11I-1.003. Authority for Disciplinary Actions  

Effective on Tuesday, November 5, 2002
  • 1(1) Specific disciplinary action may be taken by a supervisor having appropriate delegated authority from the Executive Director of the Department of Law Enforcement. This delegation of authority varies with the severity of the particular disciplinary action and is identified in the following table:



    48Oral Reprimand

    50Immediate Supervisor or any higher level supervisor

    57Written Reprimand

    59Immediate Supervisor or any higher level supervisor

    66Reduction in Pay

    69Executive Director


    72Executive Director


    75Executive Director


    78Executive Director

    80(2) Any employee who either observes, is aware of, or receives a complaint from any source alleging employee behavior violating a rule of conduct shall promptly submit a report on the employee behavior to his or her immediate supervisor on an Internal Inquiry Form to be provided by the Department. Any supervisor who observes, is aware of, or receives a complaint from any source relating to employee behavior, which could result in disciplinary action, shall promptly report the behavior through the Chain of Command on a Department Internal Inquiry Form.

    170Rulemaking Authority 172943.03(4) FS. 174Law Implemented 176110.227 FS. 178History–New 7-8-82, Formerly 11I-1.03, Amended 7-1-90, 11-5-02.


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