14-51.013. Sign Evaluation Process  

Effective on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
  • 1(1) Sign requests must originate from state agencies, city or county resolution, official representatives of schools or universities, or representatives of tourist attractions or businesses. Requests shall be made, in writing, to the District Traffic Operations Engineer for the Department District where the sign is proposed.

    47(2) Upon receiving a written request, the Department will determine whether:

    58(a) The written request concerns an eligible destination or motorist service.

    69(b) The trip generation meets or exceeds the minimum criteria in Table 2 for Limited Access Facilities or Table 4 for Non-Limited Access Facilities.

    93(c) There are seasonal considerations.

    98(d) 99The 100intersection or interchange approach can accommodate additional destination legend without exceeding the mandatory space limitations for either existing sign panels, or an additional sign structure. If a request for destination guide signing is received, but the intersection or interchange has the maximum number of destinations, then the request will be denied.

    151(e) The addition of the sign will benefit the safety of the motoring public.

    165(3) Written requests shall provide data to support the trip generation of the proposed destination. It shall also provide data to support the function of the facility (e.g., tourist attraction) to determine which set of criteria from Table 2, Criteria for Signing Destinations on Limited Access Facilities, and Table 4, Criteria for Signing Destinations on Non-Limited Access Facilities, will apply. If additional support data is needed, the Department will require an engineering study to validate the request.

    242(4) If the written request complies with the signing criteria for the destination, the District Traffic Operations Engineer shall review the sign location for space availability.

    268(5) 269Supplemental guide sign destinations are subject to a four-year review cycle to verify that the trip generation characteristics are consistent with Department signing criteria. The Department will not replace a signed destination with a new destination, regardless of annual trips, as long as the signed destination remains in operation.

    318(6) The following shall be considered 324when developing a guide sign system330:

    331(a) Highest preference will be given to destinations that attract a larger number of trips from distances greater than 100 miles.

    352(b) The likelihood that the destination will continue to generate a high number of trips or if there are seasonal characteristics.

    373(c) Local government recommendations.

    377(d) The cooperation of local government and the tourism industry 387with the development of a regional signing plan395.

    396(7) Destinations signed prior to the March 27, 2005, effective date of this rule chapter shall not be subject to the requirements of this rule chapter unless the sign is modified.

    427(8) Signs may be approved temporarily by the Department for research and evaluation based on studies provided by the applicant. These studies shall include, at a minimum, trip generation, origin and destination studies i.e., entrance and exit locations, specific route, U-turns, and last minute lane changes to determine the safety impact. All studies shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in Florida.

    492Rulemaking Authority 494316.0745 FS. 496Law Implemented 498316.0745 FS. 500History–New 3-27-05, Amended 11-24-11, 1-12-16.


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