25-7.066. Meter Test - Refereed Disputes  

Effective on Thursday, October 11, 2012
  • 1(1) In the event of a dispute, upon request to the Commission by any customer, a test of the customer’s meter will be made by the utility as soon as practicable. Said test will be supervised and witnessed by a representative of the Commission.

    45(2) A meter shall in no way be disturbed after the utility has received notice that application has been made for such referee test unless a representative of the Commission is present or unless authority to do so is first given in writing by the Commission or by the customer.

    95(3) A written report of the results of the test will be made by the Commission to the customer.

    114(4) For equipment tested under this rule, any previous accuracy test result on record at the time the meter test is requested must be retained by the utility.

    142Rulemaking Authority 144350.127(2), 145366.05(1), 146368.03, 147368.05(2) FS. 149Law Implemented 151366.05(3), 152(5), 153366.08, 154368.03, 155368.05 FS. 157History–New 10-20-73, Repromulgated 1-8-75, 5-4-75, Formerly 25-7.66, Amended 10-11-12.


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