29F-1.105. Council  

Effective on Tuesday, September 14, 1999
  • 1(1) There shall be a council composed of voting representatives of member local governmental units and gubernatorial appointees.

    19(2) The Council shall meet once each month, provided there is business to conduct; the Annual Meeting will be held in September.

    41(3) At the Annual Meeting, the Council shall elect the officers and the Executive Committee; adopt the Annual Budget and Work Program; establish a schedule of regular meetings for the upcoming fiscal year; and conduct other business as deemed appropriate. The schedule of meetings may be amended by vote of the Council or by the Chairperson, when the Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Director, determines that:

    108(a) There is insufficient business to convene a meeting on the regularly scheduled date, in which case, 125the meeting will be postponed to the next regularly scheduled date; or

    137(b) Timely action of the Council is required in order to prevent a missed opportunity that is dependent upon Council action before the next regular meeting.

    163(4) The chairperson or any five voting representatives of the Council shall call special meetings of the Council. Calls for special meetings shall be in writing to the Executive Director sufficiently in advance to accommodate the requirements for the publication of public meeting notices in the Florida Administrative Register and subsection 29F-1.1005(5), F.A.C.

    216(5) Written notice of Council meetings shall be mailed to each representative, at the representative’s address, 232as it appears on the records of the Council, at least seven (7) days prior to that meeting. The notice shall state the time, place, and the business to be transacted. Business transacted at all meetings shall be confined to the subject stated in the notice, except that business of an emergency nature requiring timely action of the Council may be acted upon provided that the nature of the emergency is first declared by the Chairperson and recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.

    317(6) Representatives entitled to cast one-third (1/3) of the total number of votes on the Council shall constitute a quorum at any Council meeting. When a quorum is present, the majority of the votes cast shall decide any question, other than Rules revision 360or amendment brought to a vote before the Council.

    369(7) The appointing authority may designate a standing alternate for each of their members, who may attend in that member’s place. Alternates shall have the same rights as members, including voting.

    400(8) Each representative on the Council shall have one (1) vote on all matters under consideration.

    416(9) All official meetings of the Council shall be open to the public as required by the Florida Sunshine Law, Chapter 286, F.S., and shall meet the requirements of the applicable sections of the Florida Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 120, F.S.

    457Rulemaking Authority 459186.505 FS. 461Law Implemented 463186.505 FS. 465History–New 9-14-99.


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