Joyce Griffith vs.
Division Of Retirement
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, July 11, 1997.
Recommended Order on Friday, July 11, 1997.
12Petitioner, )
15vs. ) Case No. 96-5806
30Respondent. )
35Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings,
43by its duly designated Administrative Law Judge, Susan B.
52Kirkland, held a formal hearing in this case on June 24, 1997, in
65Fort Lauderdale, Florida, by video teleconference.
72For Petitioner: Regina S. Buskin, Esquire
78Connie L. Hiaasen, Esquire
82Buskin and Hiaasen, P.A.
86707 Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 101
92Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
96For Respondent: Augustus D. Aikens, Jr.
102Chief Legal Counsel
105Division of Retirement
108Cedars Executive Center, Building C
1132639 North Monroe Street
117Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
124Whether Petitioner is entitled to the retirement benefits of
133her late husband, Frederick Griffith.
140By letter dated November 12, 1996, Respondent, Department of
149Management Services, Division of Retirement (Division), denied
156the request of Petitioner, Joyce Griffith, that she be deemed the
167designated beneficiary for the pension benefits of her late
176husband Frederick Griffith. Joyce Griffith was denied the
184benefits because the file of the Division reflected that the
194designated beneficiary of record was Ruth Griffith,
201Mr. Griffith's former wife. Joyce Griffith filed a petition for
211an administrative hearing dated December 3, 1996. The case was
221forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings on December
23011, 1996, for assignment to an administrative law judge.
239The final hearing was scheduled for February 18, 1997. On
249February 14, 1997, Petitioner filed an Amended Motion for
258Continuance, which motion was granted. The final hearing was
267rescheduled for June 24, 1997. Ruth Griffith filed a Petition to
278Intervene, which was granted on March 10, 1997. On June 12,
2891997, the Intervenor filed a Motion to Withdraw Petition to
299Intervene. The motion was granted by Order dated June 13, 1997.
310At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on her own behalf
320and called the following witnesses: Debra Williams, Vicki Moten,
329Stanley Colvin, Ronald Cote, and David Ragsdale. Petitioner's
337Exhibits 1-6 were admitted in evidence. At the final hearing,
347Respondent called Stanley Colvin and David Ragsdale as its
356witnesses. Respondent's Exhibits 1-4 were admitted in evidence.
364A transcript was not ordered. The parties agreed to file
374proposed recommended orders within ten days from the close of the
385hearing. The parties timely filed their proposed recommended
3971. Frederick Griffith was employed with the Broward County
406School System from January 4, 1971, until his death on June 9,
4192. Frederick Griffith was enrolled with the State of
428Florida Retirement System at the time of his death.
4373. Frederick Griffith separated from his first wife, Ruth
446Griffith, in 1976, and they were divorced on October 25, 1989.
4574. Frederick Griffith and Petitioner, Joyce Griffith, were
465married on November 25, 1989, after having been together for
475approximately 12 years. Joyce and Frederick Griffith were
483married at the time of his death.
4905. Joyce Griffith applied for her husband's benefits as the
500surviving spouse.
5026. The Respondent, Division of Retirement (Division),
509denied Joyce Griffith benefits as surviving spouse, stating that
518the beneficiary of record was Ruth Griffith. The Division
527advised Joyce Griffith that they would recognize her as surviving
537spouse and pay her a monthly benefit if Ruth Griffith would
548disclaim her rights as the designated beneficiary.
5557. Ruth Griffith refused to disclaim her rights and applied
565for the benefits as the designated beneficiary. The Division
574paid her $4,373.94. Because Ruth Griffith was not dependent on
585Frederick Griffith at the time of his death, she was entitled
596only to the lump sum amount that Mr. Griffith had paid into the
609retirement system.
6118. On February 2, 1992, Mr. Griffith submitted Retirement
620Information Request, Form FR-9, to the Division for a calculation
630of total years of creditable service and the amount due to
641purchase his creditable military service. On June 15, 1995, the
651Division replied to the FR-9 request by issuing Form FRS-40,
661Estimate of Retirement Benefits. The information provided to
669Mr. Griffith was calculated based on the assumption that
678Mr. Griffith would retire with a retirement effective date of
688February, 1997. The Estimate of Retirement Benefits advised
696Mr. Griffith that there was an apparent discrepancy with the
706beneficiary listed on his FR-9 and his named beneficiary listed
716in the Division's official records. Specifically, Mr. Griffith
724was advised:
726The spouse listed on the Retirement
732Information Request, FR-9, and used for this
739estimate is not your primary beneficiary. If
746you intend to change your beneficiary
752designation, please complete a personal
757history record, FRS-M10, in your personnel
7649. Mr. Griffith did not file a revised FRS-M10 in response
775to the advice given by the Division in the June 15, 1995, FRS-40.
78810. After Mr. Griffith received the FRS-40, Joyce Griffith
797insisted that he call the Broward County School Board to verify
808that she was the designated beneficiary. Joyce Griffith gave her
818husband the number to call. The school board personnel assured
828Mr. Griffith that Joyce Griffith was his beneficiary.
836Apparently, Mr. Griffith called the department which dealt with
845life insurance benefits and not retirement benefits.
85211. Joyce Griffith was the beneficiary of her husband's
861employer-provided life insurance policy for $150,000.
868Mr. Griffith had designated her as his beneficiary on a change of
880beneficiary form dated August, 1990.
88512. Mr. Griffith had completed a form entitled Application
894for Service Retirement designating Joyce Griffith as his primary
903beneficiary. The form was notarized on November 25, 1995.
912Mr. Griffith did not indicate a retirement date on the form and
924never filed the form with either the Division or his employer.
93513. After Mr. Griffith's death, Joyce Griffith found an
944employee copy of a FRS-10 form among Mr. Griffith's military
954papers. The form was dated November 19, 1991, and signed by
965Mr. Griffith. The form was not filed with either the School
976Board of Broward County or the Division. Neither the school
986board nor the Division have any record of the form being filed.
998The form was not correctly completed. In the area of the form
1010entitled Designation of Beneficiaries, the employee is supposed
1018to complete only one of three sections. On the form signed by
1030Mr. Griffith, the first section was checked, and the other two
1041sections were filled out with the names of Joyce Griffith and the
1053children of Mr. Griffith.
106014. The Division of Administrative Hearings has
1067jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this
1078proceeding. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.
108315. Section 121.091(8), Florida Statutes, deals with the
1091designation of beneficiaries and provides:
1096Each member may, on a form provided for that
1105purpose, signed and filed with the division,
1112designate a choice of one or more person,
1120named sequentially or jointly, as his or her
1128beneficiary who shall receive the benefits,
1134if any, which may be payable in the event of
1144the member's death pursuant to the provisions
1151of this chapter. If no beneficiary is named
1159in the manner provided above, or if no
1167beneficiary designated by the member survives
1173the member, the beneficiary shall be the
1180spouse of the deceased, if living. If the
1188member's spouse is not alive at his or her
1197death, the beneficiary shall be the living
1204children of the member. If no children
1211survive, the beneficiary shall be the
1217member's father or mother, if living;
1223otherwise, the beneficiary shall be the
1229member's estate. The beneficiary most
1234recently designated by a member on a form or
1243letter filed with the division shall be the
1251beneficiary entitled to any benefits payable
1257at the time of the member's death, except
1265benefits shall be paid as provided in
1272paragraph (7)(d) when death occurs in the
1279line of duty.
128216. Rule 60S-4.011(1), Florida Administrative Code provides
1289that "No designation of beneficiary shall be effective unless it
1299has been filed with the Division."
130517. The deceased, Frederick Griffith, had last completed a
1314designation of beneficiary form on December 30, 1970, naming Ruth
1324Griffith as his primary beneficiary. He later married Joyce
1333Griffith in November, 1989, but did not file a change of
1344designation of beneficiary with the School Board of Broward
1353County or with the Division before his death on June 9, 1996.
1365Since no change of beneficiary form was filed with the Division
1376before his death, the 1970 designation of Ruth Griffith as his
1387primary beneficiary remained effective at the time of his death.
139718. In Pamela Eaves v. Division of Retirement , Case No.
1407DMS-DOR, Final Order entered December 3, 1996, the Division held
1417that the sisters and mother of the deceased member were the
1428designated beneficiaries of the member's pension benefits and
1436that the current wife was not entitled to claim the pension
1447benefits of her late husband. The Division held:
1455Under Florida Law, there is no requirement
1462that a person must designate a spouse as a
1471beneficiary of pension benefits. In fact, a
1478person may designate any person as his or her
1487beneficiary. The sole responsibility for
1492naming or changing of pension benefits rests
1499with the member of the retirement system.
1506Id. at page 6 of Recommended Order.
151320. In Xiomara Ricardo v. Deparment of Management
1521Services, Division of Retirement , Case No.
1527DMS-DOR 93-08, Final Order April 14, 1994, aff'd 644
1536So. 2d 351 (Fla. 3rd DCA), the Division held that the
1547spouse of the deceased member could not claim the
1556member's pension benefits because the former wife was
1564the designated beneficiary. The Division stated:
1570James Ricardo signed and filed a designation
1577of beneficiary form (Exhibit 2) naming Helga
1584Ricardo, his then wife, as his beneficiary on
1592or about March 25, 1975. He later became
1600divorced from Helga in March, 1985, but he
1608did not change his designation of beneficiary
1615before he died on March 19, 1992. A member
1624must not only execute a change of the proper
1633form, but he must also file that change with
1642the Division before any change is effective.
1649Therefore, Helga Ricardo is the designated
1655beneficiary of James Ricardo. The Division
1661cannot speculate as to why he did not change
1670his designated beneficiary nor can the
1676Division make such a change for him in the
1685absence of specific instruction from him to
1692do so.
1694Id . at page 5.
169921. Joyce Griffith is not the designated
1706beneficiary of Frederick Griffith's pension benefits
1712and she is not entitled to claim those benefits.
1722Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of
1732Law, it is
1735RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying
1743Petitioner's request for the retirement benefits of Frederick T.
1753DONE AND ORDERED this 11th day of July, 1997, in
1763Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.
1771Administrative Law Judge
1774Division of Administrative Hearings
1778The DeSoto Building
17811230 Apalachee Parkway
1784Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060
1787(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675
1791Fax Filing (904) 921-6847
1795Filed with the Clerk of the
1801Division of Administrative Hearings
1805this 11th day of July, 1997.
1813Connie L. Hiaasen, Esquire
1817Regina S. Bushkin, Esquire
1821707 Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 101
1827Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
1831Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire
1836Department of Management Services
1840Division of Retirement
18432639-C North Monroe Street
1847Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
1850A. J. McMullian, III, Director
1855Department of Management Services
1859Division of Retirement
1862Cedars Executive Center, Building C
18672639 North Monroe Street
1871Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1560
1874Paul A. Rowell, General Counsel
1879Department of Management Services
1883Division of Retirement
18864050 Esplanade Way
1889Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950
1898All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15
1909days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to
1920this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will
1931issue the final order in this case.

- Date
- Proceedings
- Date: 10/08/1997
- Proceedings: Final Order received.
- Date: 07/03/1997
- Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 07/01/1997
- Proceedings: (Petitioner) Order on Hearingl; Cover Letter (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 06/27/1997
- Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibits 1-6 received.
- Date: 06/24/1997
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- Date: 06/18/1997
- Proceedings: Respondent`s List of Exhibits and Witnesses received.
- Date: 06/17/1997
- Proceedings: (From R. Bushkin & C. Hiaasen) Statement Regarding Petitioner`s Exhibits and Witnesses for Hearing June 24, 1997 received.
- Date: 06/13/1997
- Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Withdraw Petition sent out. (for Intervenor)
- Date: 06/13/1997
- Proceedings: (Petitioner) Statement Regarding Petitioner`s Exhibits and Witnesses for Hearing June 24, 1997 (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 06/12/1997
- Proceedings: (Intervenor) Motion to Withdraw Petition to Intervene (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 06/05/1997
- Proceedings: Intervenor`s Request to Produce Directed to Respondent; Intervenor`s Response to Petitioner`s Request to Produce received.
- Date: 06/02/1997
- Proceedings: Intervenor`s Request to Produce Directed to Respondent (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 05/07/1997
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video sent out. (Video Final Hearing set for 6/24/97; 1:00pm; Ft. Lauderdale & Tallahassee)
- Date: 05/01/1997
- Proceedings: (Petitioner) Request to Produce received.
- Date: 04/28/1997
- Proceedings: (Petitioner) Request to Produce (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 04/23/1997
- Proceedings: Division of Retirement`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 04/08/1997
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video sent out. (hearing set for 06/23/97; 1:00pm; Ft. Lauderdale)
- Date: 04/03/1997
- Proceedings: (Joint) Response to Order Continuing Hearing (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 03/10/1997
- Proceedings: Order Granting Intervention sent out.
- Date: 02/17/1997
- Proceedings: Order Continuing Hearing and Requiring Response sent out. (parties to file dates unavailable for hearing by 3/10/97)
- Date: 02/17/1997
- Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Non-Objection to Continuance; (Ruth Griffith) Petition to Intervene (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 02/17/1997
- Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 02/14/1997
- Proceedings: Petitioner`s Amended Motion for Continuance (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 02/12/1997
- Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Stipulation received.
- Date: 01/03/1997
- Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
- Date: 01/03/1997
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 2/18/97; 10:00am; Ft. Lauderdale)
- Date: 12/27/1996
- Proceedings: (Joint) Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile) received.
- Date: 12/17/1996
- Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
- Date: 12/11/1996
- Proceedings: Notice of Election to Request for Assignment of Hearing Officer; Agency Action Letter (Exhibits); Agency Action Letter; Petition for Formal/Informal Hearing received.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 12/11/1996
- Date Assignment:
- 12/17/1996
- Last Docket Entry:
- 10/08/1997
- Location:
- Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- District:
- Southern
- Agency: