19B-14.003. Resolution of Claims

Effective on Thursday, June 20, 1996
  • 1(1) Upon receipt of a formal written petition, the Executive Director shall attempt to resolve the matters that are the subject of the petition by mutual agreement within fifteen (15) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.

    38(2) If the petition is not resolved by mutual agreement within fifteen (15) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, the Executive Director shall deliver, within forty-five (45) days from the date such petition was filed, to the person or firm that filed the petition a determination that indicates the Board’s written response to the claims or such person or firm.

    99(3) Unless the person or firm who filed the petition agrees to the determination of the Board and a consent order adopting the determination is entered within thirty (30) days from the receipt by the person or firm of the Board’s determination, the Executive Director, if no disputed issues of material fact are involved, shall designate a hearing officer who shall conduct an informal proceeding pursuant to Section 167120.57(2), F.S., 169and applicable Board rules. The hearing officer designated by the Executive Director shall be either a person who is a member in good standing of the Florida Bar or a person knowledgeable by virtue of education or practical experience with the subject matter of similar contracts involving state agencies.

    218(4) If there is a disputed issue of material fact, the Executive Director shall refer the petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Management Services for proceedings under Section 251120.57(1), F.S.

    253(5) Once the Executive Director has referred the dispute to a hearing officer pursuant to subsection (3) or (4), no further information or amendment of the claims shall be permitted.

    283(6) The statements, facts, documents and materials contained in the petition filed pursuant to Rule 29819B-14.002, 299F.A.C., or which are submitted to and received by the Executive Director prior to the determination made pursuant to subsection 31919B-14.003(2), 320F.A.C., shall constitute the entire factual record submitted by a person or firm on which a claim against the Board may be sustained in any hearing under this rule. A person or firm making a claim against the Board shall not be allowed to submit to a hearing officer any statements, facts, documents or materials to support any claim against the Board which were not submitted to the Executive Director by the person or firm making the claim prior to the Executive Director’s determination pursuant to subsection 40719B-14.003(2), 408F.A.C. The Board may submit statements, facts, documents or materials in response to the factual record submitted by a person or firm making a claim against the Board or to sustain the decision of the Executive Director which was made pursuant to subsection 45119B-14.003(2), 452F.A.C.

    453(7) The filing of a petition by a person or firm pursuant to the provisions of this rule shall not affect the duty or obligation of the person or firm pursuant to the contract under which the claim or dispute arose. Any person or firm which files a petition pursuant to the provisions of this rule expressly agrees that it shall continue to proceed with all scheduled work as determined under any prior existing schedule pursuant to such contract unless otherwise agreed in writing between the person or firm and the Board.

    545Rulemaking Authority 5471009.971(1), 548(4), (6) FS. Law Implemented 5531009.971 FS. 555History–New 6-20-96.


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