28-29.004. Administration  

Effective on Thursday, August 23, 1984
  • 1(1) The state land planning agency shall administer the requirements of these rules through negotiated memoranda of agreement with each affected local government, specifying reporting requirements and deadlines for implementation.

    31(2) All appropriate state and regional agencies shall render technical assistance and commit any available resources to aiding local governments in their compliance with the provisions of these rules.

    60(3) The state land planning agency shall coordinate the programs and regulatory activities of state, regional and federal agencies to ensure that they are consistent, to the maximum extent possible, with local government comprehensive plans and development regulations approved under these Principles for Guiding Development.

    105(4) The above guidelines and implementation requirements are oriented towards protection of natural resources and public investments of regional and state importance. The comprehensive plans and development regulations developed pursuant to these principles shall be:

    140(a) Performance oriented to maximize design flexibility;

    147(b) Administered to provide specified levels of protection that reflect the location, quality, environmental functions and the relationship of the protected resources to developed areas and public facilities; and

    176(c) Adopted and administered consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163, F.S.

    188(5) The state land planning agency shall develop a mechanism for monitoring local government comprehensive plans and land development regulations to ensure consistency with these principles.

    214Rulemaking Authority 216380.05, 217380.0552(1) FS. 219Law Implemented 221380.05, 222380.0552(1) FS. 224History–New 5-16-75, Formerly 22F-8.04, Amended 8-23-84, Formerly 27F-8.04, 27F-8.004.