93-005571 Gregory E. Weaver vs. Division Of State Employees Insurance
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 16, 1994.

View Dockets  
Summary: Form FB-2 must be received by the Division within 31 days of occurence to election to participate and date of receipt is effective date of plan.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 93-5571






35Respondent. )



40Upon due notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings by its duly

51assigned Hearing Officer, William R. Cave, held a formal hearing in the above-

64captioned case on January 4, 1994, in Wauchula, Florida.


74For Petitioner: Gregory Weaver, pro se

80Route 1, Box 423

84Wauchula, Florida 33873

87For Respondent: Augustus D. Aikens, Esquire

93Division of State Employees'


982002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12

104Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876


111Whether Petitioner made a timely election to participate in the Florida

122Flexible Benefits Plan (Plan) in accordance with Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida

132Administrative Code and if not, should his participation in the Florida Flexible

144Benefits Plan (the Plan) for the Plan Year of December 1, 1991, through December

15831, 1992, be denied.

162Whether Petitioner would be entitled to reimbursement from the Plan for

173medical expenses incurred prior to November 12, 1992, provided it is determined

185that Petitioner made a timely election to participate in the Plan in accordance

198with Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code.


206By letter dated August 2, 1993, the Respondent, Department of Management

217Services, Division of State Employees' Insurance (Division) advised the

226Petitioner, Gregory E. Weaver, that the Division had denied Petitioner's claim

237for reimbursement from the Florida Flexible Benefits Plan Medical Reimbursement

247Account that was for medical expenses incurred prior to November 12, 1992.

259Thereafter, by letter dated August 23, 1992 and received by the Division on

272September 2, 1992, the Petitioner requested an administrative hearing pursuant

282to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. By an Order Accepting Petition And

293Assignment To The Division of Administrative Hearings dated September 27, 1993,

304the matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the

316assignment of a Hearing Officer and the conduct of a hearing. The initial Order

330Accepting Petition And Assignment To The Division of Administrative Hearings was

341amended on October 12, 1993, to correct the issue for resolution.

352At the hearing, the Petitioner testified in his own behalf and presented

364the testimony of Karen S. Weaver. Petitioner's exhibits 1 through 12 were

376received as evidence in this case. The Division presented the testimony of

388Verla Lawson. The Division's exhibits 1 through 3 were received as evidence in

401this case. Chapters 60P-8, Florida Administrative Code, and Proposed Treasury

411Regulation, Section 1.125-1 (as Amended) were officially recognized.

419There was no transcript of this proceeding filed with the Division of

431Administrative Hearings. The parties timely filed Proposed Recommended Orders.

440A ruling on each proposed finding of fact submitted by the parties has been made

455as reflected in an Appendix to the Recommended Order.


467Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the

478hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made:

4871. At all times material to this proceeding, the Petitioner was a full-

500time employee of the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agriculture

512Science (IFAS) in Hardee County, Florida and as such, was eligible to

524participate in the Plan Medical Reimbursement Account provided he timely elected

535to participate and was otherwise qualified.

5412. The Respondent is the state agency charged with the responsibility of

553administering all state insurance plans for state employees in the State of


5663. As part of its insurance program, the State of Florida offers the

579Florida Flexible Benefits Plan. The Plan is a benefit program for state

591employees under which specified, incurred medical expense may be reimbursed.

601The period of coverage for the Plan material to this proceeding was December 1,

6151991 through December 31, 1992.

6204. Petitioner did not enroll in the Plan during the open enrollment period

633for all state employees conducted by the Division during the month of October


6475. During the summer of 1992, and again in October 1992, (sometime after

660the child was born on October 5, 1992) the Petitioner's wife, Karen S. Weaver,

674contacted the Division by telephone to inquire about, and to get clarification

686on, enrolling in the Plan based on a "Change In Family Status" (the child'

700birth) after the effective date of the Plan, December 1, 1991. On both

713occasions, Karen Weaver talked with an enrollment agent of the Division and,

725other than the child's date of birth, no effective date was discussed. The

738enrollment agent advised Karen Weaver that the Petitioner could not apply until

750after the birth of the child due to the documentation needed concerning the

763child's birth. Neither Karen Weaver nor Petitioner were ever advised that with

775proper certification of pregnancy from the wife's doctor that Petitioner could

786apply before the birth of the child.

7936. After the wife's last conversation with the Division, the Petitioner

804completed and signed a Reimbursement Account Enrollment/Qualifying Status Change

813Form, Form FB-2 (the Form) which was dated October 23, 1992. Whether the

826Petitioner returned the Form to IFAS's personnel office by mail or hand delivery

839is not clear from the record. However, a notation on the bottom of the Form

854indicates the Form was received by the personnel office of IFAS on November 9,

8681993. The Form was received by the Division on November 12, 1992.

8807. The instructions in the Revised September 1991 Florida Flexible

890Benefits Plan booklet on when Form FB-2 must be submitted provides in pertinent

903part as follows:

906Requests must be made by submitting a

913completed Enrollment/Qualifying Status Change

917Form, FB-2 (available from your personnel

923office), to DSEI within 31 days of the

931event's occurrence. . . .

9368. The instructions on the reverse side of Form FB-2 as to the submission

950of the form provides:

954Return this completed from to your personnel

961office. It must be received at DSEI within

96931 days of your employment or change in

977family/employment status. The personnel

981office is responsible for sending the form

988immediately upon its receipt to DSEI. THE





10219. Petitioner was accepted in the Plan with an effective date of

1033enrollment being November 12, 1992, the date the Division received the Form from

1046Petitioner. The Petitioner elected to contribute $900.00 to the Plan Medical

1057Reimbursement Account to fund reimbursement payment for incurred medical

1066expenses. The Petitioner's acceptance in the Plan was based on the Division

1078having: (a) considered the child's birth as a qualifying status change and; (b)

1091determined that the Petitioner had timely elected to participate in Plan in

1103accordance with Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code, in that the

1113Form has been completed and dated (not received by the Division) within 31

1126calendar days of the occurrence of the qualifying status change.

113610. There was insufficient evidence to establish facts to show that within

114831 calendar days of occurrence (child's birth) of Qualifying Status Change the

1160Petitioner had: (a) placed the Form with the U.S. mail or similar carrier for

1174delivery to the personnel office of IFAS for submission to the Division; (b)

1187placed the Form with the U.S. mail or similar carrier for submission with the

1201Division; (c) hand delivered the Form to the personnel office of IFAS for

1214submission to the Division or; (d) hand delivered the Form to the Division.

122711. Notwithstanding that the notation on the bottom of the Form indicates

1239that the personnel office of IFAS had the Form in its possession as early as

1254November 9, 1992, there is competent substantial evidence to show that the

1266Division did not receive the Form until November 12, 1992.

127612. Likewise, there is competent substantial evidence to show that the

1287Respondent did not make a timely election to participate in the Plan by

1300submitting the Form to the Division within 31 calendar days of occurrence

1312(child's birth) of qualifying status change as required by Rule 60P-8.0041(2),

1323Florida Administrative Code, notwithstanding that the Form was dated October 23,

13341992, well within the first 31 calendar days of occurrence (child's birth) of

1347the qualifying status change.

135113. On December 14, 1992, the Petitioner submitted a claim for medical

1363expense reimbursement for his wife and infant daughter for medical expenses

1374incurred in the month of March, April, June, October and December, 1992.

138614. By letter dated December 24, 1992, the Division advised the Petitioner

1398that expenses incurred prior to his enrollment date of November 12, 1992, (the

1411date the Form was received by the Division) were not eligible for reimbursement

1424and to resubmit claims for services incurred after November 12, 1992. There was

1437no evidence presented as to whether the Petitioner resubmitted the medical

1448expenses incurred during the month of December 1992, for reimbursement.

145815. The Petitioner contends that the Division should grant Petitioner an

1469exception to the requirement that the effective date must be the date Form FB-2

1483is received by the Division and allow the effective date in this instance to be

1498the date of occurrence, October 5, 1992, (date of child's birth) of qualifying

1511status change. The Petitioner's contention is based primarily on the fact that

1523the verbal instructions from the Division was misleading, and that the Division

1535had made an exception by allowing the Petitioner to participate in the Plan even

1549though the Petitioner had not timely elected to participate in the Plan in

1562accordance with Rule 60P-8.0042, Florida Administrative Code.

156916. The Division denied the Petitioner's request for an exception

1579contending that there is no provision for granting an exception in either case.

1592The Division also contends that date Form FB-2 is completed and signed is the

1606date to be used to in calculating the 31-calendar day requirement to determine

1619if an employee has timely elected to participate in the Plan in accordance with

1633Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code. The Division's position is

1642expressly stated in Petitioner's exhibit 8 wherein William H. Lindner,

1652Secretary, Department of Management Services, is responding to a letter from

1663Petitioner and states:

1666In your letter you indicated that an

1673exception had been made in the enrollment

1680process. It had not. Subsection 60P-

16868.0041(2), F. A. C. (copy enclosed) indicates

1693that an election to participate in the

1700reimbursement accounts must be made within

1706the first 31 calendar days of the occurrence

1714of the Qualifying Status Change. Our records

1721indicate that you made your election on

1728October 23, 1992 which is within 31 days of

1737the birth of your child on October 5, 1992.

1746The records indicate that the Form was signed on October 23, 1992, well within

1760the 31-day requirement but was not received by the Division until November 12,

17731992, some seven days after the 31-day requirement had expired.


178617. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

1796parties to, and the subject matter of, this proceeding pursuant to Section

1808120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

181118. Acting in accordance with the authority granted to it by the

1823Legislature under Section 110.161(5), Florida Statutes, the Department of

1832Management Services promulgated Chapter 60P-8, Florida Administrative Code,

1840which sets forth the rules governing participation under the reimbursement

1850account component of the Florida Flexible Benefits Plan.

185819. Since the Petitioner had not enrolled in the Plan during the annual

1871open enrollment period conducted by the Division in October, 1991, he must

1883experience an appropriate change in family status after the effective date of

1895the Plan in order to participate in the Plan. Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida

1907Administrative Code provides in pertinent part as follows:

1915(2) An employee . . . experiencing an

1923appropriate change in Family Status after the

1930effective date of the Plan shall make an

1938election to participate in the Plan within

1945the first 31 calendar days of . . .

1954occurrence of the Qualifying Status Change.

1960The employee shall elect to participate by

1967submitting to the Division of State

1973Employees' Insurance a completed

1977Reimbursement Account Enrollment/Qualifying

1980Status Change Form, Form FB-2, revised 12/89,

1987hereby incorporated by reference, specifying

1992his annual election amount(s) for the

1998account(s) for a period as defined in Rule

200660P-8.0042 . . . . (Emphasis supplied).

2013Therefore, an election to participate in the Plan requires the employee to

2025submit a completed form to the Division. While the term "submit" has not been

2039specifically defined by the statute or rule involved herein, it is clear by the

2053instructions contained on the reverse side of Form FB-2, which has been

2065incorporated by reference in Rule 60P-8.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code,

2074that submit means received by the Division within 31 calendar days of the date

2088of the occurrence. Otherwise, an employee could circumvent the 31-day

2098requirement by predating the form and mailing the predated form after the 31-

2111calendar day requirement had expired.

211620. In the instant case, the evidence is clear that the personnel office

2129of IFAS received the Form no later November 9, 1992, however, the form was not

2144received by the Division until November 12, 1992, some seven days after the 31-

2158day requirement had expired. Therefore, the Petitioner, having failed to timely

2169make an election to participate in the Plan as required by Rule 60P-8.0041(2),

2182Florida Administrative Code, was not qualified to participate in the Plan for

2194the period of coverage.

219821. However, assuming arguendo that the Division was correct in

2208determining the Petitioner had met the 31-calendar day requirement of Rule 60P-

22208.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code, and thereby qualified to participate in

2230the Plan, then Rule 60P-8.0042, Florida Administrative Code, provides that the

2241coverage period would be from the date that the properly completed Form FB-2 is

2255received by the Division (November 12, 1992) through the last day of the Plan

2269Year (December 31, 1992). Both the instructions in the Revised September 1991

2281Florida Flexible Benefits Plans and the instructions on Form FB-2 are consistent

2293with this position. Therefore, reimbursement payments could only be for medical

2304expenses incurred between November 12, 1992, and December 31, 1992. There does

2316not appear to be any authority, and the Division contends there is none, which

2330would allow the Division to make an exception to the effective date requirement

2343of Rule 60P-8.0042, Florida Administrative Code.

234922. Petitioner, as the party asserting the affirmative of an issue before

2361an administrative tribunal, has the burden to prove by a preponderance of the

2374evidence that he is qualified to participate in the Plan and if qualified, then

2388the effective date for the Plan period of coverage should have been October 5,

24021992, rather than November 12, 1992. Department of Transportation v. J. W. C.

2415Company, Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (1 DCA Fla. 1991). The Petitioner has failed to

2429sustain his burden in regard to his being qualified to participate in the Plan

2443or as to the effective date for the period of coverage for the Plan.


2458Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

2471recommended that the Respondent, Department of Management Services, Division of

2481State Employees' Insurance enter a final order finding that the Petitioner

2492failed to timely elect to participate in the in Plan in accordance with Rule

250660P-8.0041(2), Florida Administrative Code, was not qualified to participate in

2516the Plan, and any participation in the Plan allowed by the Division was void ab

2531initio. It is further recommended that the Division refund all contributions

2542made by the Petitioner to the Plan after adjustment for any reimbursement for

2555medical expenses that may have been made to the Petitioner by the Division.

2568DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of February, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida.



2584Hearing Officer

2586Division of Administrative Hearings

2590The DeSoto Building

25931230 Apalachee Parkway

2596Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

2599(904) 488-9675

2601Filed with the Clerk of the

2607Division of Administrative Hearings

2611this 16th day of February, 1994.


2623The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant Section 120.59(2),

2632Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the

2645parties in this case.

2649Petitioner, Gregory E. Weaver's Proposed Findings of Fact.

26571. The following proposed finding(s) of fact are adopted in substance as

2669modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s)

2681of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact:1(1); 3-4(5); 5-6(9);

26937(6,11); 9(11); 10(6,11); 11(9,16); 12(9); 13(8); 14-15(13); 16(15); 17(16);

270518(5) and 19(6).

27082. Proposed Finding of Fact 2 is neither material nor relevant to this


27223. Proposed Finding of Fact 8 is more properly covered in the Conclusions

2735of Law.

27374. Proposed Finding of Fact 20 is more an argument than a finding of fact.

2752Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact.

27571. The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as

2769modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s)

2781of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1,2); 2(3);

27943(4,6,9); 4(9); 7(13); and 8(14).

28012. Proposed finding of fact 5 is not supported by competent substantial

2813evidence in the record. See Findings of Fact 10 and 11.

28243. Proposed finding of fact 6 is adopted in substance as modified in

2837Findings of Fact 6 and 11, except for the first sentence which is rejected as I

2853find no evidence as to the Form being mailed.

28624. Proposed findings of fact 9 and 11 ( there is no proposed finding of

2877fact 10) are adopted in substance as modified in Finding of Fact 7 and 8.


2894Gregory Weaver

2896Route 1, Box 423

2900Wauchula, Florida 33873

2903Augustus D. Aikens, Esquire

2907Division of State Employment Insurance

29122002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12

2918Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876

2921William H. Lindner, Secretary

2925Department of Management Services

2929Knight Building, Suite 307

29332737 Centerview Drive

2936Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

2939Alecia Runyon, Director

2942Division of State Employees Insurance

29472002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12

2953Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876

2956Paul A. Rowell, General Counsel

2961Department of Management Services

2965Knight Building, Suite 307

29692737 Centerview Drive

2972Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950


2981All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

2993Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

3007written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

3019written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

3031order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

3044to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

3056filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/27/1994
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/25/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/16/1994
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held January 4, 1994.
Date: 01/19/1994
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/13/1994
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed. (From Augustus D. Aikens, Jr.)
Date: 01/04/1994
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/01/1993
Proceedings: Order of Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 1/4/94; 1:00pm; Wauchula)
Date: 10/29/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/14/1993
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 11/10/93; 9:00am; Wauchula)
Date: 10/13/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Amended Order Accepting Petition and Assignment to the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 10/12/1993
Proceedings: Letter. to REM from Gregory E. Weaver re: Reply to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/06/1993
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/01/1993
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 09/29/1993
Proceedings: Order Accepting Petition And Assignment To The Division of Administrative Hearings; Request For Formal Proceedings; Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Wauchula, Florida

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