11B-27.003. Duty to Report, Investigations, Procedures  

Effective on Thursday, May 20, 2021
  • 1(1) Pursuant to Section 5943.1395(5), F.S., 7an employing agency shall conduct an investigation when having cause to suspect that an officer it employs or employed at the time of the alleged violation, or employed on a Temporary Employment Authorization (TEA) pursuant to Section 44943.131, F.S., 46does not comply with Sections 51943.13(4) 52or (7), F.S. or subsection 5711B-27.0011(4), 58F.A.C. An investigation shall be conducted and concluded when the employing agency has cause to suspect that an officer is in violation of Section 82943.13(4) 83or (7), F.S., or subsection 8811B-27.0011(4), 89F.A.C. The agency’s investigation shall contain an official disposition, which shall be reported to Commission staff pursuant to subsection (2) of this rule section.

    113(2) Upon concluding the investigation:

    118(a) If the allegations are sustained, the employing agency shall complete an Internal Investigation Report, form CJSTC-78, revised August 13, 2020, effective 5/2021, hereby incorporated by reference 145http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13138, 147regardless of whether any civil service appeal, arbitration, employment hearing, administrative, civil, or criminal action is pending or contemplated. Form CJSTC-78 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address177: http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJSTC/Publications/Forms.aspx, 179or by contacting Commission staff at (850)410-8615.

    186(b) If the allegations are sustained, and are a violation of Section 198943.13(4) 199or (7), F.S., or subsection 20411B-27.0011(4), 205F.A.C., the employing agency shall forward to Commission staff the complete investigative package, which shall include the following, no later than 45 days after the allegations are sustained:

    2331. A completed Internal Investigation Report form CJSTC-78.

    2412. The allegations.

    2443. A summary of the facts.

    2504. Names of witnesses.

    2545. Witness statements and depositions.

    2596. Certified court documents.

    2637. Any other supportive documentation or information.

    270(c) If the allegations are not sustained, unfounded, or the officer has been exonerated, or the allegations that are sustained are only violations of the employing agency’s policies, and are not violations of Section 304943.13(4) 305or (7), F.S., or subsection 31011B-27.0011(4), 311F.A.C., the employing agency shall complete form CJSTC-78 and maintain the form on file at the agency.

    328Rulemaking Authority 330943.03(4), 331943.12(1) FS. 333Law Implemented 335943.1395(5) FS. 337History–New 10-6-82, Amended 1-7-85, Formerly 11B-27.03, Amended 12-13-92, 9-5-93, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 6-9-08, 9-14-17, 8-15-18, 5-20-21.