95-000494 Edmund Brennen vs. Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina And Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, April 8, 1996.

View Dockets  
Summary: Reasonable assurance that proposed project will not cause water quality violations and is clearly within the public interest. Grant and issue permit.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0494






37Respondents. )




47Petitioners, )


50vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0495






72Respondents. )




80Petitioner, )


83vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0496






105Respondents. )




114Petitioners, )


117vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0497






139Respondents. )




148Petitioners, )


151vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0498






173Respondents. )




183Petitioners, )


186vs. ) CASE NO. 95-0943






208Respondents. )



213Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in these cases on September

22620 - 21, 1995, at West Palm Beach, Florida, before Errol H. Powell, a duly

241designated Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


251For Petitioners: Timothy C. Laubach, Esquire

2571218 Mount Vernon Street

261Orlando, Florida 32803

264J. A. Jurgens, Esquire

268Post Office Box 1178

272Winter Park, Florida 32790-1178

276For Respondent Jupiter Scott G. Hawkins, Esquire

283Hills Lighthouse Marina: Macey Biagiotti, Esquire

289Post Office Box 3475

293West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

298For Respondent Department Lynette L. Ciardulli

304of Environmental Douglas MacLaughlin

308Protection: Assistant Generals Counsel

312Department of Environmental


3162600 Blair Stone Road

320Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400


327The issue for determination is whether Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina is

338entitled to be issued a permit by the Department of Environmental Protection for

351its project application submitted July 29, 1992, and revised November 15, 1993,

363to enlarge an existing marina and add new slips.


374On December 13, 1994, the Department of Environmental Protection

383(Respondent DEP) filed its Notice of Intent to issue Permit No. 432170499

395(Permit) to Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina (Respondent Jupiter Hills), granting

405its application submitted July 29, 1992, and revised November 15, 1993, to

417enlarge an existing marina and add new slips. The proposed project is located

430in Martin County, Florida. On December 28, 1994, Edmund Brennan, (Petitioner

441Brennan) filed a petition in opposition to granting the permit and requested an

454administrative hearing. Paul C. and Dorothy Marin (Petitioners Marin), D. L.

465Landreth (Petitioner Landreth), David and Geri Wendt (Petitioners Wendt), Julius

475and Stella Fielder (Petitioners Fielder), and Jackie and Bright Johnson, Jr.

486(Petitioners Johnson) filed identical petitions in opposition to the issuance of

497the Permit, requesting an administrative hearing.

503These matters were referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

513Subsequently, all of the matters were consolidated for hearing. An amended

524petition was filed on April 28, 1995.

531At hearing, Petitioners Fielder were dismissed as parties. Further, at

541hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony of two witnesses, Petitioner

550Brennan testified in his own behalf, and Petitioners entered four exhibits into

562evidence. Respondent Jupiter Hills presented the testimony of four witnesses

572and entered 19 exhibits into evidence. Respondent DEP presented the testimony

583of one witness and entered two exhibits into evidence.

592A transcript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of the parties,

605the time for filing post-hearing submissions was set for more than ten days

618following the filing of the transcript. The parties submitted proposed findings

629of fact which are addressed in the appendix to this recommended order.


6441. On July 29, 1992, Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina (Respondent Jupiter

655Hills) submitted an application to the Department of Environmental Protection

665(Respondent DEP) for a permit to enlarge an existing dock facility to 488 feet

679and to increase the existing 6 slips to 48 new slips. Respondent Jupiter Hills

693is located 0.7 miles north of Martin County Line Road, on U. S. Highway One,

708Indian River Lagoon, Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve, more

719particularly described as Martin County, Section 19, Township 40 South, Range 43

731East, Indian River Lagoon Class III Waters.

7382. On November 15, 1993, Respondent Jupiter Hills amended its application

749at the request of Respondent DEP. The revised proposed project increases the

761dock facility from 6 slips to 18 slips, restricting 12 of the 18 slips for

776sailboat use; and proposes a new 149 foot long T-shaped pier from the existing

790pier, creating a total dimension of 180 feet by 60 feet. Further, Respondent

803Jupiter Hills proposes to remove four existing finger piers and 10 existing

815mooring pilings, to add eight finger piers and 34 new mooring pilings, and to

829place riprap along the existing seawall and new pier.

8383. The proposed project is located in an Outstanding Florida Water (a

850designated aquatic preserve), the Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic

860Preserve, which is a part of the Indian River Preserve.

8704. Significant water quality parameters for this proposed project include

880coliform bacteria, heavy metals, and oil and grease.

8885. Water quality standards for oil and grease are not being currently met.

901However, to address this noncompliance, Respondent Jupiter Hills has agreed to

912include, as part of this project, the installation of an exfiltration trench to

925trap grease coming from the uplands. This trench will improve water quality,

937causing a net improvement of water quality in the proposed project area.

9496. Stormwater from the area, including a portion of U. S. Highway One and

963parking areas within U. S. Highway One right-of-way, discharge directly into

974Respondent Jupiter Hills. This stormwater then drains directly into tidal

984waters. The exfiltration trench is designed to intercept up to three-fourths of

996an inch of the stormwater flow currently draining into the basin.

10077. The owners of Respondent Jupiter Hills will maintain the exfiltration

1018trench. They have signed a long-term agreement with Respondent DEP for the

1030maintenance of the trench, and the agreement is included in Respondent DEP's

1042Intent to Issue.

10458. Water quality standards for fecal coliform are currently being met.

1056The construction of the proposed project will not preclude or prevent continuing

1068compliance with these standards.

10729. Respondent Jupiter Hills has proposed a sewage pump-out station which

1083is not currently in the area and which will encourage boaters to pump boat

1097sewage into the city treatment area instead of dumping the sewage into the

1110water. The pump-out station will be connected to the central sewage system, but

1123boaters will not be required to use the sewage pump-out station.

113410. However, since liveaboards are more likely to cause fecal coliform

1145violations, Respondent Jupiter Hills has agreed that no liveaboards will be

1156permitted in the proposed project.

116111. Water quality standards for heavy metals are currently being met. The

1173construction of the proposed project will not preclude or prevent continuing

1184compliance with these standards.

118812. Respondent Jupiter Hills proposes to use construction materials which

1198have not been treated by heavy metals.

120513. Also, because the proposed project area flushes in one tidal cycle,

1217any additional metals from the boats themselves would be swept away quickly.

122914. The proposed project will not adversely impact or affect the public

1241health, safety or welfare or the property of others.

125015. Respondent Jupiter Hills has provided reasonable assurance that water

1260quality standards will be met, continue to be met, and not violated. As a

1274result, the public health and safety are protected.

128216. The proposed pump-out facility will reduce the incidences of illegal

1293head discharges into the Jupiter Sound. Thus, this facility will benefit the

1305health and safety of swimmers or others participating in water-related

1315activities in the Jupiter Sound.

132017. The proposed project will not adversely affect the conservation of

1331fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their


134218. Respondent Jupiter Hills has agreed to several measures designed to

1353reduce any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and the measures have been

1366incorporated into the Intent to Issue. Respondent Jupiter Hills has agreed to

1378not allow new power boats to dock at the proposed facility, which will prevent

1392adverse affects on the manatee population in the area. Additionally, the

1403proposed pump-out facility will improve the water quality, resulting in a

1414benefit to fish and wildlife, including the Benthic habitat and seagrasses.

1425Respondent Jupiter Hills has further agreed to install navigational signs,

1435directing boaters away from manatees, and no wake signs, indicating the presence

1447of manatees; these signs do not presently exist. Furthermore, Respondent

1457Jupiter Hills has agreed to post signs directing boaters away from any

1469seagrasses located in the proposed project area.

147619. Whether seagrasses in the proposed project area will be adversely

1487affected is also a factor to be considered.

149520. Inspections and surveys of the proposed project area in December 1992

1507and mid-March 1993 revealed one patch of Halophila decipiens and Halophila

1518johnsonii at the 100 foot contour but no seagrasses within the footprint of the

1532proposed project. A survey of the area in late April 1994 revealed some

1545seagrasses in the proposed project area but no seagrasses within the footprint

1557of the proposed project. In September 1995, an examination of the area revealed

1570Halophila decipiens just waterward of the existing slips down to the southern

1582property boundaries 20 to 30 feet wide and revealed sparse seagrasses

1593approximately 300 to 500 feet from the shoreline.

160121. Halophila decipiens is more abundant and thick in the summer and tends

1614to die off and at its thinnest in the winter.

162422. Neither Halophila decipiens nor Halophila johnsonii are threatened or

1634endangered species of seagrasses.

163823. The seagrasses provide a significant environmental benefit. The

1647benefits include nutrient recycling in the area and providing habitat for

1658Benthic invertebrates, such as crabs, which are at the bottom of the food chain.

1672Also, other plants grow on the seagrasses, such as algae, and the other plants

1686provide food for other organisms.

169124. Manatees eat several seagrasses, including Halophia decipiens but it

1701is not one of the manatees preferred seagrasses.

170925. Seagrasses can be adversely affected in two ways. One way is that

1722prop dredging could scar the seagrasses. However, as to the proposed project,

1734the depth of the water in the area of the seagrasses will prevent any adverse

1749affects from prop dredging.

175326. The second way that seagrasses can, and will, be adversely affected is

1766being shaded by the proposed dock or by boats tied-up to the dock. The density

1781of the seagrass, pertaining to this proposed project, is thin and low and

1794approximately one percent of actual coverage.

180027. In determining whether the proposed project is clearly in the public

1812interest, Respondent DEP uses a balancing test which consists of taking the

1824public interest criteria and weighing the pros and cons of the proposed project.

1837Balancing the adverse impacts on the seagrasses and the positive effects of the

1850public interest criteria, the proposed project is clearly in the public


186228. The slips in the proposed project will increase by 12; however, the

1875slips can only be used by sailboats. Since sailboats move slowly, the manatees

1888in the area will not be adversely affected by the proposed project.

190029. Neither navigation nor the flow of water will be adversely affected by

1913the proposed project. Further, no harmful erosion or shoaling will be caused by

1926the proposed project.

192930. Adequate depths are off of the end of the dock for boats to safely

1944navigate. Shoaling is not a potential problem, and therefore, any potential

1955shoaling which may develop will not adversely affect navigation.

196431. The proposed dock will not impact navigation into the Intracoastal

1975Waterway (ICW) because the dock will not extend into the ICW and because

1988Respondent Jupiter Hills will provide navigational aids to guide boaters to

1999access the Atlantic ICW. Furthermore, there is sufficient depth for navigation

2010between the end of the proposed dock and the sandbar where the seagrasses are


202532. Boat traffic coming from the south will primarily originate from the

2037residences to the south. The proposed dock will force these boaters 200 feet

2050offshore where the natural channel is located. Additionally, the dock will keep

2062boaters further offshore from the riparian land owners to the north, including

2074the Petitioners.

207633. To improve the public interest aspects of the project, Respondent DEP

2088proposed that Respondent Jupiter Hills install riprap, which Respondent Jupiter

2098Hills agreed to do. Installation of the riprap will be 367 feet along the

2112perimeter of the proposed dock and in a 10 by 50 foot area along the bulkhead

2128north of the dock. Some shoaling will result but will not affect navigation.

2141The riprap will provide substrate and shelter for marine life.

215134. The fishing or recreational values or marine productivity will not be

2163adversely affected by the proposed project.

216935. Marine productivity will increase because the sewage pump-out station

2179will improve the water quality which will benefit the Benthic community.

219036. The proposed project will be of a permanent nature.

220037. Significant historical and archaeological resources will not be

2209adversely affected by the proposed project. The Department of State, which is

2221responsible for historical and archaeological resources, reviewed the Notice of

2231Intent and has no objection to the proposed project.

224038. The current condition and relative value of functions being performed

2251by areas affected by the proposed project will be increased and, therefore,


226439. No cumulative impacts are associated with the proposed project.

227440. The proposed project is not in an area of pristine shoreline; the area

2288is highly developed. Approximately 1,200 feet to the south of the proposed

2301project is a 270 foot dock with about 50 slips. When considered with the other

2316docks in the area, the extension of the dock in the proposed project will not

2331significantly or measurably further violate the water quality.

233941. Respondent Jupiter Hills has provided reasonable assurance that the

2349proposed project is clearly in the public interest.


236042. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2370subject matter of this proceeding and the parties thereto, pursuant to

2381Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

238543. The issue of Petitioners' standing was not raised at hearing or in

2398Respondents' post-hearing submissions and is, therefore, not addressed. Even

2407assuming that standing is an issue, Petitioners have demonstrated that they have

2419standing. Agrico Chemical Co. v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 406

2429So.2d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981).

243544. Respondent Jupiter Hills, as the applicant for the permit, has the

2447burden of demonstrating entitlement to the permit. Florida Department of

2457Transportation v. J. W. C. Company, Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

247145. A permit from Respondent DEP is required for Respondent Jupiter Hills'

2483proposed project pursuant to Rule 62-312, Florida Administrative Code. This

2493Rule provides that a permit from Respondent DEP must be obtained if dredging or

2507filling is to be conducted in state waters, unless otherwise exempted by statute

2520or rule. As the proposed project involves placing of piling and riprap in

2533waters of the state, the proposed project involves filling as defined by

2545Subsection 373.403(14), Florida Statutes, and Rule 62-312.020(11), Florida

2553Administrative Code. No exemption is provided by statute or rule.

256346. Section 373.414, Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part:

2572(1) As part of an applicant's demonstration

2579that an activity regulated under this part will

2587not be harmful to the water resources or will

2596not be inconsistent with the overall objectives

2603of the district, the governing board or the

2611department shall require the applicant to

2617provide reasonable assurance that state water

2623quality standards applicable to waters...will

2628not be violated and reasonable assurance that

2635such activity in, on, or over surface waters

2643or wetlands...is not contrary to the public

2650interest. However, if such an activity

2656significantly degrades or is within an Outstand-

2663ing Florida Water, as provided by department rule,

2671the applicant must provide reasonable assurance

2677that the proposed activity will be clearly in

2685the public interest.

2688(a) In determining whether an activity, which

2695is in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands...

2704and is regulated under this part, is not contrary

2713to the public interest or is clearly in the public

2723interest, the governing board or the department

2730shall consider and balance the following criteria:

27371. Whether the activity will adversely affect

2744the public health, safety, or welfare or the

2752property of others;

27552. Whether the activity will adversely affect

2762the conservation of fish and wildlife, including

2769endangered or threatened species, or their habitats;

27763. Whether the activity will adversely affect

2783navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful

2792erosion or shoaling;

27954. Whether the activity will adversely affect

2802the fishing or recreational values or marine

2809productivity in the vicinity of the activity;

28165. Whether the activity will be of a temporary

2825or permanent nature;

28286. Whether the activity will adversely affect

2835or will enhance significant historical and

2841archaeological resources under the provisions

2846of s. 267.061; and

28507. The current condition and relative value

2857of functions being performed by areas affected

2864by the proposed activity.

2868(b) If the applicant is unable to otherwise

2876meet the criteria set forth in this subsection,

2884the governing board or the department, in deciding

2892to grant or deny a permit, shall consider measures

2901proposed by or acceptable to the applicant to

2909mitigate adverse effects which may be caused by

2917the regulated activity. If the applicant is unable

2925to meet water quality standards because existing

2932ambient water quality does not meet standards,

2939the governing board or the department shall consider

2947mitigation measures proposed by the applicant that

2954cause net improvement of the water quality in the

2963receiving body of water for those parameters which

2971do not meet standards.

297547. Rule 62-312.080(1), Florida Administrative Code, prohibits Respondent

2983DEP from issuing a permit unless the applicant has provided reasonable assurance

2995based on plans, test results or other information that the proposed project will

3008not violate water quality standards.

301348. Respondent Jupiter Hills has demonstrated that it has provided

3023reasonable assurance that the proposed project will not cause water quality


303549. Respondent Jupiter Hills has demonstrated that it has provided

3045reasonable assurance that the proposed project is clearly within the public



3058Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

3071RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection issue a final

3081order issuing Permit No. 432170499 to Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina.

3091DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County,



3106ERROL H. POWELL, Hearing Officer

3111Division of Administrative Hearings

3115The DeSoto Building

31181230 Apalachee Parkway

3121Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

3124(904) 488-9675

3126Filed with the Clerk of the

3132Division of Administrative Hearings

3136this 8th day of April, 1996.


3143The following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact:

3155Petitioners Proposed Findings of Fact

31601. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1.

31682. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3.

31763. Partially accepted in findings of fact 1 and 2.

31864. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2.

31945. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10.

32026. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

32097. See, conclusion of law 43. Also, partially accepted in

3219findings of fact 19-27, 34-35.

32248. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4.

32329. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5.

324010. Partially accepted in findings of fact 5 and 6.

325011. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7.

325812. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

326613. Rejected as being unnecessary. Also, see finding of

3275fact 18.

327714. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10.

328515. Partially accepted in findings of fact 8, 9, and 10.

329616. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

330417. Partially accepted in findings of fact 12 and 13.

331418. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11.

332219. See, conclusion of law 46.

332820. Partially accepted in findings of fact 9 and 16.

333821. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18.

334622. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18.

335423. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31.

336224. Partially accepted in findings of fact 18 and 28.

337225. Partially accepted in findings of fact 29 and 30.

338226. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31.

339027. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33.

339828. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

340629. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37.

341430. Partially accepted in finding of fact 36.

342231. Rejected as being argument, or a conclusion of law.

343232. Rejected as being argument, or a conclusion of law.

344233. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23.

345034. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23.

345835. Partially accepted in finding of fact 24.

346636. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

347337. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

348138. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

348939. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

349740. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3505a conclusion of law.

350941. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3517a conclusion of law.

352142. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

352943. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3537a conclusion of law.

354144. Partially accepted in findings of fact 20 and 21.

355145. Partially accepted in finding of fact 26.

355946. Partially accepted in findings of fact 3 and 20.

356947. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

357748. Rejected as being not supported by the greater weight

3587of the evidence, argument, or a conclusion of law.

359649. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3604a conclusion of law.

360850. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3616a conclusion of law.

362051. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3628a conclusion of law.

363252. Rejected as being not supported by the greater weight of

3643the evidence, argument, or

3647a conclusion of law.

365153. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3659a conclusion of law.

366354. Partially accepted in findings of fact 19-27.

367155. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3679a conclusion of law.

368356. Rejectd as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3691a conclusion of law.

369557. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3703a conclusion of law.

370758. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3715a conclusion of law.

371959. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or

3727a conclusion of law.

3731Respondent Jupiter Hills' Proposed Findings of Fact

37381. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1.

37462. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1.

37543. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2.

37624. Partially accepted in findings of fact 1 and 2.

37725. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13.

37806. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13.

37887. Partially accepted in findings of fact 30 and 31.

37988. Partially accepted in finding of fact 14.

38069. Partially accepted in finding of fact 17.

381410. Partially accepted in finding of fact 29.

382211. Partially accepted in finding of fact 34.

383012. Partially accepted in finding of fact 36.

383813. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13.

384614. Partially accepted in finding of fact 38.

385415. Partially accepted in finding of fact 39.

386216. Partially accepted in findings of fact 29, 30 and 33.

387317. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31.

388118. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15.

388919. Partially accepted in findings of fact 4, 5, 8, and 11.

390120. Partially accepted in findings of fact 5 and 6.

391121. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

391922. Partially accepted in findings of fact 5, 8, and 9.

393023. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

393824. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

394625. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9.

395426. Partially accepted in finding of fact 16.

396227. Partially accepted in findings of fact 9, 14, 15, and 16.

397428. Partially accepted in findings of fact 18, 24, and 27.

398529. Partially accepted in findings of fact 18 and 28.

399530. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28.

400331. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18.

401132. Partially accepted in finding of fact 22.

401933. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21.

402734. Partially accepted in findings of fact 20 and 26.

403735. Partially accepted in finding of fact 26.

404536. Partially accepted in findings of fact 20 and 26.

405537. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

406238. Rejected as being unnecessary, argument, or a conclusion

4071of law.

407339. Partially accepted in finding of fact 27.

408140. Partially accepted in finding of fact 27.

408941. Rejected as being argument, or a conclusion of law.

409942. Rejected as being unnecessary, argument, or a conclusion

4108of law.

411043. Rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, argument, or a

4119conclusion of law.

412244. Partially accepted in finding of fact 25.

413045. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33

413846. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33.

414647. Partially accepted in finding of fact 40.

415448. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

416149. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

416850. Rejected as being irrelevant, or unnecessary.

417551. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10.

418352. Rejected as being unnecessary, or a conclusion of law.

419353. Partially accepted in findings of fact 27 and 41.

4203Respondent DEP's Proposed Findings of Fact

42091. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1.

42172. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2.

42253. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3.

42334. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4.

42415. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5.

42496. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6.

42577. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7.

42658. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8.

42739. Partially accepted in findings of fact 9 and 10.

428310. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11.

429111. Partially accepted in findings of fact 12 and 13.

430112. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15.

430913. Partially accepted in finding of fact 14.

431714. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15.

432515. Partially accepted in finding of fact 16.

433316. Partially accepted in finding of fact 17.

434117. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18.

434918. Partially accepted in findings of fact 19 and 20.

435919. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

436720. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

437521. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20.

438322. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21.

439123. Partially accepted in finding of fact 22.

439924. Partially accepted in findings of fact 25 and 26.

440925. Partially accepted in finding of fact 26.

441726. Partially accepted in finding of fact 26.

442527. Partially accepted in finding of fact 27.

443328. Partially accepted in finding of fact 27.

444129. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28.

444930. Partially accepted in finding of fact 29.

445731. Partially accepted in finding of fact 30.

446532. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31.

447333. Partially accepted in finding of fact 32.

448134. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33.

448935. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33.

449736. Partially accepted in finding of fact 34.

450537. Partially accepted in finding of fact 35

451338. Partially accepted in finding of fact 36.

452139. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37.

452940. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37.

453741. Partially accepted in finding of fact 38.

454542. Partially accepted in finding of fact 39.

455343. Partially accepted in finding of fact 40.

456144. Partially accepted in finding of fact 41.

4569NOTE: Where a proposed finding of fact has been partially accepted, the

4581remainer has been rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, cumulative, not

4591supported by the evidence presented, not supported by the greater weight of the

4604evidence, argument, or a conclusion of law.


4613J. A. Jurgens, Esquire

4617Post Office Box 1178

4621Winter Park, Florida 32790-1178

4625Timothy C. Laubach, Esquire

4629Sears and Manuel, P.A.

46331218 Mount Vernon Street

4637Orlando, Florida 32803

4640M.Tracy Biagiotti, Esquire

4643Scott Hawkins, Esquire

4646Jones, Foster, Johnston

4649& Stubbs, P.A.

4652Post Office Box 3475

4656West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

4661(Attorney for Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina)

4667Lynette L. Ciardulli

4670Assistant General Counsel

4673Department of Environmental Protection

46772600 Blair Stone Road

4681Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

4684Douglas MacLaughlin

4686Assistant General Counsel

4689Department of Environmental Protection

46932600 Blair Stone Road

4697Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

4700Kenneth Plante

4702General Counsel

4704Department of Environmental Protection

4708Douglas Building

47103900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4713Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

4716Virginia B. Wetherell, Secretary

4720Department of Environmental Protection

4724Douglas Building

47263900 Commonwealth Boulevard

4729Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000


4738All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this recommended

4750order. All agencies allow each party at least ten days in which to submit

4764written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

4776written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

4788order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

4801to this recommended order. Any exceptions to this recommended order should be

4813filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 05/22/1996
Proceedings: (From J. Jurgens) Response of Petitioners to Notice of Intent to Strike Exceptions filed.
Date: 05/17/1996
Proceedings: Response to Petitioners to Notice of Intent to Strike Exceptions filed.
Date: 05/14/1996
Proceedings: Respondent's Responses to Exceptions filed.
Date: 05/10/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Voluntary Dismissal As to Respondents, Jackie and Bright Johnson, Jr. filed.
Date: 05/10/1996
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Strike and Response to Exceptions filed.
Date: 05/07/1996
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/08/1996
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/08/1996
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 09/20-21/95.
Date: 12/04/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Proposed Recommended Order of Petitioners, Brennen, Marins, Landreth, Wendts and Johnsons; Proposed Recommended Order of Petitioners, Brennen, Marins, Landreth, Wendts and Johnsons filed.
Date: 12/01/1995
Proceedings: Respondent, Jupiter Hills LIghthouse Marina's, Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/27/1995
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Environmental Protection's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/06/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (certified copy of transcript will be returned to petitioner's counsel and parties shall have an additional 10 days added to the time for filing proposed recommended order)
Date: 10/26/1995
Proceedings: Volume I thru IV Transcript ; Notice of Filing Original Transcripts of Administrative Hearing Before Hearing Officer Errol H. Powell Volumes I through IV w/cover filed.
Date: 10/17/1995
Proceedings: Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/17/1995
Proceedings: Volume I thru IV (Transcript) filed.
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: (Respondents) Notice of Filing Supplemental Answer to Interrogatory Number 1 filed.
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: Respondent`s Supplemental Response to First Request for Production of Documents Served by Petitioner, Edmund Brennen filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/19/1995
Proceedings: (3) Subpoena Duces Tecum; Affidavit of Service; & Cover from T. Biagiotti filed.
Date: 09/18/1995
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Petitioners Marin and Wendt filed. (from T. Biagliotti)
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: (Timothy C. Laubach) Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel w/cover filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: (M. Tracey Biagiotti) Notice of Mediation filed.
Date: 09/11/1995
Proceedings: (3) Subpoena Ad Testificandum (Unused); to HO from M. Biagiotti Returning subpoenas filed.
Date: 09/05/1995
Proceedings: (M. Tracey Biagiotti) Re-Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum (Changes Time of Deposition Only) filed.
Date: 09/01/1995
Proceedings: (M. Tracey Biagiotti) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 08/28/1995
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Court Ordered Mediation filed.
Date: 08/23/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Compel sent out.
Date: 07/28/1995
Proceedings: (M. Tracey Biagiotti) Notice of Potential Schedule Conflict filed.
Date: 07/17/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing sent out. (hearing rescheduled for Sept. 20-21, 1995; 9:00am; WPB)
Date: 07/17/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Compel Better Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/14/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Request for Hearing; (Petitioners) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 07/06/1995
Proceedings: Order of Withdrawal And Substitution of Counsel sent out. (law firm of J.A. Jurgens is counsel of record for and authorized to appear on behalf of Petitioner Edmund Brennen)
Date: 07/03/1995
Proceedings: (Respondents) Notice of Filing Answers to Interrogatories; Interrogatories; Respondent's Response to First Request for Production of Documents Served by Petitioner, Edmund Brennen filed.
Date: 07/03/1995
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation And Order for Substitution of Counsel; Order (for HO signature); Cover filed.
Date: 06/19/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioners) Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories; Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 05/30/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner, Edmund Brennen's First Interrogatories to Respondent, Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina filed.
Date: 05/16/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Counsel for Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 05/12/1995
Proceedings: Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina`s Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Petitioner Edmund Brennen; Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina`s First Interrogatories to Petitioner Edmund Brennen; Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina`s Request to Produce to Petitioner
Date: 04/28/1995
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing (from J.A. Jurgens) filed.
Date: 04/20/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to File Amended Petition sent out. (ruling on motions)
Date: 04/14/1995
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulation for Leave to File Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/20/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Enlargement of Time filed.
Date: 03/17/1995
Proceedings: Motion Requesting Hearing Officer Treat Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina`s Motion to Dismiss as Being Directed to the Petition of Jackie and Bright Johnson, Jr. filed.
Date: 03/16/1995
Proceedings: Motion Requesting Hearing Officer Treat Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina`s Motion to Dismiss as Being Directed to the Petition of Jackie and Bright Johnson, Jr. filed.
Date: 03/10/1995
Proceedings: Amended Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 95-494, 95-495, 95-496, 95-497, 95-498, 95-943)
Date: 03/10/1995
Proceedings: Case No/s 95-494, 95-495, 95-496, 95-497, 95-498: unconsolidated.
Date: 03/07/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for July 18-21, 1995; 1:30pm; WPB)
Date: 03/07/1995
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation sent out. (Consolidated cases are: 95-0494, 95-0495, 95-0496, 95-0497 & 95-0498)
Date: 03/07/1995
Proceedings: Jupiter Hills Lighthouse Marina, Inc.`s Motion to Dismiss and Request for Oral Argument w/cover filed.
Date: 03/02/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/24/1995
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/21/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Order filed.
Date: 02/10/1995
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 02/03/1995
Proceedings: Intent to Issue filed.
Date: 02/02/1995
Proceedings: Motion to Consolidate (Cases 95-0494 thru 95-0498); Request for Assignment of Hearing Officer and Notice of Preservation of Record; Petition of an Administrative Proceeding (Hearing) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida
Department of Environmental Protection

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