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Northwest Regional Hospital ["HCA"])
Date: 03/09/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing filed. (From Seann Michael Frazier)
Date: 03/01/1994
Proceedings: (3) Re-Notice of Taking Deposition filed. (From Seann M. Frazier)
Date: 02/25/1994
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Motion for Official Recognition of Decisional Law w/Exhibit-1 filed.
Date: 02/23/1994
Proceedings: HCA Reply to SBHD Response to HCA Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 02/22/1994
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/22/1994
Proceedings: (South Broward Hospital District, d/b/a) Response to Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 02/22/1994
Proceedings: Galen of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Westside Regional Medical Center's Cross Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 02/18/1994
Proceedings: Westside's Notice of Service of Answers to North Broward Hospital District's Second Set of Interrogatories w/North Broward Hospital District's Second Interrogatories to Westside Regional Medical Center; Westside's Objections to Second Written Discovery Re
Date: 02/15/1994
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Deposition Filing; (HCA Health Services of FL,Inc. d/b/a) Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 02/14/1994
Proceedings: Deposition of Reilly Gibson (original & copy) filed.
Date: 02/11/1994
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/10/1994
Proceedings: (North Broward) Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 02/10/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District's Certificate of Service of Second Interrogatories to Westside Regional Medical Center filed.
Date: 02/09/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District`s Motion to Expedite Discovery filed.
Date: 02/09/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District's Second Request for Production of Documents to Westside Regional Medical Center filed.
Date: 02/07/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Cancelling Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/04/1994
Proceedings: Order Continuing and Rescheduling Formal Hearing sent out. (hearing date to be rescheduled at a later date; parties to file post-hearing memoranda report by 3/11/94)
Date: 02/03/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District's Motion for Case Management Conference filed.
Date: 02/02/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District`s Response to Galen of Florida, Inc`s Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 02/01/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel filed. (From Dean Bunton)
Date: 02/01/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District`s Response to Petitioner`s Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 02/01/1994
Proceedings: Westside's Emergency Motion for Protective Order From NBHD'S Unilateral Notice of Formal Hearing on Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/31/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum w/Exhibit-A filed. (From R. Terry Rigsby)
Date: 01/31/1994
Proceedings: Westside's Written Objections to Discovery Requests of North Broward Hospital District d/b/a North Broward Medical Center filed.
Date: 01/31/1994
Proceedings: (North Broward) Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 01/26/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed. (From James A. Hauser)
Date: 01/26/1994
Proceedings: Westside Response in Opposition to NBHD Motion for Summary Recommended Order Dismissing Westside filed.
Date: 01/25/1994
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Notice of Hearing; North Broward Hospital District's Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 01/24/1994
Proceedings: Petitioners` Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 01/24/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District`s Motion for Protective Order; Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 01/19/1994
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed. (From James C. Hauser)
Date: 01/18/1994
Proceedings: Order Granting Westside`s Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time To File Written Response To Motion for Summary Recommended Order sent out. (Galen of Florida, Inc., shall file its response on or before January 26, 1993.)
Date: 01/10/1994
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Motion for Summary Recommended Order Dismissing Galen of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Westside Regional Medical Center`s Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing w/Exhibits A-D filed.
Date: 01/10/1994
Proceedings: Unopposed Westside Motion for Extension of Time to file Written Response to Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/1994
Proceedings: South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Hospital's Notice of Service of Answers to Plantation's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/06/1994
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District d/b/a North Broward Medical center's certificate of Service of First Inerrogatories to Westside Regional Medical Center; North Broward Hospital District d/b/a North Broward Medical Center's First Request for Production of D
Date: 12/06/1993
Proceedings: (2) Notice of Service of Interrogatories filed. (From Jay Adams)
Date: 11/22/1993
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention sent out (Intervenor: North Broward Hospital District)
Date: 10/29/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 10/27/1993
Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention (Intervenor: Plantation General Hospital,L.P.)
Date: 10/25/1993
Proceedings: Reply to Response to Petition to Intervene filed. (From Jay Adams)
Date: 10/25/1993
Proceedings: North Broward Hospital District`s t`s Petition for Leave to Intervene; North Broward Hospital District`s Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 10/13/1993
Proceedings: Response to Petition to Intervene filed. (From R. Terry Rigsby)
Date: 10/04/1993
Proceedings: (Plantation General Hospital, L. P.) Petition to Intervene filed. (From Jay Adams)
Date: 09/22/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 3/14-18/94; 10:00am; Tally)
Date: 09/14/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Prehearing Order filed.
Date: 09/03/1993
Proceedings: Prehearing Order and Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 93-4880 & 93-4881)
Date: 08/31/1993
Proceedings: Notification card sent out.
Date: 08/25/1993
Proceedings: Notice; WestSide Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (3):

Related Florida Statute(s) (3):

Related Florida Rule(s) (2):