97-000162 Hayes Group Home, Inc. vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, July 18, 1997.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner entitled to licensure where statute relied on by agency did not establish automatic bar to licensure due to prior revocation.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 97-0162





31Respondent. )



36This cause came before the undersigned for entry of a

46Recommended Order based upon a stipulated statement of facts.


56For Petitioner: Brian M. O'Connell, Esquire

62Boose, Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz,

66Martens, McBane & O'Connell

70Post Office Box 4626

74West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

79For Respondent: Jennifer Stewart, Esquire

84Agency for Health Care Administration

893810 Inverrary Boulevard

92Lauderhill, Florida 33319


99The issue presented is whether Petitioner's application for

107licensure as an assisted living facility should be granted.


118By letter dated November 12, 1996, the Agency for Health

128Care Administration advised Petitioner that its application for

136licensure as an assisted living facility was denied, and

145Petitioner timely requested an evidentiary hearing regarding that

153determination. This cause was transferred to the Division of

162Administrative Hearings on January 13, 1997, to conduct that

171evidentiary proceeding.

173This cause was scheduled for final hearing on April 17,

1831997, in accordance with the parties' request. During a

192telephonic hearing on April 14, the final hearing was cancelled

202due to the parties' representation that all disputed issues of

212material fact could be resolved by the parties.

220A telephonic pre-hearing conference was conducted on April

22825, 1997, and the parties advised that all disputed issues of

239material fact had been resolved but that the parties stipulated

249that the Division of Administrative Hearings should retain

257jurisdiction over this matter for entry of a Recommended Order

267based upon the parties' stipulated statement of facts, proposed

276recommended orders and memoranda of law. By Order entered May 1,

2871997, the schedule established by the parties for submitting

296those documents was memorialized. Those documents have been



3071. Petitioner and the Agency entered into a Joint

316Stipulation dated June 1994, whereby the parties agreed to end

326pending litigation on the terms set forth therein.

3342. Lois Shimmin, Area Supervisor for Area 9 of the Division

345of Health Quality Assurance of the Agency, filed an

354Administrative Complaint on or about April 8, 1996, seeking to

364revoke Petitioner's license to operate an assisted living

372facility (hereinafter "ALF") for failure to abide by the

382conditions of the Joint Stipulation. Petitioner did not respond

391to or request a hearing on the Administrative Complaint.

4003. As outlined in the May 10, 1996, Final Order,

410Petitioner's license to operate as an ALF was revoked by the

421Agency because Petitioner failed to abide by the conditions of

431the Joint Stipulation entered into with the Agency in June 1994

442in that:

444A. Petitioner failed to ensure that a registered

452nurse visited the Hayes Group Home and

459examined the residents three times per week in

467the manner required in paragraph 3(a) of the

475Joint Stipulation.

477B. Petitione r failed to ensure that documentation

485of the registered nurse's visits was furnished

492to the Agency on a monthly basis as required by

502paragraph 3(b) of the Joint Stipulation.

508C. Petitioner failed to obtain the Agency's

515approval of all registered nurses selected by

522Petitioner to provide the service mandated by

529the Joint Stipulation as required by paragraph

5363(c) of the Joint Stipulation.

5414. In its Final Order, the Agency entered a default

551judgment against Petitioner, determining that Petitioner was

"558without a license to operate as an ALF in compliance with

569Chapter 400, Part III, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 58A-5,

578Florida Administrative Code." The Final Order further provided

586that Petitioner's license was revoked pursuant to Section

594400.414(2), Florida Statutes. Petitioner did not appeal the

602Final Order.

6045. Petitioner owned 25 percent or more of, or operated, the

615ALF whose license was revoked by the Final Order of May 10, 1996.

6286. On or about September 11, 19 96, a new application for

640licensure for Petitioner, signed by Ruby Hayes, was forwarded to

650the Agency. In addition to the application, the following were


661A. A check payable to the State of Florida in

671the amount of $302 for the licensure fee.

679B. Balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

687C. Liability insurance verification.

691D. HIV training confirmation affidavit.

696E. Zoning approval letter.

700F. Certificate of corporate status form.

706G. Copy of facility' s floor plan.

713H. Proof of satisfactory fire and safety


7217. On September 27, 1996, Petitioner received a letter from

731Wendy G. Beard, Healthcare Facilities Consultant for the Agency's

740ALF Unit, notifying Petitioner that its application was

748incomplete and requesting additional information so the Agency

756could continue the licensing process. Among other things, the

765letter requested the following:

769A. An additional $9 for licensure fees, advising that

778the standard fee for an ALF license was $247.

787B. A Certificate of Status from the Florida Secretary

796of State.

798C. Proof of satisfactory fire safety inspection

805conducted by the local authority within the

812past year.

814D. A copy of the County Public Health Unit inspection


825E. A completed HRS-AA Form 1801, Assets and Liability


835F. A completed HRS-AA Form 1802, Statement of


844G. A copy of a warranty deed, lease, or rental

854agreement in the name of Hayes Group Home, Inc.

863H. A copy of the facility's floor plan.

8718. On or about October 18, 1996, Ms. Beard granted

881Petitioner an extension until October 28 to submit the various

891documents requested in the September 27 letter. On or about

901October 29, 1996, the following documentation was provided to Ms.


912A. A copy of an October 21, 1996, letter from

922the Fire Marshal of the City of Riviera Beach

931verifying compliance with the fire safety codes.

938B. A copy of the ALF Assets and Liability Statement

948as of September 30, 1996.

953C. A copy of the ALF Statement of Operations for

963the period of January 1 through September 30, 1996.

9729. As of October 29, 1996, the only item which had not been

985furnished pursuant to Ms. Beard's September 27 letter was the

995County Public Health Unit Inspection Report from the Palm Beach

1005County Public Health Unit. Ms. Beard was notified that the

1015proper authorities had been contacted regarding the sanitation

1023inspection and that the report would be forwarded to her as soon

1035as it was received by Petitioner.

104110. At all times material hereto, the Agency had notice

1051that Petitioner's ALF license had previously been revoked.

105911. On or about October 30, 1996, Lois Shimmin notified Ms.

1070Beard by telephone that Petitioner's ALF license had previously

1079been revoked. Immediately thereafter, the Agency halted the

1087application process for Petitioner's application.

109212. By letter dated November 12, 1996, the Agency denied

1102Petitioner's application for an ALF license despite the fact that

1112all requested documentation needed for application approval was

1120not received by the Agency. The stated basis for the denial was

1132that "[t]he applicant, Ruby Hayes [sic], license was revoked for

1142Hayes Group Home on April 8, 1996. Pursuant to section

1152400.414(5)[,] F.S., application for a new license will not be

1163approved when it is within five years of the date of a previous

1176license revocation."

117813. Thereafter, Petitioner requested the Agency to allow

1186Petitioner to complete the application process before summarily

1194denying Petitioner's application but to no avail.

120114. Petitioner timely requested this proceeding.


121015. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1217jurisdiction over the parties hereto and the subject matter

1226hereof. Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

123316. In its proposed recommended order, Petitioner raises

1241several issues, both procedural and substantive. The procedural

1249issues relate to Petitioner's argument that the Agency violated

1258Petitioner's due process rights and the mandates of Section

1267120.60, Florida Statutes, by summarily denying Petitioner's

1274application while Petitioner was completing the application


128217. Petitioner's procedural arguments are without merit and

1290are not dispositive. Although the stipulated facts reveal that

1299the Agency conducted no investigation or analysis of all portions

1309of the application and supporting documents, thereby not

1317complying strictly with the requirements of Section 120.60, any

1326deficiencies have been cured. Petitioner's timely request for

1334this proceeding transformed the Agency's denial of Petitioner's

1342licensure application into only preliminary, or intended, Agency

1350action, and the de novo nature of this Chapter 120 proceeding

1361permits Petitioner to show that its application should be


137118. On the other hand, Petitioner's substantive arguments

1379are dispositive of this proceeding. Section 400.414, Florida

1387Statutes, authorizes the Agency to deny, revoke, or suspend a

1397license to operate an ALF for certain specified conduct.

1406Subsection (5), relied upon by the Agency as its sole basis for

1418denying Petitioner's application for licensure, provides as


1426(5) The agency may deny a license to an applicant

1436who owns 25 percent or more of, or operates, a

1446facility which, during the 5 years prior to the

1455application for a license, has had a license

1463denied, suspended, or revoked pursuant to

1469subsection (2), or, during the 2 years prior to

1478the application for a license, has had a

1486moratorium impose d on admissions, has had an

1494injunctive proceeding initiated against it, has

1500had a receiver appointed, was closed due to

1508financial inability to operate, or has an

1515outstanding fine assessed under this part.

152119. Contrary to the Agency's arguments, Section 400.414(5),

1529Florida Statutes, does not provide an automatic bar to

1538Petitioner's licensure. That Section provides only that the

1546Agency "may" deny an application of an applicant, like

1555Petitioner, who has had an ALF license revoked within the past

1566five years. Had the Legislature intended that a prior revocation

1576be an automatic bar, it would have said so. The statute is not

1589ambiguous; it provides that the Agency may deny such an applicant

1600or it may not.

160420. While the Agency correctly argues that it can interpret

1614a statute which it is charged with administering, such as the one

1626relied on by the Agency in this proceeding, such an

1636interpretation, to be a valid one, carries its own requirements.

1646For example, the law is well settled that an agency cannot

1657interpret a statute to be contrary to the statutory language. In

1668the case at bar, the Agency asserts that the statutory

1678requirement is mandatory, not permissive. A plain reading of the

1688statute belies that assertion.

169221. To the extent that the Agency has not simply misread

1703the statute but rather is relying on some agency policy that the

1715statute will be applied so that an application by an individual

1726or entity who has been previously revoked is automatically denied

1736rather than determined on a case-by-case basis consistent with

1745the statutory language which allows some such applications to be

1755granted, the Agency has offered no evidence that such a policy

1766exists. Agency policies can be found in rules and in orders

1777issued by the agency. The Agency has offered no rule or order

1789which sets forth the interpretation of the statute it relies on

1800in this proceeding.

180322. Agency policy can also be developed through

1811adjudication so long as there is a record foundation supporting

1821that policy. See , for example, McDonald v. Dept. of Banking &

1832Finance , 346 So. 2d 569 (Fla. 1st Dist. 1977), and its progeny.

1844The Agency offered no evidence in this cause which would

1854establish the existence of such a policy, and the record is

1865devoid of the explication of the Agency's non-rule policy

1874required by the well-settled law in Florida. See , Section

1883120.57(1)(e), Florida Statutes.

188623. The stipulated facts reveal that Ms. Shimmin telephoned

1895Ms. Beard and stated that Petitioner's license had been revoked,

1905and Ms. Beard halted the application process. Despite

1913Petitioner's request that Petitioner be allowed to complete its

1922application, the Agency wrote to Petitioner advising that its

1931application was denied automatically pursuant to Section

1938400.414(5), Florida Statutes. That basis for denial is contrary

1947to the plain wording of the statute. No other basis for denial

1959being asserted by the Agency, Petitioner's application must be

1968granted subject to Petitioner submitting the final document from

1977the Palm Beach County Public Health Unit.

198424. Petitioner's final argument, that Section 400.414(5)

1991does not apply because its license was not revoked for a

2002violation of Section 400.414(2), is without merit. The Final

2011Order revoking Petitioner's license recites that violation of the

2020Joint Stipulation constitutes grounds to revoke Petitioner's

2027license pursuant to Section 400.414(2). Whether that statement

2035is factually and legally correct cannot be adjudicated in this

2045proceeding. Petitioner did not appeal that Final Order, and its

2055contents have become the law of this case.

206325. The Agency's argument that the standard of review in

2073this proceeding is clearly erroneous and its denial, therefore,

2082cannot be overturned is without merit. That is an appellate

2092standard of review; it is inapplicable to this proceeding which

2102is de novo and which only requires Petitioner to show entitlement

2113to licensure by a preponderance of the evidence. Section

2122120.57(1)(h)and ( i), Florida Statutes.

212726. Petitioner's request for attorney's fees and costs,

2135raised for the first time in its Proposed Final [sic] Order,

2146cannot be granted. There are a number of provisions under which

2157a prevailing party in an administrative proceeding may recover

2166attorney's fees and costs. Some of them require evidence during

2176the proceeding, and some of them require the filing of a petition

2188for attorney's fees and costs with the Division of Administrative

2198Hearings after a final order has been entered. Petitioner has

2208not identified the provision under which it alleges its

2217entitlement to attorney's fees and costs. Further, Petitioner's

2225request that jurisdiction be retained in this proceeding to

2234determine attorney's fees and costs is not permissible where only

2244a recommended order is entered by the Division of Administrative

2254Hearings because jurisdiction is transferred from the Division to

2263the referring agency upon entry of the recommended order.


2273Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2283Law, it is

2286RECOMMENDED THAT a Final Order be entered granting

2294Petitioner's application for a license to operate an ALF, subject

2304only to Petitioner providing the required inspection report from

2313the Palm Beach County Public Health Unit.

2320DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of July, 1997, at

2330Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2338Administrative Law Judge

2341Division of Administrative Hearings

2345The DeSoto Building

23481230 Apalachee Parkway

2351Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2354(904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2358Fa x Filing (904) 921-6847

2363Filed with the Clerk of the

2369Division of Administrative Hearings

2373this 18th day of July, 1997.


2381Brian M. O'Connell, Esquire

2385Boose, Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz,

2389Martens, McBane & O'Connell

2393Post Office Box 4626

2397West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

2402Jennifer Stewart, Esquire

2405Agency for Health Care Administration

24103810 Inverrary Boulevard

2413Lauderhill, Florida 33319

2416Jerome W. Hoffman, General Counsel

2421Agency for Health Care Administration

24262727 Mahan Drive

2429Tallahassee, Florida 32309

2432Sam Power, Agency Clerk

2436Agency for Health Care Administration

2441Fort Knox Building III, Suite 3431

24472727 Mahan Drive

2450Tallahassee, Florida 32309


2459All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2470days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

2481this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2492issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 09/18/1997
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/17/1997
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/17/1997
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/15/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 07/18/1997
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Recommended Order sent out. (facts stipulated)
Date: 05/19/1997
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Memorandum of Law in Support of its Petition for Formal Proceedings; (Petitioner) Proposed Final Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/19/1997
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/14/1997
Proceedings: (Joint) Stipulated Statement of Facts (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/14/1997
Proceedings: CC: Letter to Jennifer Steward from E. Scott Nunley (RE: confirmation of teleconference regarding joint stipulated statement of facts) (filed via facsimile).
Date: 05/12/1997
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation; Cover Letter filed.
Date: 05/01/1997
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Stipulated Statement of Facts w/exhibits to be filed by 5/9/97; PRO`s due by 5/14/97)
Date: 04/15/1997
Proceedings: Order Cancelling Hearing sent out. (motion to abate is granted temporarily; telephonic prehearing conference set for 4/17/97; 11:45am)
Date: 04/11/1997
Proceedings: (Respondent) Exhibits; Cover Letter (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/08/1997
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Abatement (filed via facsimile).
Date: 02/13/1997
Proceedings: Order of Prehearing Instructions sent out.
Date: 02/13/1997
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 4/17/97; 9:30am; WPB)
Date: 01/27/1997
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 01/17/1997
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (3):