12B-4.011. Imposition of Tax  

Effective on Tuesday, December 30, 1997
  • 1(1) Scope of Tax: Section 6201.02, F.S., 8imposes a tax on deeds, instruments, or writings, whereby any lands, tenements, or other realty, or any interests therein is granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in the purchaser, or any other person by his direction. The tax attaches at the time the deed or other instrument of conveyance is delivered, irrespective of the time when the sale is made. Deeds deposited in escrow become subject to the tax upon delivery to the grantee.

    85(2) Taxable Conveyances: Tax must be paid on all taxable conveyances regardless of where the document may be made, executed, or delivered. (1932 Op. Att’y. Gen. Fla. 1931-32 Biennial Report, Page 979 (May 20, 1932))

    120Rulemaking Authority 122201.11(1), 123213.06(1) FS. 125Law Implemented 127201.02 FS. 129History–New 8-18-73, Formerly 12A-4.11, Amended 11-29-79, Formerly 12B-4.11, Amended 12-5-89, 12-30-97.


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