23-20.006. Processing of Mutual Participation Program Agreements  

Effective on Tuesday, January 26, 1993
  • 1(1) The inmate shall have the right to terminate the Mutual Participation Program agreement at any time, without cause. The inmate may cancel the agreement by notifying the Commission and the Department representatives in writing of his election to no longer participate in the program. The Commission and the Department shall no longer be under any obligation to comply with the negotiated terms. No penalty shall attach to the inmate’s election to terminate the agreement and he shall return to his prior status.

    84(2) The agreement may be cancelled for good cause if the inmate fails to meet the conditions or if relevant information previously not known is brought to the attention of the Commission or the Department.

    119Rulemaking Authority 121947.07, 122947.135, 123947.20 FS. 125Law Implemented 127947.135 FS. 129History–New 9-10-81, Amended 10-1-82, Formerly 23-20.06, Amended 1-26-93.


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