20-48.008. Proof of Performance; Claim for Payment  

Effective on Thursday, February 3, 2000
  • 1Claims shall be in sufficient detail to allow for proper post-audit and pre-audit thereof. Upon completion of a promotion the appropriate Department of Citrus field representative shall compile and submit to the Department of Citrus documentation for proof of performance, including:

    42(1) Tear sheets of each ad; and

    49(2) Photos or retailer sales planners; and

    56(3) A properly executed Targeted Value-Added Promotion Program Evaluation Form CIT/MKTG/154 EFF. 10/20/99.

    69(4) Demo invoice detailing number of stores participating and cost/store, with signed demo reports for each participating store.

    87Rulemaking Authority 89601.15 FS. 91Law Implemented 93601.15 FS. 95History–New 11-17-97, Amended 12-6-98, 2-3-00.


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