1S-9.002. Goals and Policies  

Effective on Sunday, March 13, 1994
  • 1This chapter sets forth the goals and policies of the Elections Emergency Contingency Plan which gives specific direction to state and local election officials when an election has been suspended or delayed. The Plan provides procedures for state and local election officials to follow when an election has been suspended or delayed. The procedures provided for notice of the suspension or delay to the proper authorities, the electorate, the communications’ media, poll workers, and the custodians of polling places. The Plan also provides procedures for the orderly conduct of a rescheduled election, whether municipal, county, district, or statewide in scope; and it provides a procedure for the release and certification of election returns to the Department of State for elections suspended or delayed and subsequently rescheduled. The Division of Elections of the Department is given broad authority to implement a contingency plan for the suspension or delay of an election in the event of an emergency situation and is authorized to promulgate rules to effectuate this Plan. The Plan is statewide in scope.

    174Rulemaking Authority 176101.733(3) FS. 178Law Implemented 180101.733(3) FS. 182History–New 3-13-94.


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