29A-4.001. West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan

Effective on Sunday, October 19, 1997
  • 1The West Florida Regional Planning Council hereby incorporates by reference the West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. The Plan contains six parts: A statement of purpose; an executive summary briefly describing the strategic regional subject areas and selected goals and policies; strategic regional subject areas trends and conditions statements and regional goals and policies; a coordination outline providing an overview of regional planning activities; a glossary of terms and key words; and identification of regionally significant resources including highest quality FNAI natural communities occurrences; rarest FNAI natural communities; specific locations of endangered, threatened, special concern and rare species of plants and animals; significant wildlife aggregation areas; strategic habitat conservation areas; and regionally significant facilities. Comments and recommended revisions from the Executive Office of the Governor shall be included in the West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan in a comment section, pursuant to subsection 144186.508(1), F.S. 146A copy of the Plan may be obtained from the West Florida Regional Planning Council Office, 3435 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, Florida 32593-0486.

    169Specific Authority 171186.507, 172186.508 FS. 174Law Implemented 176186.507, 177186.508 FS. 179History–New 8-27-96, Amended 10-19-97.


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