1A-31.055. Notice of Approval or Denial  

Effective on Monday, July 20, 2009
  • 1(1) The division shall notify the applicant of approval or intended denial of the application at the address provided in the application or as specified in any notice of change, per Rule 331A-31.080, 34F.A.C.,within 90 days after receipt by the division of a completed application for a permit or a permit renewal.  If the application is approved, the division shall furnish a permit document for signature by the applicant certifying agreement with its terms and conditions. The applicant shall return the signed permit to the division for signature by the division’s authorized representative. The permit shall be executed by the division and returned to the permittee within 15 days of receipt. The permit is effective when it is signed by the applicant and the division.

    127(2) If the division intends to deny the application, the division shall list those criteria from Rule 1441A-31.046, 145F.A.C., on which the intended denial is based and inform the applicant of the options available within the 90 days as cited above.

    168Rulemaking Authority 170267.031(1) FS. 172Law Implemented 174267.031(2) FS. 176History–New 7-20-09.


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