29A-3.012. Settlement Meetings  

Effective on Sunday, November 13, 1994
  • 1(1) Settlement meetings shall, at a minimum, be attended by the named parties’ representatives designated pursuant to subsection 1929A-3.003(3), 20F.A.C.

    21(2) Settlement meetings may be facilitated by an RPC staff member or other neutral facilitator acceptable to the parties and shall be held at a time and place acceptable to the parties.

    53(3) At the settlement meeting, the parties shall: consider adding named parties, consider guidelines for participation, identify the issues to be addressed, present their concerns and constraints, explore options for a solution, and seek agreement.

    88(4) The parties shall submit a settlement meeting report in accordance with subsection 10129A-3.015(4), 102F.A.C., of this process.

    106(5) If an agreed-upon settlement meeting is not held or a settlement meeting produces no agreement to proceed to additional settlement meetings, mediation or advisory decision-making, any party who has agreed to participate in this procedure may proceed to: a joint meeting of governing bodies pursuant to Chapter 164, F.S., litigation, an administrative hearing, or arbitration as appropriate.

    164Specific Authority 166186.509 FS. 168Law Implemented 170186.509 FS. 172History–New 11-13-94.


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