20-48.007. Targeted VAP Performance Formula  

Effective on Thursday, February 3, 2000
  • 1(1) Targeted VAP dollars for advertising are based on the following formula:

    13Program Cost:_____15x16________________17= $19____________________________

    20# of 22Total $ per carton

    26cartons 27(maximum  $.50)

    29(2) Value of each required promotional/advertising activity shall be awarded as follows:

    41(a) Line ad + expanded display (end cap or secondary table)

      52$.10 per carton

    55(b) Feature ad + expanded display (end cap or secondary table)

      66$.25 per carton

    69(3) Value earned for optional promotion activities: 

    76(a) Gross margin < 20% of retail price + multi-unit pricing (beyond the $1 mark) on bulk loose citrus

      79$.10 per carton

    82(b) Graphic bins or front lobby displays

      89$.25 per carton

    92(c) Promoting bagged citrus

      96$.25 per carton

    99(4) There is a promotional spending cap of $.50 per carton under the Targeted VAP program for media promotions. The cap does not apply to Targeted VAP funds for demo support; those funds can be rewarded to retailers as follows:

    139(a) For demo support, retailers shall be reimbursed for actual cost associated with the demo activity with a cap of $5,000 on the cost of a given promotion.

    168(b) Graphic bin use

      172$.50 per carton

    175(c) Bagged grapefruit promotion

      179$.50 per carton

    182A cap of $.50 per carton will apply to graphic bin and bagged grapefruit media promotions.

    198Rulemaking Authority 200601.15 FS. 202Law Implemented 204601.15 FS. 206History–New 11-17-97, Amended 12-6-98, 2-3-00.


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