98-000999 Council Of Civic Association, Inc. vs. Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc., And Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, August 3, 1998.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant for Environmental Resource Permit in Outstanding Florida Water not entitled to permit because it failed to establish baseline water quality data and failed to show proposed footbridge over Estero River is clearly in the public interest.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 98-0999






38Re spondents. )





51Petitioners, )


54vs. ) Case No. 98-1000






73Respondents. )




81Petitioner, )


84vs. ) Case No. 98-1001






103Respondents. )





114Petitioner, )


117vs. ) Case No. 98-1002






136Respondents. )



141Robert E. Meale, Administrative Law Judge of the Division

150of Administrative Hearings, conducted the final hearing in

158Fort Myers, Florida, on April 30 and May 1, 1998.


169For Petitioner Council of Civic Associations , Inc.:

176Kathy Malone

178Vice President and Treasurer

182Council of Civic Associations, Inc.

187Post Office Box 919

191Estero, Florida 33919-0919

194For Petitioners Estero Conservancy, Inc., and Dorothy


202Reginald McNeill

204Dorothy McNeill, President

207Estero Conservancy, Inc.

21026000 Park Place

213Estero, Florida 33928

216For Petitioner Ellen W. Peterson:

221Mark E. Ebelini

224Humphrey & Knott, P.A.

2281625 Hendry Street, Suite 301

233Fort Myers, Florida 33901

237For Petitioner Environmental Peace and Educational


244Phyllis Stanley, President

24712713-3 McGregor Boulevard

250Fort Myers, Florida 33919

254For Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc.:

260Cathy S. Reiman

263Cummings & Lockwood

266Post Office Box 413032

270Naples, Florida 34101-3032

273For Respondent Department of Environmental Protection:

279Francine M. Ffolkes

282Assistant General Counsel

285Department of Environmental Protection

2893900 Commonwealth Boulevard

292Mail Station 35

295Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000


302The issue is whether Respondent Koreshan Unity

309Foundation, Inc., is entitled to a environmental resource

317permit for the construction of a wooden footbridge over the

327Estero River east of U.S. Route 41 and authorization to obtain

338by easement a right to use sovereign submerged lands.


349By application dated November 26, 1996, Respondent

356Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc., requested an environmental

363resource permit and approval for the use of sovereign

372submerged lands. The purpose of the permit and approval was

382to allow Respondent Koreshan to construct a wooden footbridge

391over the Estero River to connect two parcels owned by

401Respondent Koreshan on opposite sides of the river.

409By Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and

415Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization dated January 13,

4221998, Respondent Department of Environmental Protection stated

429its intention to grant the permit and authorization.

437Petitioners timely filed petitions challenging the

443tentative agency action and demanding a formal hearing. At

452the start of the hearing, Petitioner Council of Civic

461Associations, Inc., voluntarily dismissed its petition, so it

469is dropped from the consolidated cases. All references below

478to "Petitioners" exclude the Council of Civic Associations,


487At the hearing, Petitioners called seven witnesses and

495offered into evidence 12 exhibits, exclusive of subparts.

503Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc., called six

510witnesses and offered into evidence 16 exhibits. Respondent

518Department of Environmental Protection called one witness.

525Eleven members of the public also testified. All exhibits

534were admitted except Petitioner Exhibit 12.

540The administrative law judge gave the parti es 10 days

550after the filing of the transcript to file proposed

559recommended orders. The court reporter filed the transcript

567on May 28, 1998. Petitioner Peterson filed her proposed

576recommended order on June 8, 1998. This filing was timely

586because June 7 was a Sunday.

592On June 11, 1998, Respondent Department of Environmental

600Protection filed a "Proposed Recommended Order," which

607actually was a request for an extension of time to June 12,

6191998, within which to file its proposed recommended order. On

629June 12, 1998, Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc.,

637filed a "Notice of Adoption of Department of Environmental

646Protection's Proposed Recommended Order," which actually was

653an adoption of the Department's request for more time. This

663notice stated that Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc.,

671did not intend to file a separate proposed recommended order.

681On June 12, Petitioner Peterson filed a response in opposition

691to the request for more time, and Respondent Department of

701Environmental Protection filed a reply to the response. In

710the intervening six weeks between these filings and the

719preparation of this recommended order, neither Respondent has

727filed a proposed recommended order.

732The motion for an extension of time to file a proposed

743recommended order is denied.


7501. Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc. (Koreshan)

757is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation

765of the Koreshan heritage. Koreshan derives its heritage from

774a largely self-sufficient community that occupied land in

782south Lee County.

7852. For several years, Koreshan has owned a parcel of

79514.56 acres at the southeast corner of U.S. Route 41 and the

807Estero River. This parcel is bounded on the south by

817Corkscrew Road and contains an amphitheater and historical

825house, midway between the river and Corkscrew Road. The south

835end of this parcel contains a museum and parking area with

846access to Corkscrew Road.

8503. The approximate dimensions of the 14.56-acre parcel

858are 544 feet along the river, 496 feet along Corkscrew Road,

869and about 1273 feet along the west and the east property


8814. The west property line is U.S. Route 41. The

891right-of-way for U.S. Route 41 is wider at the southern

901two-thirds of the parcel than the northern one-third of the

911parcel. A sidewalk runs on the east side of U.S. Route 41

923from north of the river, across the U.S. Route 41 bridge,

934along the west boundary of Koreshan's property, at least to an

945entrance near the middle of the 14.56-acre parcel.

9535. In October 1996, Koreshan acquired 8.5 acres of land

963at the northeast corner of the U.S. Route 41 and the river.

975The purpose of the acquisition was to provide parking for

985persons coming to Koreshan-sponsored events, such as music

993performances, at the 14.56-acre site. Koreshan rents a small

1002portion of this northerly parcel to a canoe-rental business,

1011which operates where the bridge and river meet.

10196. To assist their visitors-some of whom are elderly and

1029disabled--in gaining access to the 14.56-acre site, on

1037November 26, 1996, Koreshan filed an application for a permit

1047and authorization to construct a wooden footbridge across the

1056Estero River about 315 feet east of the U.S. Route 41 bridge.

10687. The source of the Estero River is to the east of the

1081U.S. Route 41 bridge and the location of the proposed bridge.

1092After passing under the U.S. Route 41 bridge, the river runs

1103along the Koreshan state park, which is a short distance east

1114of U.S. Route 41, before it empties into the Gulf of Mexico at

1127Estero Bay, which is a state aquatic preserve. The portion of

1138the river at the site of the proposed bridge is an Outstanding

1150Florida Waterway (OFW) and a Class III water.

11588. The river is popular with canoeists and kayakers.

1167Persons may rent canoes and kayaks at the canoe rental

1177business operating on the 8.5-acre parcel or the Koreshan

1186state park. Although most canoeists and kayakers proceed

1194downstream toward the bay, a significant number go upstream

1203past the U.S. Route 41 bridge. Upstream of the bridge, the

1214river narrows considerably.

12179. Tidal currents reach upstream of the U.S. Route 41

1227bridge. At certain tides or in strong winds, navigating a

1237canoe or kayak in this area of the river can be moderately

1249difficult. Even experienced canoeists or kayakers may have

1257trouble maintaining a steady course in this part of the river.

1268Less experienced canoeists or kayakers more often have trouble

1277staying on course and avoiding other boats, the shore,

1286vegetation extending from the water or shoreline, or even the

1296relatively widely spaced supports of the U.S. Route 41 bridge

1306pilings, which are about 30 feet apart.

131310. Mean high water is at 1.11 feet National Geodetic

1323Vertical Datum. The deck of the proposed footbridge would be

13339 feet, 6 inches wide from rail to rail and 16 feet wide in

1347total. The proposed footbridge would extend about 180 feet,

1356spanning 84 feet of water from shore to shore. The bridge-

1367ends would each be about 50 feet and would each slope at a

1380rate of 1:12.

138311. The proposed footbridge would rest on nine pilings:

1392four in the uplands and five in the submerged bottom. The

1403elevation of the bottom of the footbridge from the water

1413surface, at mean high water, would be 8 feet, 8 inches. The

1425distance between the centers of the pilings would be 14 feet,

1436and each piling would be of a minimum diameter of 8 inches.

144812. According to a special permit condition, the pilings

1457would be treated with chromated copper arsenate, as a

1466preservative, but they would be wrapped in impermeable plastic

1475or PVC sleeves so as, in the words of the proposed permit, "to

1488reduce the leaching of deleterious substances from the

1496pilings." The proposed permit requires that the sleeves shall

1505be installed from at least 6 inches below the level of the

1517substrate to at least 1 foot above the seasonal highwater line

1528and shall be maintained over the life of the facility.

153813. The proposed permit also requires that the

1546footbridge be limited to pedestrian traffic only, except for

1555wheelchairs. The permit requires the applicant to install

1563concrete-filled steel posts adjacent to the bridge to prevent

1572vehicles from using the bridge.

157714. The proposed permit requires that Koreshan grant a

1586conservation easement for the entire riverbank running along

1594both shorelines of Koreshan's two parcels, except for the dock

1604and boat ramp used by the canoe-rental business. The proposed

1614permit also requires Koreshan to plant leather fern or other

1624wetland species on three-foot centers along the river banks

1633along both banks for a distance of 30 feet.

164215. The proposed permit states that the project shall

1651comply with all applicable water quality standards, including

1659the antidegradation permitting requirements of Rule 62-4.242,

1666Florida Administrative Code.

166916. Respondents did not raise standing as an affirmative

1678defense. It appears that Petitioners or, in the case of

1688corporate Petitioners, members and officers all live in the

1697area of the Estero River and use the river regularly.

170717. For instance, Petitioner Dorothy McNeill resides one

1715mile south of the proposed bridge on a canal leading to the

1727Estero River, which she uses frequently. She is the president

1737and treasurer of Petitioner Estero Conservancy, whose mission

1745is to preserve the Estero River in its natural state.

175518. Petitioner Ellen W. Peterson resides on Corkscrew

1763Road, 300-400 feet from the proposed footbridge. For 26

1772years, she has paddled the river several times weekly, usually

1782upstream because it is prettier. She formerly canoed, but now


179319. The record is devoid of evidence of the water-

1803quality criteria for the Estero River at the time of its

1814designation as an OFW or 1995, which is the year prior to the

1827subject application.

182920. Koreshan has not provided reasonable assurance that

1837the proposed footbridge would not adversely affect the water

1846quality of the Estero River. Although the site of the

1856proposed footbridge is devoid of bottom vegetation and there

1865is no suggestion that this is anything but a natural condition

1876for this part of the riverbottom, there is evidence that the

1887proposed footbridge would adversely affect the water quality

1895in two respects: turbidity caused by the pilings and leaching

1905from the chromated copper arsenate applied to the pilings.

191421. The turbidity is probably the greater threat to

1923water quality because it would be a permanent factor

1932commencing with the completion of the installation of the

1941pilings. The leaching of the heavy metals forming the toxic

1951preservative impregnated into the pilings is probable due to

1960two factors: damage to the PVC liner from collisions with

1970inexperienced boaters and high-water conditions that exceed

19771 foot over mean high water and, thus, the top of the liner.

1990Both of these factors are exacerbated by flooding, which is

2000addressed below.

200222. Koreshan also has failed to provide reasonable

2010assurance that the proposed footbridge is clearly in the

2019public interest under the seven criteria.

202523. The proposed footbridge would adversely affect the

2033public health, safety, or welfare and the property of others

2043through exacerbated flooding.

204624. South Lee County experienced serious flooding in

20541995. In response, Lee County and the South Florida Water

2064Management District have attempted to improve the capacity of

2073natural flowways, in part by clearing rivers of snags and

2083other impediments to flow, including, in the case of the

2093Imperial River, a bridge. One important experience learned

2101from the 1995 floods was to eliminate, where possible,

2110structures in the river, such as snags and pilings, that

2120collect debris in floodwaters and thereby decrease the

2128drainage capacity of the waterway when drainage capacity is

2137most needed. Longer term, the South Florida Water Management

2146District is considering means by which to redirect stormwater

2155from the Imperial River drainage to the Estero River drainage.

216525. The addition of five pilings (more as the river

2175rose) would exacerbate flooding. On this basis alone,

2183Koreshan has failed to provide reasonable assurance.

2190Additionally, though, the HEC II model output offered by

2199Koreshan does not consider flooding based on out-of-banks

2207flows, but only on the basis of roadway flows. In other

2218words, any assurances as to flooding in the design storm are

2229assurances only that U.S. Route 41 will not be flooded, not

2240that the lower surrounding land will not be flooded.

224926. Koreshan failed to provide reasonable assurance that

2257the proposed activity would not adversely affect the

2265conservation of fish and wildlife, for the reasons already

2274stated with respect to water quality.

228027. Koreshan failed to provide reasonable assurance that

2288the proposed activity would not adversely affect navigation or

2297the flow of water. The flow of water is addressed above.

230828. Navigation is best addressed together with the next

2317criterion: whether the proposed activity would adversely

2324affect fishing or recreational values or marine productivity

2332in the vicinity of the activity.

233829. Despite the presence of only two public launch

2347sites, boating is popular on the Estero River. Reflective of

2357the population growth of Collier County to the south and the

2368area of Lee County to the north, the number of boaters on the

2381Estero River has grown steadily over the years. The canoe-

2391rental business located on the 8.5-acre parcel rented canoes

2400or kayaks to over 10,000 persons in 1996. Many other persons

2412launched their canoes or kayaks for free from this site and

2423the nearby state park.

242730. Lee County businesses derive $800,000,000 annually

2436from tourism with ecotourism a growing component of this

2445industry. The Estero River is an important feature of this

2455industry, and the aquatic preserve at the mouth of the river

2466and the state park just downstream from the proposed

2475footbridge provide substantial protection to the scenic and

2483environmental values that drive recreational interest in the


249231. It is unnecessary to consider the aesthetic effect

2501of a footbridge spanning one of the more attractive segments

2511of the Estero River. The proposed footbridge and its five

2521pilings effectively divide the river into six segments of no

2531more than 14 feet each. This fact alone diminishes the

2541recreational value of the river for the many canoeists and

2551kayakers who cannot reliably navigate the U.S. Route 41 bridge

2561pilings, which are more than twice as far apart.

257032. As to the remaining criteria, the proposed

2578footbridge would be permanent and the condition and relative

2587value of functions being performed by areas affected by the

2597proposed activity is high. There is conflicting evidence as

2606to whether the proposed footbridge would adversely affect the

2615remnants of an historic dock, but it is unnecessary to resolve

2626this conflict.

262833. The mitigation proposed by Koreshan does not address

2637the deficiencies inherent in the proposed activity.


264734. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2654jurisdiction over the subject matter. Section 120.57(1),

2661Florida Statutes. (All references to Sections are to Florida

2670Statutes. All references to Rules are to the Florida

2679Administrative Code.)

268135. Rule 62-4.242(2)(a) provides:

2685No Department permit or water quality

2691certification shall be issued for any

2697proposed activity or discharge within an

2703Outstanding Florida Waters, or which

2708significantly degrades, either alone or in

2714combination with other stationary

2718installations, any Outstanding Florida

2722Waters, unless the applicant affirmatively

2727demonstrates that:

2729* * *

27322. The proposed activity or discharge is

2739clearly in the public interest; and . . .

2748* * *

2751b. The existing ambient water quality

2757within Outstanding Florida Waters will not

2763be lowered as a result of the proposed

2771activity or discharge, except on a

2777temporary basis during construction for a

2783period not to exceed thirty days . . ..

279236. Rule 62-4.242(2)(c) defines "existing ambient water

2799quality" as:

2801the better water quality of either (1)

2808that which could reasonably be expected to

2815have existed for the baseline year of an

2823Outstanding Florida Water designation or

2828(2) that which existed during the year

2835prior to the date of a permit application.

284337. As noted in the findings of fact, Koreshan has

2853failed to meet the water-quality criteria applicable to an


286338. Section 373.414(1) provides:

2867(1) As part of an applicant's

2873demonstration that an activity regulated

2878under this part will not be harmful

2885to the water resources or will not be

2893inconsistent with the overall objectives

2898of the district, the governing

2903board or the department shall require the

2910applicant to provide reasonable assurance

2915that state water quality standards

2920applicable to waters as defined in s.

2927403.031(13) will not be violated and

2933reasonable assurance that such activity

2938in, on, or over surface waters or

2945wetlands, as delineated in s. 373.421(1),

2951is not contrary to the public interest.

2958However, if such an activity significantly

2964degrades or is within an Outstanding

2970Florida Water, as provided by department

2976rule, the applicant must provide

2981reasonable assurance that the proposed

2986activity will be clearly in the public


2994(a) In determining whether an activity,

3000which is in, on, or over surface waters or

3009wetlands, as delineated in s. 373.421(1),

3015and is regulated under this part, is not

3023contrary to the public interest or is

3030clearly in the public interest, the

3036governing board or the department shall

3042consider and balance the following


30481. Whether the activity will

3053adversely affect the public health,

3058safety, or welfare or the property of


30662. Whether the activity will

3071adversely affect the conservation of fish

3077and wildlife, including endangered

3081or threatened species, or their habitats;

30873. Whether the activity will

3092adversely affect navigation or the flow of

3099water or cause harmful erosion or


31064. Whether the activity will

3111adversely affect the fishing or

3116recreational values or marine productivity

3121in the vicinity of the activity;

31275. Whether the activity will be of a

3135temporary or permanent nature;

31396. Whether the activity will

3144adversely affect or will enhance

3149significant historical and archaeological

3153resources under the provisions of s.

3159267.061; and

31617. The current condition and relative

3167value of functions being performed by

3173areas affected by the

3177proposed activity.

3179(b) If the applicant is unable to

3186otherwise meet the criteria set forth in

3193this subsection, the governing board or

3199the department, in deciding to grant or

3206deny a permit, shall consider measures

3212proposed by or acceptable to the applicant

3219to mitigate adverse effects that may be

3226caused by the regulated activity. Such

3232measures may include, but are not limited

3239to, onsite mitigation, offsite mitigation,

3244offsite regional mitigation, and the

3249purchase of mitigation credits from

3254mitigation banks permitted under s.

3259373.4136. It shall be the responsibility

3265of the applicant to choose the form of

3273mitigation. The mitigation must offset

3278the adverse effects caused by the

3284regulated activity.

328639. As noted in the findings of fact, Koreshan has

3296failed to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed

3304footbridge is clearly in the public interest, in light of the

3315seven statutory criteria.

331840. Rule 18-21.004(d) provides:

3322Activities on sovereign lands shall be

3328limited to water dependent activities only

3334unless the board determines that it is in

3342the public interest to allow an exception

3349as determined by a case by case

3356evaluation. Public projects which are

3361primarily intended to provide access to

3367and use of the waterfront may be permitted

3375to contain minor uses which are not water

3383dependent if:

33851. located in areas along seawalls or

3392other nonnatural shorelines;

33952. located outside of aquatic preserves

3401or class II waters; and

34063. the nonwater dependent uses are

3412incidental to the basic purpose of the

3419project, and constitute only minor

3424nearshore encroachments of sovereign


342941. The proposed footbridge is not a water dependent

3438activity. Koreshan has failed to show that it is in the

3449public interest that it be authorized to use sovereign lands

3459to construct the footbridge.


3464It is

3466RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental

3472Protection enter a final order dismissing the petition of

3481Petitioner Council of Civic Associations, Inc., and denying

3489the application of Respondent Koreshan Unity Foundation, Inc.,

3497for an environmental resource permit and authorization to

3505obtain an easement for the use of sovereign land.

3514DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 1 998, in

3525Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3533Administrative Law Judge

3536Division of Administrative Hearings

3540The DeSoto Building

35431230 Apalachee Parkway

3546Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3549(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3553Fax Filing (850) 921-6847

3557Filed with the Clerk of the

3563Division of Administrative Hearings

3567this 3rd day of August, 1998.


3575Kathy Malone

3577Vice President and Treasurer

3581Council of Civic Associations, Inc.

3586Post Office Box 919

3590Estero, Florida 33919-0919

3593Reginald McNeill

3595Dorothy McNeill, President

3598Estero Conservancy, Inc.

360126000 Park Place

3604Estero, Florida 33928

3607Mark E. Ebelini

3610Humphrey & Knott, P.A.

36141625 Hendry Street, Suite 301

3619Fort Myers, Florida 33901

3623Phyllis Stanley, President

362612713-3 McGregor Boulevard

3629Fort Myers, Florida 33919

3633Cathy S. Reiman

3636Cummings & Lockwood

3639Post Office Box 413032

3643Naples, Florida 34101-3032

3646Francine M. Ffolkes

3649Department of Environmental Protection

3653Mail Station 35

36563900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3659Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

3662Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk

3666Department of Environmental Protection

3670Mail Station 35

36733900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3676Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

3679F. Perry Odom, General Counsel

3684Department of Environmental Protection

3688Mail Station 35

36913900 Commonwealth Boulevard

3694Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000


3703All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

371315 days from the date of this recommended order. Any

3723exceptions to this recommended order must be filed with the

3733agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/17/1998
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 09/16/1998
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/21/1998
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/17/1998
Proceedings: Other
Date: 08/17/1998
Proceedings: Order Amending Recommended Order sent out.
Date: 08/03/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/03/1998
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 04/30/98 & 05/01/98.
Date: 08/03/1998
Proceedings: (Joint) Prehearing Stipulation; (Respondent) Motion for Official Recognition (tagged/filed w/judge at hearing) filed.
Date: 06/12/1998
Proceedings: Department`s Reply to Petitioner Peterson`s Response to the Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/12/1998
Proceedings: Notice of Adoption of Department of Environmental Protection`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/12/1998
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ellen W. Peterson`s Response in Opposition to the Department of Environmental Protection`s Motion for Extension of Time to File a Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/11/1998
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection`s Proposed Recommended Order (filed via facsimile).
Date: 06/08/1998
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/28/1998
Proceedings: ( 2 Volumes) Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 04/30/1998
Proceedings: Motion for Official Recognition filed. (Filed with Judge at Hearing)
Date: 04/30/1998
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed. (Filed with Judge at Hearing)
Date: 04/30/1998
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/29/1998
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 04/28/1998
Proceedings: (Mark Ebelini) Notice of Appearance as Counsel for Petitioner, Ellen Peterson (filed via facsimile).
Date: 04/27/1998
Proceedings: Request for Production of Documents by Respondent filed.
Date: 04/27/1998
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories of Petitioners, Counsel of Civic Association, Estro conservancy and Dorothy McNeill, Ellen Peterson et al, and the Environmental and Peace Education Center, Inc. to the Respondent filed.
Date: 04/02/1998
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Continuance or Change in Hearing Dates filed.
Date: 03/26/1998
Proceedings: (Cathy Reiman) Notice of Appearance filed.
Date: 03/24/1998
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation and Notice of Hearing sent out. (98-0999, 98-1000, 98-1001 & 98-1002 consolidated; hearing set for April 30 - May 1, 1998; 9:00am; Ft. Myers). CONSOLIDATED CASE NO - CN002913
Date: 03/18/1998
Proceedings: (DEP Amended Joint Response to Initial Order (amended as to dates only) filed.
Date: 03/13/1998
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/05/1998
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/03/1998
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record filed.
Date: 03/03/1998
Proceedings: Notice Of Related Case And Motion To Consolidate By Respondent Department Of Environmental Protection (DOAH related cases are 98-999, 98-1000, 98-1001 & 98-1002); Request For Administrative Hearing, Letter Form filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Myers, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (4):

Related Florida Statute(s) (9):

Related Florida Rule(s) (8):