11N-1.007. Annual Audit  

Effective on Monday, June 9, 2008
  • 1(1) The Department of Law Enforcement will annually arrange for an independent evaluation of the Violent Crime Investigative Emergency and Drug Control Strategy Implementation Account to ensure expenditures are consistent with provisions of this rule chapter, and annually arrange for an independent audit of the financial statement.

    48(2) Prior to the receipt of Council awarded funds, the lead Agency Head and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will be required to sign, date, and return the State Financial Assistance Form 80FDLE/IFS-006, revised 08/01/07 and incorporated by reference, 87indicating agreement to maintain the requested documentation detailing the actual funds expended during the investigations, and to provide documentation to an auditor upon request.

    111Rulemaking Authority 113943.03(4), 114943.042 FS. 116Law Implemented 118943.031, 119943.042 FS. 121History–New 3-10-94, Amended 10-10-95, 10-25-01, 3-21-07, 6-9-08.


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