12B-12.002. Definitions. For purposes of this rule:  

Effective on Monday, March 18, 1996
  • 1(1) “Importer” means any person who imports perc, or causes perc to be imported into Florida.

    17(2)(a) “Perchloroethylene” means a liquid solvent containing no less than 95 percent of the specific chemical compound designated as C137238C:CC1392 40bearing Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number 127-18-4 assigned by the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts Service.

    56(b) “Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number 127-18-4” is the numeric designation assigned by the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts Service that uniquely identifies perchloroethylene.

    80(3) “Producer” means any person located in Florida who manufactures or produces perc.

    93Rulemaking Authority 95212.17(6), 96212.18(2), 97213.06(1), 98376.75(9)(b) FS. 100Law Implemented 102376.301, 103376.75 FS. 105History–New 2-19-95, Amended 3-18-96.


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