97-006005CON Jewish Family Home Care vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, June 29, 1998.

View Dockets  
Summary: AHCA must deem Certificate of Need (CON) application to have been withdrawn from further review where applicant failed to submit required fee or audited financial statements by omissions deadline.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 97-6005





31Respondent. )



36Pursuant to notice, a Section 120.57(1) hearing was held in

46this case on May 1, 1998, by telephone conference call, before

57Stuart M. Lerner, a duly designated Administrative Law Judge of

67the Division of Administrative Hearings.


73For Petitioner: Jane B. Sumen, Administrator

79Jewish Family Home Care

835950 West Oakland Park Boulevard

88Suite 209

90Lauderhill, Florida 33313

93For Respondent: Richard A. Patterson, Esquire

99Agency for Health Care Administration

1042727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431

109Fort Knox Building III

113Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403


120Whether Petitioner's application for a certificate of need

128should be deemed withdrawn from further review and consideration

137for the reasons stated in the Agency for Health Care

147Administration's November 12, 1997, letter to Petitioner.


156By letter dated November 12, 1997, the Agency for Health

166Care Administration (Agency) advised Petitioner of its intention

174to deem withdrawn from further review and consideration

182Petitioner's application for a certificate of need authorizing

190Petitioner's establishment of a Medicare-certified home health

197agency. The letter (which was addressed to Petitioner's

205administrator) read as follows:

209In accordance with the provisions of Section

216408.037 and 408.039(3), Florida Statutes, you

222were given until November 10, 1997, to

229respond satisfactorily to the omissions noted

235in the correspondence from this office dated

242October 9, 1997, relative to your proposal on

250behalf of Jewish Family Home Care to

257establish a Medicare certified home health

263agency to be located in Broward County,

270District 10.

272Because of your failure to submit the correct

280CON filing fee in accordance with Chapter

28759C-1.008(3)(b)2, Florida Administrative Code

291and an audited financial statement of the

298applicant in accordance with Chapter 59C-

3041.008(5)(c)1-3, Florida Administrative Code,

308and Section 408.037(1)(c), Florida Statutes,

313your application is deemed incomplete and

319withdrawn from further review. Specifically,

324the correct filing fee is $5,662.25 based on

333a total project cost subject to a fee of

342$44,150 ($5,000 plus .015 of each dollar of

352the proposed expenditure.) The total fee

358submitted was $5,425. With regard to the

366required financial statements, a profit and

372loss statement does not constitute an audited

379financial statement.

381You have the right to request an

388administrative hearing on this decision under

394the provisions of Florida's Administrative

399Procedure Act, Chapter 120, Florida Statutes,

405and under Agency Rule 59C-1.010, Florida

411Administrative Code. A request for hearing,

417if any, must be in writing and must be

426actually received by this agency within 21

433days of the first day of publication of

441notice of withdrawal in the Florida

447Administrative Weekly. A request for hearing

453must contain the information required in Rule

46028-5.201, Florida Administrative Code, and

465must make reference to the "CON Action

472Number" referred to in this letter. The

479original and one copy of each request for

487hearing may be filed with or mailed to the

496following location: Sam Power, Senior

501Attorney, Agency Clerk, Agency for Health

507Care Administration, Fort Knox Executive

512Center, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Room

5193426A, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.

523By letter dated November 19, 1997, which read as follows,

533Petitioner requested a hearing on the Agency's proposed action:

542Under the provisions of Florida's

547Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 120,

552Florida Statutes, and under Agency Rule 59C-

5591.010, Florida Administrative Code, Jewish

564Family Home Care is requesting an

570administrative hearing pursuant to action

575taken on CON Action Number 8926.

581Jewish Family Home Care will at the time of

590the hearing present a check for $237.25

597correcting the discrepancy in calculation for

603the CON filing fee.

607Jewish Family Home Care will also, at the

615time of the hearing, present an audited

622financial statement for Jewish Family Service

628of Broward County of which Jewish Family Home

636Care is a division. An audited financial

643statement for Jewish Family Home Care is not

651available at this time due to the fiscal year

660having ended September 30, 1997 and fiscal

667year 1997 being Jewish Family Home Care's

674first year in operation.

678We look forward to hearing from your office

686in the near future.

690On December 30, 1997, the Agency referred the matter to the

701Division of Administrative Hearings (Division) for the assignment

709of a Division Administrative Law Judge to conduct the

718administrative hearing that Petitioner had requested.

724As noted above, the hearing was held on May 1, 1998. Two

736witnesses testified at the hearing: Jane Sumen, Petitioner's

744administrator (who testified on behalf of Petitioner); and

752Alberta Granger, a supervisory employee with the Agency (who

761testified on behalf of the Agency). In addition to the testimony

772of these two witnesses, 13 exhibits (Petitioner's Exhibits 1 and

7822 and AHCA Exhibits 1 through 11) were offered and received into


795At the conclusion of the evidentiary portion of the hearing,

805the undersigned, on the record, advised the parties that the

815deadline for filing proposed recommended orders was 20 days from

825the date of the Division's receipt of the transcript of the

836hearing. The hearing transcript was filed with the Division on

846June 1, 1998. On Monday, June 22, 1998, the Agency filed a

858proposed recommended order, which the undersigned has carefully

866considered. To date, Petitioner has not filed a proposed

875recommended order.


880Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing and the record as

891a whole, the following findings of fact are made:

9001. Petitioner is a division of Jewish Family Service of

910Broward County, which operates under the umbrella of the Jewish

920Federation of Broward County.

9242. On August 1, 1997, Petitioner submitted to the Agency a

935letter indicating its intent to seek a certificate of need

945authorizing the establishment of a Medicare-certified home health

953agency in Broward County.

9573. By letter dated August 27, 1997, the Agency advised

967Petitioner that Petitioner's letter of intent "had been accepted

976. . . for submission of an application in the upcoming review

988cycle" and that the application filing deadline was September 24,

9981997. In its letter, the Agency provided the following

1007additional advisement:

1009The application filing fee is $5,000.00 plus

10170.015 times the total project cost up to a

1026maximum fee of $22,000.00. The minimum fee

1034for projects with no capital expenditure is

1041now $5,000.00. The non-refundable filing fee

1048should be submitted with the application on

1055or before the application due date listed

1062above [September 24, 1997].

10664. Petitioner filed its application for a certificate of

1075need on September 24, 1997.

10805. The application indicated that the "project cost subject

1089to fee" (Schedule 1, Line 51, which excludes the base application

1100filing fee of $5,000.00) would be $44,150.00.

11096. Accompanying Petitioner's application, among other

1115things, was a check in the amount of $5,000.00 and an audited

1128financial statement of Jewish Family Service of Broward County

1137covering the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995. No other

1147audited financial statements were provided.

11527. By letter dated October 9, 1997 (Agency's omissions

1161letter), the Agency advised Petitioner that Petitioner had

1169submitted neither the "appropriate [filing] fee," nor the audited

1178financial statement(s), "needed to implement formal review" of

1186Petitioner's application, and it requested that Petitioner cure

1194these deficiencies by providing the appropriate fee and by

1203furnishing "audited financial statements of the applicant's most

1211recent complete fiscal year of operation," or, "[i]f the most

1221recent fiscal year ended within 120 days prior to the application

1232filing deadline and the audited financial statements [we]re not

1241yet available, [of] the prior fiscal year." In its omissions

1251letter, the Agency issued Petitioner the following warning:

1259Section 408.039, (1992 Supplement to Florida

1265Statutes), requires that you file a response

1272to the attached omissions with the agency and

1280the appropriate health council by November

128610, 1997. Failure to file your written

1293response to this office and the appropriate

1300local health council by 5 p.m. on that date

1309will result in your application being deemed

1316withdrawn from consideration, pursuant to

1321Rule 59C-1.010, Florida Administrative Code.

13268. Petitioner received the Agency's omissions letter on

1334October 14, 1997.

13379. Petitioner submitted its response to the Agency's

1345omissions letter on November 10, 1997. It provided the Agency

1355with a check in the amount of $425.00 and financial statements

1366and reports (including a profit and loss statement covering the

1376period starting October 1996 and ending September 1997) that were

1386not audited. In a cover letter, Petitioner explained that, "[a]t

1396this time, there is no complete financial audit for Jewish Family

1407Home Care, since its first fiscal year just ended on September

141830, 1997."

142010. On November 12, 1997, the Agency sent a letter to

1431Petitioner advising that, "[b]ecause of [Petitioner's] failure to

1439submit the correct CON filing fee in accordance with Chapter 59C-

14501.008(3)(b)2., Florida Administrative Code and an audited

1457financial statement of the applicant in accordance with Chapter

146659C-1.008(5)(c)1.-3., Florida Administrative Code, and Section

1472408.037(1)(c), Florida Statutes, [Petitioner's] application

1477[would be] deemed incomplete and withdrawn from further review."

148611. Petitioner thereafter requested an administrative

1492hearing on the matter.


149912. Sections 408.031 through 408.045, Florida Statutes,

1506contain the "Health Facility and Services Development Act" (Act).

1515Section 408.031, Florida Statutes.

151913. Section 408.034(1), Florida Statutes, of the Act

1527designates the Agency "as the single state agency to issue,

1537revoke, or deny certificates of need and to issue, revoke, or

1548deny exemptions from certificate-of-need review in accordance

1555with the district plans, the statewide health plan, and present

1565and future federal and state statutes."

157114. A "certificate of need," as that term is used in the

1583Act, is defined in Section 408.032(3), Florida Statutes, as "a

1593written statement issued by the agency evidencing community need

1602for a new, converted, expanded, or otherwise significantly

1610modified health care facility, health service, or hospice."

161815. With certain exceptions not applicable to the instant

1627case, an application for a certificate of need must be filed with

1639the Agency before a Medicare-certified home health agency may be

1649established. Section 408.036(1)(e), Florida Statutes. These

1655applications are subject to comparative review.

166116. "An application for a certificate of need must

1670contain . . . [a]n audited financial statement of the applicant."

1681Section 408.037(1)(c), Florida Statutes. "The audited financial

1688statement of the applicant must be for the most current fiscal

1699year. If the most recent fiscal year ended within 120 days prior

1711to the application filing deadline and the audited financial

1720statements are not yet available, then the prior fiscal year will

1731be considered the most recent." Rule 59C-1.008(5)(c)1, Florida

1739Administrative Code. 1 If the applicant is an existing health

1749care facility, audited financial statements of the two most

1758recent consecutive fiscal years must be provided.

1765Section 408.037(1)(c), Florida Statutes; Rule 59C-1.008(5)(c)2,

1771Florida Administrative Code. "Only audited financial statements

1778of the applicant will be accepted. Audited financial statements

1787of any part of the applicant, including but not limited to

1798subsidiaries, divisions, specific facilities or cost centers,

1805will not qualify as an audit of the applicant. Nor shall the

1817audited financial statements of the applicant's parent

1824corporation qualify as an audit of the applicant." Rule 59C-

18341.008(5)(c)3, Florida Administrative Code.

183817. An application for a certificate of need must also be

1849accompanied by the correct application filing fee. Rule 59C-

18581.008(5), Florida Administrative Code. The amount of the fee is

1868to be calculated as follows:

1873(1) A minimum base fee of $5,000.

1881(2) In addition to the base fee of $5,000,

18910.015 of each dollar of proposed expenditure,

1898except that a fee may not exceed $22,000.

1907Section 408.038, Florida Statutes. "For the sole purpose of

1916calculating the application fee, the proposed expenditure

1923includes only the items of cost contributing to capital

1932expenditures of the proposed project." Rule 59C-1.008(3)(a),

1939Florida Administrative Code.

194218. An application not accompanied by a t least the "minimum

1953base fee" will not be accepted by the Agency. Rule 59C-

19641.008(3)(a), Florida Administrative Code.

196819. Agency staff must determine, within 15 days after the

1978expiration of the application filing deadline, whether an

1986application is complete and accompanied by the correct filing

1995fee. If the application is incomplete or if the amount tendered

2006is insufficient to cover the filing fee, Agency staff must, in

2017writing, so notify the applicant and request that any

2026deficiencies be cured. Pursuant to Section 408.039(3)(a),

2033Florida Statutes, "the staff may make only one such request" and

"2044[i]f the requested information is not filed with the [Agency]

2054within 21 days of the receipt of the staff's request, the

2065application shall be deemed incomplete and deemed withdrawn from

2074consideration." Rule 59C-1.008(3)(b)2, Florida Administrative

2079Code, similarly provides that, where an applicant has submitted

2088the base fee of $5,000.00, but less than the full amount of the

2102total fee, "if the correct fee is not received by the agency

2114staff by the close of business on the promulgated applicant

2124omissions deadline, the application will be deemed incomplete and

2133deemed withdrawn from further review." These mandatory

2140provisions of Section 408.039(3)(a), Florida Statutes, and

2147Rule 59C-1.008(3)(b)2, Florida Administrative Code, may not be

2155disregarded by the Agency. See Vantage Healthcare Corporation v.

2164Agency for Health Care Administration , 687 So. 2d 306 (Fla. 1st

2175DCA 1997); NME Hospitals, Inc. v. Department of Health and

2185Rehabilitative Services , 492 So. 2d 379 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

219520. The burden was on Petitioner at hearing to establish,

2205by a preponderance of the evidence, that it timely submitted a

2216complete application and the correct filing fee. See Department

2225of Banking and Finance v. Osborne Stern and Company , 670 So. 2d

2237932, 934 (Fla. 1996); Pershing Industries, Inc. v. Department of

2247Banking and Finance , 591 So. 2d 991, 994 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991);

2259Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So. 2d

2269778, 787-88 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida

2278Statutes("Findings of fact shall be based on a preponderance of

2289the evidence, except in penal or licensure disciplinary

2297proceedings or except as otherwise provided by statute.").

230621. Petitioner did not meet its burden of proof. The

2316record evidence reveals that: Petitioner's application was

2323accompanied by neither the "audited financial statement of the

2332applicant" required by Section 408.037(1)(c), Florida Statutes,

2339and Rule 59C-1.008(5)(c), Florida Administrative Code, nor the

2347full amount of the application filing fee required by

2356Section 408.038, Florida Statutes, and Rule 59C-1.008(3) and (5),

2365Florida Administrative Code; the Agency, in accordance with

2373Section 408.039(3)(a), Florida Statutes, requested Petitioner, in

2380writing, to cure these deficiencies by November 10, 1997;

2389Petitioner received the Agency's written request on October 14,

23981997, more than 21 days prior to the November 10, 1997, deadline

2410the Agency established; and Petitioner failed to submit by the

2420November 10, 1997, deadline either the required "audited

2428financial statement of the applicant" or the correct filing fee.

2438Under such circumstances, the Agency must follow the mandate of

2448Section 408.039(3)(a), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 59C-

24551.008(3)(b)2, Florida Administrative Code, and (as it indicated

2463it would in its November 12, 1997, letter to Petitioner) deem

2474Petitioner's application to be incomplete and to have been

2483withdrawn from further review and consideration.


2490Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2500Law, it is

2503RECOMMENDED that the Agency enter a final order taking the

2513action proposed in its November 12, 1997, letter to Petitioner.

2523DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of June, 1998, in

2533Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2541Administrative Law Judge

2544Division of Administrative Hearings

2548The DeSoto Building

25511230 Apalachee Parkway

2554Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2557(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2561Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

2565Filed with the Clerk of the

2571Division of Administrative Hearings

2575this 29th day of June, 1998.


25821 The Agency has "permit[ted] applicant's to file audited

2591financial statements for a partial year, if that is how long they

2603have been in business." Providence Home Health Care v. Agency

2613for Health Care Administration , AHCA Case No. 95-995-FOF-CON

2621(AHCA July 17, 1995)(Final Order)


2628Jane B. Sumen, Administrator

2632Jewish Family Home Care

26365950 West Oakland Park Boulevard

2641Suite 209

2643Lauderhill, Florida 33313

2646Richard A. Patterson, Esquire

2650Agency for Health Care Administration

26552727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431

2660Fort Knox Building III

2664Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403

2667R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2672Agency for Health Care Administration

2677Fort Knox Building No. 3, Suite 3431

26842727 Mahan Drive

2687Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403


2696All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2707days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

2718this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

2729issue the final order in this case.

27361 The Agency has "permit[ted] applicant's to file audited

2745financial statements for a partial year, if that is how long they

2757have been in business." Providence Home Health Care v. Agency

2767for Health Care Administration , AHCA Case No. 95-995-FOF-CON

2775(AHCA July 17, 1995)(Final Order)

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/31/1998
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 07/21/1998
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/21/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/29/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 05/01/98.
Date: 06/22/1998
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/01/1998
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 05/01/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/20/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibits 1-2 ; Cover Letter to Judge Lerner from J. Sumen filed.
Date: 02/09/1998
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference sent out. (Video Final Hearing set for 5/1/98; 9:15am; Miami & Tallahassee)
Date: 01/20/1998
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (Respondent) filed.
Date: 01/07/1998
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/30/1997
Proceedings: Notice; Request for Administrative Hearing, letter form; Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida

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