11C-6.005. Access to Criminal Justice Information for Research or Statistical Purposes  

Effective on Monday, July 22, 2024
  • 1(1) Each request of the Department of Law Enforcement for criminal justice information for research or statistical purposes shall be processed through the Director’s Office of the Division of Criminal Justice Information Systems.

    34(2)(a) All requests shall be made in writing and directed to:

    45Florida Department of Law Enforcement

    50Division of Criminal Justice Information Services

    56Director’s Office

    58Post Office Box 1489

    62Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1489

    65Or shall be submitted electroincally to: FSAC@fdle.state.fl.us

    72(b) All requests shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant; a brief summary of the project; the type of criminal justice information desired; and the intended use for the criminal justice information.

    108(3) Requests shall be processed on a priority basis for:

    118(a) Criminal Justice Agencies;

    122(b) Noncriminal Justice Government Agencies;

    127(c) Private entities; corporations and private individuals.

    134(4) All requests will be evaluated by the Director of the Division of Criminal Justice Information Services or the Director’s designated assistant for the feasibility of compliance.

    161(5) If criminal justice information cannot be provided to the applicant as requested, written notice will be forwarded to the applicant within 21 days after receipt of the request, explaining why it is not feasible.

    196(6)(a) If the request can be met, written notice will be forwarded to the applicant within 21 days after receipt of the request and the applicant will be required to enter privacy and security agreement with the Department of Law Enforcement.

    237(b) The privacy and security agreement is intended to assure that criminal justice information disseminated for use in a research or statistical project is used only for the purpose stated in the original request.

    271(7) The privacy and security agreement should be completed and returned to the Division of Criminal Justice Information Services. The Division will complete the request as soon as practical upon receipt of the documents.

    305(8) Criminal justice information which has been sealed upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction will be disseminated only in accordance with applicable law.

    330(9) A processing fee shall be charged unless the Executive director of the department determines that the requested information would be in the interest of law enforcement or criminal justice.

    360Rulemaking Authority 362943.03(4), 363943.053(1), 364943.057 FS. 366Law Implemented 368119.07, 369943.0525, 370943.053, 371943.057 FS. 373History–New 11-12-81, Formerly 11C-6.05, Amended 7-7-99, 7-22-24.