20-61.0072. Determination of Pounds of Grapefruit Solids

Effective on Sunday, October 15, 1995
  • 1(1) For purposes of reporting under Rule 820-63.001, 9pounds of grapefruit solids shall be determined in the following way: Multiply the state test house yield, expressed in pounds solids per box and calculated in accordance with paragraph 3820-61.0071(1)(a), 39F.A.C., by the applicable correction factor derived from the following table to determine the number of pounds of grapefruit solids in the load of grapefruit.

    64Load Date


    67September 1 – December 31


    73January 1 – February 14


    79February 15 – February 29


    85March 1 – March 14


    91March 15 – April 30


    97May 1 – August 31


    103The applicable factor shall be the factor opposite the date that the load of fruit is accepted, sampled and tested by the Florida Department of Agriculture, Division of Fruit and Vegetables.

    134(2) The pound solids determination made under this rule may be used whenever the seller and buyer mutually agree, as the trading unit for the grapefruit being sold.

    162Rulemaking Authority 164601.10(1) FS. 166Law Implemented 168601.02(5), 169601.25 FS. 171History–New 5-1-82, Amended 11-15-83, 10-24-84, 10-20-85, Formerly 20-61.072, Amended 10-19-86, 11-1-87, 10-20-92, 10-15-95.


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