20-13.022. WG-2: Classification and Standards  

Effective on Wednesday, August 23, 2017
  • 1(1) Classification: The market classification of the citrus hybrid “WG-2,” shall be “Tangerine,” or “Mandarin.”

    18(2) Identification:

    20(a) The proper identification shall be either “Aroema28,29” “Aroema31 32Tangerine,” 34“Tangerine,” “Aroema37 38Mandarin,” or “Mandarin” and one such name shall be used whenever this fruit is identified.

    54(b) In order to be marketed as “Aroema62 63Mandarin,” or “Mandarin” the fruit must meet the requirements set forth in Rule 7720-13.0042, 78F.A.C.

    79(c) 80In order to be marketed as seedless or low-seeded the fruit must meet the definitions set forth in Rule 9920-13.0041, 100F.A.C.

    101(3) Standards: The standards as set forth in Chapters 20-55 and 20-56, F.A.C., shall be applicable to this fruit.

    120Rulemaking Authority 122601.10(7), 123601.11, 124601.9910(3) FS.  126Law Implemented 128601.11, 129601.9910(3) FS. 131History–New 8-23-17.


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