95-004221RU Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, December 22, 1995.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rules of Department of Transportation providing for joint use of state rights of way by utilities and for no monetary gain in use of there are valid.






16Petitioner, )

18and )







39Intervenors, )


42vs. ) CASE NO. 95-4221RU





57Respondent, )

59and )



66CO., L.P., )


70Intervenor. )



75Final hearing in the above-styled case was held in Tallahassee, Florida, on

87September 29, 1995 and October 13, 1995, before Richard Hixson, Hearing Officer

99of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


106For Petitioner: James Harold Thompson, Esquire

112R. Stan Peeler, Esquire

116Macfarlane Ausley Ferguson & McMullen

121227 South Calhoun Street

125Tallahassee, Florida 32302

128Marvin Barkin, Esquire

131Edward C. LaRose, Esquire

135Trenam, Kemker, Scharf, Barken,

139Frye, O'Neill & Mullis, P.A.

1442700 Barnett Plaza

147101 East Kennedy Boulevard

151Tampa, Florida 33602

154For Respondent: Cindy S. Price, Esquire

160Murray Wadsworth, Jr., Esquire

164Department of Transportation

167562 Haydon Burns Building

171Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

174For Intervenor: Martha Harrell Chumbler, Esquire

180Time Warner Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel,

186Smith & Cutler, P.A.

190Suite 500, 215 South Monroe Street

196Tallahassee, Florida 32301

199Gardner F. Gillespie, Esquire

203Hogan & Hartson

206555 Thirteeneth Street, North West

211Washington, D.C. 20004

214For Intervenor: John H. Haswell, Esquire

220Florida Electric Chandler, Lang & Haswell, P.A.

227Cooperative 211 East First Street

232Association, Inc. Gainesville, Florida 32601

237Michelle L. Hershel, Esquire

2412916 Apalachee Parkway

244Tallahassee, Florida 32302

247For Intervenor: Frederick M. Bryant, Esquire

253Florida Moore, Williams, Bryant, Gautier

258Municipal & Donohue

261Electric Post Office Box 1169

266Association Tallahassee, Florida 32302

270For Intervenor: Jeffery A. Froeschle, Esquire

276Florida Power 3201 Thirty-Fourth Street South

282Corporation St. Petersburg, Florida 33711


291The issues for determination in this case are whether certain provisions

302of the 1993 Florida Utility Accommodation Manual which have been adopted by

314Respondent, the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, as rules by reference in

325Rule 14-46.001(3), Florida Administrative Code, constitute invalid exercises of

334delegated legislative authority. The specific provisions of the 1993 Florida

344Utility Accommodation Manual which are at issue include the definitions of

"355utility" and "utility facilities" (page 4), the "no monetary gain" provision

366(page 7), and the "joint use" provision (page 12).

375In addition, Petitioners raised an issue as to whether Respondent, FLORIDA

386DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION violated Section 120.535, Florida Statutes, by

395failing to adopt by rule certain agency requests for information from Petitioner

407regarding costs associated with the installation and maintenance of utility




429INC., filed a Petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings pursuant to

441Sections 120.56 and 120.535, Florida Statutes, to Determine the Invalidity of

452Rules promulgated by Respondent, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. The case

462was assigned to the undersigned Hearing Officer on August 30, 1995, and set for

476hearing to commence September 29, 1995.

482On September 18, 1995, Respondent filed a Motion for Partial Summary Final

494Order as to Petitioner's claim that certain requests for information from the

506Petitioner regarding the costs associated with the installation and maintenance

516of utility poles violated the provisions of Section 120.535, Florida Statutes.

527Based on the memoranda submitted by the parties, argument of counsel, and the

540pleadings and discovery filed in this matter, Respondent's Motion for Partial

551Summary Final Order was granted at the beginning of the hearing on September 29,

5651995, for reasons more fully set forth below. The hearing proceeded on the

578three remaining claims challenging the validity of the existing rule provisions

589of the 1993 Florida Utility Accommodations Manual brought pursuant to Section

600120.56, Florida Statutes.

603Several parties sought and were granted leave to intervene in this

614proceeding. TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT CO., L.P., filed its petition to

624intervene in support of the challenged rules on August 28, 1995. FLORIDA

636ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC., filed a petition to intervene in

646opposition to the challenged rules on September 13, 1995. Subsequent petitions

657to intervene filed by the FLORIDA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., and

668FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, were granted orally at the beginning of the hearing

680on September 29, 1995.

684On September 26, 1995, Petitioner, WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER ELECTRIC



709COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION filed a joint prehearing stipulation. The additional


727ASSOCIATION, did not join in the prehearing stipulation; however both

737Intervenors agreed that their participation in this proceeding was limited by

748the stipulations and issues as delineated in the prehearing stipulation.


766WARNER ENTERTAINMENT INC., L.P., objected to the intervention of FLORIDA POWER

777CORPORATION, and continue to assert that FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION lacks

787standing to intervene in these proceedings. For the reasons set forth below,

799the objections are denied.

803Final hearing began on September 29, 1995, and was completed on October 13,


825presented the testimony of William F. Hetherington, Dennis M. LaBelle, and James

837Weeks. Petitioner presented no exhibits. Judicial notice was taken of the 1993

849Florida Utility Accommodation Manual.

853Respondent, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, presented the testimony

861of Richard Larry Noles, Jerry Sasser, and Paul Kaczorowski, and presented three

873exhibits which were admitted into evidence without objection. Intervenor, TIME

883WARNER ENTERTAINMENT, INC., L.P., presented no witnesses, and offered two

893exhibits which were admitted without objection. Judicial notice was taken of

904Florida Attorney General's Opinion 067-26, and 47 U.S.C.A. s. 224. The

915remaining Intervenors presented no witnesses and no exhibits.

923Pursuant to agreement of the parties, recommended final orders were filed

934on November 17, 1995. Specific rulings on the proposed findings submitted by

946the parties are set forth in the Appendix attached hereto.



966is a cooperatively-owned utility operating in the State of Florida.

9762. Respondent, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT), is the agency

986of the State of Florida vested with jurisdiction over the regulation of the use

1000of state rights-of-way along, across, or on any public roads or publicly owned

1013rail corridors.

10153. WITHLACOOCHEE owns utility poles which are located in state rights-of-


10274. FDOT has promulgated rules for the regulation of the usage of the state

1041rights-of-way by utilities, including cooperatively-owned utilities such as


10505. WITHLACOOCHEE holds valid permits issued by FDOT which authorize and

1061regulate the placement of its utility poles on state rights-of way.

10726. FDOT does not receive from WITHLACOOCHEE any fees or other compensation

1084for the placement of its utility poles on state rights-of-way.


1104in the business of providing cable television service throughout the State of

1116Florida, and has placed and maintains cable television lines within the state

1128rights-of way. Cable television lines are structures similar to telephone,

1138telegraph and other lines transmitting communications.

11448. Intervenor, TIME WARNER, (including its predecessors), and

1152WITHLACOOCHEE have been joint users of the state rights-of-way in Pasco,

1163Hernando, and Citrus Counties since before 1982.

11709. Intervenor, TIME WARNER, including its predecessors, and WITHLACOOCHEE

1179have entered into pole sharing agreements regarding the placement and

1189maintenance of TIME WARNER's cable television lines on WITHLACOOCHEE's utility


120010. On or about November of 1994, the pole sharing agreements between TIME

1213WARNER and WITHLACOOCHEE terminated.

121711. Prior to the termination of the pole sharing agreements, on April 13,

12301994, TIME WARNER filed a petition with FDOT requesting that FDOT address and

1243resolve the dispute with WITHLACOOCHEE.

124812. The TIME WARNER petition was the first such petition ever filed with


126213. By order dated June 14, 1995, FDOT denied WITHLACOOCHEE's Motion to

1274Dismiss the TIME WARNER petition.

127914. In an effort to collect information regarding the petition, FDOT by

1291letter dated July 6, 1994, and subsequently by Show Cause Order entered June 14,

13051995, requested pole cost information from WITHLACOOCHEE. On June 30, 1995,

1316WITHLACOOCHEE responded to the Show Cause Order, contesting the authority of

1327FDOT to request such information.

133215. FDOT has not promulgated rules with respect to the request of costs

1345associated with installation and maintenance of utility poles or other such

1356information from a utility.



1376filed a Petition for Leave to Intervene in these proceedings alleging that it is

1390a utility in the State of Florida, that it owns poles in the state rights-of-

1405way, that it has entered into pole sharing agreements with cable television

1417companies which set rates that the cable television companies will pay to

1429FLORIDA POWER to attach their cables to FLORIDA POWER's poles. These

1440allegations were not disputed.

144417. Respondent FDOT and Intervenor TIME WARNER contend that FLORIDA POWER

1455lacks standing because under 47 U.S.C. s. 224, the Federal Communications

1466Commission, and not FDOT, has authority to regulate the rates, terms, and

1478conditions for attachments by cable television systems, and therefore the

1488substantial interests of FLORIDA POWER are not affected in this proceeding.

149918. FLORIDA POWER's substantial interests are affected by a determination

1509of FDOT's definition of "utility" and "utility facilities", and by a

1520determination of the extent to which FDOT has jurisdiction over the regulation

1532of the use of the state rights-of-way by utilities. FLORIDA POWER has a

1545substantial interest in the determination of the application of federal and

1556state statutes in this regard, and should not be foreclosed from presenting its

1569position in these proceedings.


157719. WITHLACOOCHEE challenges three provisions contained in the 1993

1586Florida Utility Accommodation Manual (Manual). FDOT has adopted the Manual as a

1598rule by reference in Rule 14-46.001(3), Florida Administrative Code.

1607Specifically, WITHLACOOCHEE challenges the Manual's definition of "utility" and

"1616utility facilities", (page 4), the "no monetary gain" provision, (page 7), and

1628the "joint use" provision, (page 12).

163420. The Manual provides guidelines for the issuance of utility permits on

1646public roads maintained by FDOT. A version of the Manual has been in existence

1660since at least 1964. The 1993 edition of the Manual contains, on page 5, a

1675statement of intent which provides in pertinent part:

1683This Manual is established to regulate the

1690location, manner, installation and adjustment

1695of utility facilities along, across, under or

1702on any right-of-way under the jurisdiction of

1709the FDOT. This Manual also is used for

1717issuing permits for such work which is in the

1726interest of safety, protection, utilization

1731and future development of the highways with

1738due consideration given to public serves

1744afforded by adequate and economical utility

1750installations as authorized under Section

1755337.403, Florida Statutes and Florida

1760Administrative Code Rule 14-46.001. Adherence

1765shall be required under the circumstances set

1772forth in this Manual. Where actual field

1779conditions vary from those outlined in this

1786Manual, disputes may arise as to what

1793accommodation criteria is appropriate under

1798the actual conditions. Such disputes which

1804cannot be resolved at the local or District

1812level by mutual agreement shall be referred

1819to the State Utility Administrator or

1825designee for final resolution. While this

1831Manual governs matters concerning future

1836location, manner and methods for the installa-

1843tion or adjustments and maintenance of utilities

1850on FDOT right-of-way, it does not alter current

1858regulations pertaining to authority for their

1864installation nor does it determine financial

1870responsibilities for placement or adjustment


187621. The Manual is prepared with the consultation and cooperation of the

1888Florida Utilities Coordinating Committee (Committee).

189322. The Committee is a voluntary private organization comprised of

1903representatives from various utilities, including cooperatively owned utilities,

1911that coordinates and communicates with FDOT on issues impacting both the utility

1923industries and FDOT. The Committee meets with representatives of FDOT on a

1935regular basis to develop policy recommendations on such issues.

194423. The Committee worked with representatives of FDOT in developing the

19551993 edition of the Manual. Members of the Committee had knowledge of the

1968provisions of the 1993 edition of the Manual prior to adoption of the Manual as

1983a rule by FDOT.

1987Definition of "Utility" and "Utility Facilities"

199324. In 1993 the Manual was amended to include "television transmission

2004signals" within the definitions of "utility" and "utility facilities" on page 4

2016of the Manual. Specifically, the Manual provides:

2023Utility - All privately, publicly or

2029cooperatively owned lines, facilities and

2034systems for producing, transmitting or

2039distributing communications, power, electric-

2043ity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products,

2050water, steam, waste and storm water not

2057connected with highway drainage, and other

2063similar commodities, including television

2067transmission signals, publicly owned fire

2072and police signal systems and street lighting

2079systems, which directly or indirectly serve

2085the public or any part thereof. The term

"2093Utility" shall also mean the UAO, inclusive

2100of wholly owned or controlled subsidiary.

2106Utility Facilities - All privately, or

2112publicly or cooperatively owned lines,

2117facilities and systems for producing, trans-

2123mitting or distributing communications, power,

2128electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude

2134products, water, steam, waste, storm water not

2141connected with highway drainage and other

2147similar commodities, including television

2151transmission signals, fire and police signal

2157system and street lighting systems, which

2163directly or indirectly serve the Public or

2170any part thereof.

217325. The 1993 amendment to the Manual to include television transmission

2184signals within the definitions of "utility" and "utility facilities" was adopted

2195at the request of the Committee.

220126. Television transmission signals are transmitted by structures similar

2210to other utilities and utility facilities as defined in the Manual.

2221Joint Use Provisions

222427. The accommodations standards set forth in the Manual, (page 12),

2235provide for the basic requirements governing location of utility installations

2245on state rights-of way. These requirements include a general requirement that

2256for installation of overhead utilities, one side of the right-of-way is reserved

2268for communication lines, and one side for power lines. The basis for this

2281requirement is that the greater number of structures placed in the right-of-way

2293increases the risk of accidents to the traveling public.

230228. It is in the interest of safety for the traveling public for FDOT to

2317minimize the number of structures placed in the state rights-of way. In

2329Florida, between 1990 and 1993, vehicle collisions with utility poles resulted

2340in 297 deaths. Under conditions found in Florida, the density of poles or other

2354structures in the right-of-way is the factor most closely identified with the

2366number of such vehicle accidents.

237129. Since at least 1964, FDOT has required that in cases where more than

2385one utility agency or owner (UAO) proposes an aerial installation on the same

2398side of a highway, a joint use arrangement must be agreed to by the UAOs. This

2414provision is also contained in the 1993 Manual, and specifically provides:

2425For the installation of overhead utilities,

2431one side of the right-of-way is usually

2438reserved for communication lines and the other

2445side is reserved for power lines. In

2452situations where underground and overhead

2457utilities occupy the same side of the roadway,

2465the overhead facility should be placed on the

2473outside of the underground facility to provide

2480the maximum clear roadside recovery area possible.

2487In cases where more than one UAO proposes an

2496aerial installation on the same side of the

2504highway, a joint-use arrangement must be

2510agreed to by the UAOS.

2515Only single pole lines shall be permitted

2522on each side of FDOT's right-of-way. Any

2529exception must be amply justified and approved

2536by the State Utility Administrator or designee.

2543In cases where the UAOS cannot agree, the

2551dispute shall be referred to the State Utility

2559Administrator or designee whose determination

2564shall be final. This does not prohibit a

2572single UAO from occupying both sides of the

2580right-of-way when there are no objections

2586from other UAOS if proper justification is

2593provided to the FDOT, and there is only one

2602pole line on each side of the right-of-way.

261030. As indicated above, in cases where the UAOs cannot agree, the Manual

2623provides that the State Utility Administrator or his designee shall resolve the


263631. Until this dispute arose between WITHLACOOCHEE and TIME WARNER, FDOT

2647had not been petitioned to resolve a joint use dispute between a power company

2661and cable television company.

2665No Monetary Gain Provision

266932. Contained in the provisions of the Manual setting forth the

2680requirements for making application to use the state right-of-way, there is a

2692prohibition against use of the state right-of-way for profit. Specifically, the

2703Manual on page 5 provides:

2708No individual, firm, company or governmental

2714agency may be permitted to use the FDOT

2722right-of-way for monetary gain except where

2728provided for by the Public Service Commission,

2735Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or

2740Federal Communications Commission.

274333. This provision was adopted in response to complaints received by FDOT

2755that utilities were making a profit from use of the state rights-of-way.

2767Specifically, FDOT had been informed that a company was constructing surplus

2778conduits in the state rights-of-way for the purpose of leasing the use of the

2792conduit to other utilities. Conduit, like poles, is used for communications

2803distribution systems.

280534. The provision was drafted by Richard Larry Noles, an FDOT employee.

2817The provision was provided to the Committee prior to adoption, and was accepted

2830by the Committee with the addition of the provision to allow for monetary gain

2844where provided for by the Public Service Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory

2855Commission, or Federal Communications Commission. Cooperatively-owned

2861utilities, including WITHLACOOCHEE, are not exempted from the no monetary gain


287335. The intent of the no monetary gain provision is to provide equal

2886access to all users of the state rights-of-way, and to prevent subsidization of

2899one utility at the expense of the customers of another utility.

291036. It is not the purpose of the no monetary gain provision to determine

2924the rates charged to customers of a utility.


293537. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction of the

2945subject matter and the parties hereto pursuant to Sections 120.535, 120.56, and

2957120.57, Florida Statutes.


296138. For the reasons set forth above, Intervenor, FLORIDA POWER

2971CORPORATION, has substantial interests that are affected in the determination of

2982the issues presented in this case for purposes of establishing standing under

2994the provisions of Rule 60Q-2.010, Florida Administrative Code, and Agrico

3004Chemical Company v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 406 So. 2d 478 (Fla.

30161st DCA 1981). FDOT's and TIME WARNER's Motion to Dismiss Intervenor FLORIDA

3028POWER CORPORATION for lack of standing is accordingly DENIED.

3037Challenge to Unadopted Rules

304139. The pole cost information requested from WITHLACOOCHEE by FDOT is not

3053a "form" soliciting information, and does not constitute an agency statement of

3065general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy

3075or describes the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of the agency

3086as defined in Section 120.52(16), Florida Statutes.

309340. This case is one of first impression. FDOT has not previously been

3106petitioned to determine a joint use dispute regarding these issues. This is the

3119first instance in which FDOT has made a request for pole cost information.

3132Under these circumstances, FDOT's request for information should not be

3142construed to constitute a rule. Florida League of Cities v. Administration

3153Commission, 586 So. 2d 397 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

316241. Respondent's Motion for Partial Summary Final Order is accordingly


3173Challenge to Adopted Rules

317742. Petitioner WITHLACOOCHEE, as the party challenging the rules at issue

3188here, has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the

3202challenged rules are an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

3212Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund v. Levy, 656 So. 2d

32261359, 1363 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Dravo Basic Materials Co. v. State Department

3239of Transportation, 602 So. 2d 632, 634 (Fla. 2d DCA 1992).

325043. Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes provides that a rule is invalid if

3262one of the following standards applies:

3268(8) "Invalid exercise of delegated

3273legislative authority" means action which

3278goes beyond the powers, functions, and duties

3285delegated by the Legislature. A proposed or

3292existing rule is an invalid exercise of

3299delegated legislative authority if any one or

3306more of the following apply:

3311(a) The agency has materially failed to

3318follow the applicable rulemaking procedures

3323set forth in s. 120.54;

3328(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

3336rulemaking authority, citation to which is

3342required by s. 120.54(7);

3346(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or cont-

3353ravenes the specific provisions of law imple-

3360mented, citation to which is required by s.


3369(d) The rule is vague, fails to establish

3377adequate standards for agency decisions, or

3383vests unbridled discretion in the agency; or

3390(e) The rule is arbitrary or capricious.

339744. The authority cited by FDOT for the challenged rules is Section

3409337.401, Florida Statutes which provides in pertinent part:

3417(1) The department and local governmental

3423entities, referred to in ss. 337.401-337.404

3429as the "authority," that have jurisdiction

3435and control of public roads or publicly owned

3443rail corridors are authorized to prescribe

3449and enforce reasonable rules or regulations

3455with reference to the placing and maintaining

3462along, across, or on any road or publicly owned

3471rail corridors under their respective jurisdic-

3477tions any electric transmission, telephone, or

3483telegraph lines; pole lines; poles; railways;

3489ditches; sewers; water, heat, or gas mains,

3496pipelines; fences; gasoline tanks and pumps;

3502or other structure hereinafter referred to

3508as the "utility."

3511(2) The authority may grant to any person

3519who is a resident of this state, or to any

3529corporation which is organized under the laws

3536of this state or licensed to do business

3544within this state, the use of a right-of-way

3552for the utility in accordance with such rules

3560or regulations as the authority may adopt.

3567No utility shall be installed, located, or

3574relocated unless authorized by a written

3580permit issued by the authority. The permit

3587shall require the permitholder to be respon-

3594sible for any damage resulting from the issuance

3602of such permit. The authority may initiate

3609injunctive proceedings as provided in s. 120.69

3616to enforce provisions of this subsection or any

3624rule or order issued or entered into pursuant


363345. In considering FDOT's construction and application of this statute

3643under these circumstances, the record reflects that in developing the provisions

3654of the 1993 edition of the Florida Utility Accommodations Manual which are here

3667challenged by Petitioner, FDOT has allowed the affected parties to help shape

3679the provisions which will regulate them. Accordingly, in this respect, it has

3691been held:

3693When as here an agency has responded to rule-

3702making incentives and has allowed affected

3708parties to help shape the rules they know will

3717regulate them in the future, the judiciary must

3725not, and we shall not, overly restrict the

3733range of an agency's interpretative powers.

3739Permissible interpretations of a statute must

3745and will be sustained, though other interpreta-

3752tions are possible and may even seem preferable

3760according to some views. If the rule binds too

3769tightly to suit them, the appellee developers

3776have their proper remedy in the representative

3783and politically responsive branches, the

3788legislative or executive, but not in the

3795judiciary, nor in Section 120.56 rule challenge

3802proceedings before a hearing officer.

3807Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services v. Framat Realty, Inc., 407 So.

38192d 238, 242 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

382646. Moreover, "if an agency's interpretation of its governing statutes is

3837one of several permissible interpretations, it must be upheld, despite the

3848existence of reasonable alternatives." Board of Trustees of Internal

3857Improvement Trust Fund v. Levy, supra, 656 So. 2d at 1363 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

3872Definition of Utility and Utility Facilities

387847. Petitioner takes the position that the inclusion of television

3888transmission signals in the definition of "utility" and "utility facilities"

3898enlarges or modifies the authorizing statute. In this respect, however, the

3909authorizing statute Section 337.401(1), Florida Statutes, as set forth

3918above, specifically provides FDOT with the authority to prescribe and enforce

3929reasonable rules and regulation for the use of right-of-way by enumerated

3940utilities and "other structures" which may be referred to as the "utility" for

3953purpose of the statute.

395748. In accordance with the doctrine of ejusdem generis, the inclusion by

3969the Legislature of the more general term "other structures" after the

3980enumeration of the specific utilities, requires that the term "other structures"

3991be construed to refer to things of the same kind or likeness of those things

4006enumerated. Thomas v. City of Crescent City, 503 So. 2d 1299, 1300 (Fla. 2d

4020DCA 1987); Transcom Trailers, Inc. v. Northland Insurance Co., 436 So. 2d 380,

4033381 (Fla. 5th DCA 1983).

403849. In this respect, cable television transmission structures are similar

4048to other forms of communication lines, including telephone and telegraph lines

4059which are specifically enumerated in Section 337.401(1), Florida Statutes. The

4069inclusion of television transmission signals in the definition of "utility" and

"4080utility facilities" in the Manual is a reasonable construction of the statute

4092and does not constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

4103The Joint Use Rule

410750. The primary use of the state rights-of-way is for the traveling

4119public. A secondary purpose is for the use of such rights-of-way by utilities.

4132The use of state rights-of-way by a utility is a privilege. Op. Att'y Gen. Fla

4147067-26 (1967) citing Peninsular Telephone Co. v. Marks, 198 So. 330 (Fla. 1940)

416051. The safety of the traveling public is the first concern in the

4173operation and maintenance of the state highway system. Southern Bell Telephone

4184v. State, 75 So. 2d 796, 799 (Fla. 1954).

419352. "Great weight will be given to rules which have been in effect over an

4208extended period and the meaning assigned to them by officials charged with their

4221administration unless clearly erroneous." State Department of Commerce v.

4230Mathews Corporation, 358 So. 2d 256, 260 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978).

424153. The joint use rule as set forth in the Manual has been substantially

4255in effect since at least 1964, and accordingly should be given great weight.

4268Moreover, the joint use rule clearly promotes the safety of the traveling public

4281be minimizing the number of structures located in the state rights-of-way. The

4293joint use rule provides equal access to the state rights-of-way in a reasonable

4306manner for all applicants. There is no evidence that the joint use rule as

4320administered by the FDOT is arbitrary or capricious.

432854. Section 337.401(2), Florida Statutes, as set forth above specifically

4338provides FDOT may grant a permit to use the state rights-of-way in accordance

4351with reasonable rules adopted by FDOT. The joint use rule is a reasonable

4364implementation of the statutory authority provided to FDOT, and the evidence

4375does not establish that the rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative


4389The No Monetary Gain Rule

439455. The no monetary gain rule as set forth on page 7 of the 1993 edition

4410of the Manual was adopted with the help and cooperation of the utilities

4423industry and accordingly the interpretation given by the agency should not be

4435overly restricted. Framat Realty, supra, 407 So. 2d at 242.

444556. The no monetary gain rule applies only to those operations of

4457utilities that occur in the state rights-of-way and does not contravene, modify,

4469or enlarge FDOT's authority under Section 337.401, Florida Statutes.

447857. The no monetary gain rule merely prohibits a utility from making a

4491profit in the use of its permit to locate structures in the state rights-of-way.

4505The rule is not vague and does not purport to establish rates which may be

4520charged to customers of a utility.

452658. The no monetary gain rule in conjunction with the joint use rule

4539further promotes the safety of the travelling public by minimizing the number of

4552structures required to be located in the limited space of the state rights-of-

4565way, while balancing the interests of all utility applicants. The no monetary

4577gain rule is a reasonable exercise of the statutory authority granted to FDOT.

459059. The absence of specific methods or formulas for the calculation of

4602whether a utility is in violation of the no monetary gain rule does not require

4617the rule be determined invalid. Any dispute regarding the agency's final

4628determination of the utility pole costs involved in the application and

4639enforcement of the no monetary gain rule may be resolved in accordance with

4652Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

465660. The evidence does not establish that the no monetary gain rule is an

4670invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.


4678Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is


4692That the Petition for Determination of the Invalidity of Department of

4703Transportation Rules filed in the above-styled case is hereby DISMISSED.

4713DONE and ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon

4725County, Florida.


4728RICHARD HIXSON, Hearing Officer

4732Division of Administrative Hearings

4736The DeSoto Building

47391230 Apalachee Parkway

4742Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

4745(904) 488-9675

4747Filed with the Clerk of the

4753Division of Administrative Hearings

4757this 22nd day of December, 1995.


4764As to Petitioner's and Florida Power's Proposed Findings:

47721.-9. Accepted and incorporated.

477610.-11. Accepted, but not relevant.

478112.-14. Accepted.

478315.-17. Accepted and incorporated.

478718.-21. Accepted, except that Florida Department of

4794Transportation does not permit monetary gain from the

4802use of state rights of way.

480822.-23. Accepted and incorporated.

481224. Accepted, but not relevant

481725.-30. Accepted and incorporated.

482131. Rejected to the extent that Florida Department of

4830Transportation has the ability to determine profit and

4838apply the no monetary gain rule.

484432.-33. Accepted and incorporated.

484834. Rejected as not supported by weight of evidence.

485735.-39. Accepted and incorporated.

486140. Rejected, as to Florida Department of Transportation's

4869statements of intent.

487241.-42. Accepted but not relevant

487743.-46. Rejected as not supported by weight of evidence.

488647.-54. Rejected, see paragraph 31.

489155.-58. Accepted, but not relevant.

489659.-63. Rejected, see paragraph 31.

490164.-66. Accepted and incorporated.

490567. Rejected as irrelevant.

490968.-69. Rejected as not supported by weight of evidence.

491870.-72. Accepted and incorporated.

492273. Rejected as to experts conclusions.

4928As to Respondent's and Time Warner's Proposed Findings.

49361.-7. Accepted and incorporated.

49408.-12. Conclusions of law.

494413.-18. Accepted and incorporated

494819.-25. Accepted and incorporated.

495226. Conclusions of law.

495627. Accepted and incorporated.

496028. Conclusions of law.

496429.-36. Accepted and incorporated.

496837. Conclusions of law.


4974James Harold Thompson, Esquire

4978R. Stan Peeler, Esquire

4982Macfarlane Ausley Ferguson &


4987227 South Calhoun Street

4991Tallahassee, Florida 32302

4994Marvin Barkin, Esquire

4997Edward C. LaRose, Esquire

5001Trenam, Kemker, Scharf, Barken,

5005Frye, O'Neill & Mullis, P.A.

50102700 Barnett Plaza

5013101 East Kennedy Boulevard

5017Tampa, Florida 33602

5020Cindy S. Price, Esquire

5024Murray Wadsworth, Jr., Esquire

5028Department of Transportation

5031562 Haydon Burns Building

5035Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450

5038Martha Harrell Chumbler, Esquire

5042Carlton, Fields, Ward, Emmanuel,

5046Smith & Cutler, P.A.

5050Suite 500

5052215 South Monroe Street

5056Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5059Gardner F. Gillespie, Esquire

5063Hogan & Hartson

5066555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.

5070Washington, D.C. 20004

5073John H. Haswell, Esquire

5077Chandler, Lang & Haswell, P.A.

5082211 East First Street

5086Gainesville, Florida 32601

5089Michelle L. Hershel, Esquire

50932916 Apalachee Parkway

5096Tallahassee, Florida 32302

5099Frederick M. Bryant, Esquire

5103Moore, Williams, Bryant, Gautier

5107& Donohue

5109Post Office Box 1169

5113Tallahassee, Florida 32302

5116Jeffery A. Froeschle, Esquire

51203201 Thirty-fourth Street South

5124St. Petersburg, Florida 33711

5128Ben W. Watts, Secretary

5132Attn: Diedre Grubbs

5135Department of Transportation

5138Haydon Burns Building

5141605 Suwannee Street, M.S. 58

5146Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

5149Thornton J. Williams

5152General Counsel

5154Department of Transportation

5157Haydon Burns Building

5160605 Suwannee Street, M.S. 58

5165Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

5168Carroll Webb, Executive Director

5172Administrative Procedures Committee

5175Holland Building, Room 120

5179Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

5182Liz Cloud, Chief

5185Bureau of Administrative Code

5189Department of State

5192The Elliott Building

5195Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250


5204A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to Judicial

5218Review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are

5228governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

5239commenced by filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the Agency Clerk of the

5255Division of Administrative Hearings, and a second copy accompanied by filing

5266fees prescribed by law with the District Court of Appeal, First District, or

5279with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the party

5292resides. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the

5307order to be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/02/1996
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT (Cross-Appeal is DISMISSED) filed.
Date: 03/01/1996
Proceedings: By Order of the Court (filed in the 1st DCA, appeal dismissed, Cross-appeal still pending) filed.
Date: 03/01/1996
Proceedings: Appeal preparation check in the amount of $126.00 from Chandler, Landand Haswell filed.
Date: 02/22/1996
Proceedings: Payment in the amount of $126.00 for indexing filed.
Date: 02/16/1996
Proceedings: Index & Statement of Service sent out.
Date: 01/31/1996
Proceedings: DCA Case Number 1-96-230 filed.
Date: 01/29/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Cross Appeal rec'd (DOT)
Date: 01/26/1996
Proceedings: (Marianne A. Trussell) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 01/26/1996
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from DCA filed. DCA Case No. 1-96-251 (Withlacoochee River)
Date: 01/19/1996
Proceedings: Certificate of Notice of Appeal of Final Order sent out.
Date: 01/19/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal (Withlacoochee river electric coop) filed.
Date: 01/19/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal of Final Order (Florida Power Corp.) filed.
Date: 01/18/1996
Proceedings: Certificate of Notice of Appeal sent out.
Date: 01/17/1996
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal (Intervenor-Florida Electric Coop)filed.
Date: 12/22/1995
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 12/22/1995
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out. Hearing held 09/29/95 & 10/13/95.
Date: 11/17/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/17/1995
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Notice of Filing Proposed Final Order; (Intervenor's Proposed) Final Order filed.
Date: 11/17/1995
Proceedings: Florida Municipal Electric Association, Inc`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/17/1995
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing; (Respondent's Proposed) Final Order filed.
Date: 11/17/1995
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order of Florida Power Corporation filed.
Date: 10/18/1995
Proceedings: Transcript (Volume 3, tagged) filed.
Date: 10/13/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/12/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Amended Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 10/10/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Response to Motions in Limine and for Reconsideration filed.
Date: 10/09/1995
Proceedings: Transcripts (Volumes I, II, tagged) filed.
Date: 10/06/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Reconsideration; Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 10/06/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Protective Order sent out.
Date: 10/06/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 10/05/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Filing Transcript of Deposition of Thomas Boyd; Deposition of Thomas Boyd filed.
Date: 10/05/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 10/03/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/29/1995
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held, continued to 10/13/95; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner`s Response to Petition to Intervene of Florida Power Corporation ; Time Warner`s Opposition to Petition to Intervene of Florida Municipal Electric Association, Inc. filed.
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: State of Florida Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing Transcript of Depositions of Billy Brown And Eennis LaBelle filed.
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: Deposition of William F. Hetherington ; Letter to W. Hetherington from Dawn Whitmarsh; Deposition of Billy E. Brown ; Deposition of Bill Tipton filed.
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: Deposition of Dennis M. Labelle ; Letter to Dennis LaBelle from Associated Court Reporters; Letter to Jean Howard from Associated Court Reporters filed.
Date: 09/28/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing; (2) Affidavit In Support of Respondent's Motion for Partial Summary Final Order; (Respondent) Motion for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Answers to Second Interrogatories from Time Warner Entertainment Co.,L.P. filed.
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: (2) Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed.
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation`s Notice of Filing; Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; (2) Subpoena Duces Tecum; (2) Affidavit of Service filed.
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation`s Response to WREC`s Request for Admissions; Department of Transportation`s Notice of Service of Answers and Objections; Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative,Inc`s Third Set of Int
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Hearing filed.
Date: 09/27/1995
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/26/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Response to Withlacoochee's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 09/26/1995
Proceedings: (4) Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed.
Date: 09/25/1995
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Appearance (from Murray Wadsworth) filed.
Date: 09/25/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/25/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Protective Order and Denying Award of Attorneys Fees sent out.
Date: 09/25/1995
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum; The Deposition of James Weeks filed.
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Memorandum of Law in Support of Respondent's Motion for Partial Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Response to DOT`s Motion for Protective Order and for Award of Attorney`s Fees; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Response to DOT`s Motion for Partial Summary Final Order; Notice of Taking De
Date: 09/22/1995
Proceedings: Petition of Florida Power Corporation for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Intervenor, Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. filed.
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Motion for Protective Order and for Award of Attorney's Fees filed.
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Motion for Hearing (set for 9/25/95; 11:00am); Amended Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Third Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Second Set of Interrogatories Propounded to Time Warner Entertainment Co.,
Date: 09/21/1995
Proceedings: Petition for Leave to Intervene on Behalf of The Florida Municipal Electric Association, Inc. filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: Order sent out. (by: FECA's Motion to Intervene is Granted)
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: (Time Warner) Notice of Joinder and Concurrence filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Filing Transcript of Depositions of James Weeks, Jerry Sasser, Richard Larry Noles and Paul Kaczorowkski filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Request for Admissions to Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: Deposition of Jerry Sasser; Deposition of Richard Larry Knowles; Deposition of Paul Kaczorowski; Deposition of James Weeks (2 Volumes) filed. (Depositions TAGGED)
Date: 09/20/1995
Proceedings: Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc`s Argument in Support of Its Motion to Intervene; Cover Letter from J. Haswell filed.
Date: 09/19/1995
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/19/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Notice of Filing; Time Warner's Opposition to Petition to Intervene of Florida Electric Cooperative Association filed.
Date: 09/19/1995
Proceedings: Florida Electric Cooperative Association, Inc`s Argument in Support of its Motion to Intervene filed.
Date: 09/18/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/18/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/18/1995
Proceedings: (DOT) Motion for Partial Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 09/18/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Second Interrogatories to Department of Transportation; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Filing Department of Transportation Answers to Interrogatories Propounded By Withlacoochee
Date: 09/15/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/15/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: Time Warner's Objections to Petitioner's Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum; Return Service filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Response to Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/14/1995
Proceedings: Petition for Leave to Intervene on Behalf of the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc.; Letter to HO from John Haswell Re: Petition to Intervene on behalf of Florida Electric Cooperative Association,Inc. and request to s chedule a telephone hear
Date: 09/13/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories from Time Warner Entertainment Co., L.P.; Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/12/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing; Department of Transportation's Notice of Service of Second Request for Production filed.
Date: 09/12/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Record Request for Production of Documents; Department's Response to Withlacoochee's Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/11/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum; (2) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 09/11/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Response to DOT`s Request for Admissions; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Response to Request for Production of Documents; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service
Date: 09/11/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Time Warner Entertainment Co., L.P.; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Request for Production of Documents to Time Warner Enter tainment Co., L.P.; Noti
Date: 09/08/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Notice of Service of Second Set of Interrogatories to Department of Transportation filed.
Date: 09/08/1995
Proceedings: (Martha H. Chumbler) Notice of Serving Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 09/07/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Memorandum of Law in Response to Withlacoochee River Cooperative, Inc`s, Motion to Compel filed.
Date: 09/06/1995
Proceedings: Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Motion to Compel; Cover Letter filed.
Date: 09/06/1995
Proceedings: Order Granting Time Warner's Petition to Intervene And Order for Accelerated Discovery sent out. (Time Warner petition to intervene granted)
Date: 09/05/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transporation's Notice of Service of Request for Production; Department of Transportation's Request for Production of Documents; DOT's First Request for Admissions; Department of Transportation'sNotice of Setvice of First Request for Admiss
Date: 09/05/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation`s Notice of Filing; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Interrogatories (case no. 95-3337RX); Department of Transportation`s Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc.;
Date: 09/05/1995
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Hearing filed.
Date: 09/01/1995
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 9/29/95; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 09/01/1995
Proceedings: Prehearing Order sent out.
Date: 09/01/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Department of Transportation's Notice of Service of First Request for Admissions to Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc. rec'd
Date: 08/31/1995
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Service of Answers and Objections; Motion to Establish Expedited Discovery Schedule filed.
Date: 08/30/1995
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 08/29/1995
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from J. York w/cc: Agency General Counsel sent out.
Date: 08/28/1995
Proceedings: (Time Warner Entertainment Co) Petition for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 08/24/1995
Proceedings: Cover Letter from S. Peeler; Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative, Inc`s Petition to Determine the Invalidity of Department of Transportation Rules (& exhibits A-G) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Transportation

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (8):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):