29F-1.107. Finances  

Effective on Wednesday, September 22, 1999
  • 1(1) The Council’s work year and fiscal year shall be the twelve (12) months beginning the first day of October and ending the thirtieth day of September.

    28(2) The Council shall adopt a work program and budget for each fiscal year by the beginning of that fiscal year. The Council shall provide, by July 1 of each year, an estimate of the next fiscal year’s membership fee to the governing body of each county local government member unit. Each county local government member unit shall include in its annual budget and provide to the Council funds in an amount sufficient to fund its proportionate share of the Council's adopted budget.

    111(3) The proportionate share of the Council’s budget shall be an amount that bears the same ratio to the local share of the total annual Council budget as the population of each county local government member unit bears to the total population of all participatory counties. The local share is the total annual budget minus funds supplied to the Council under contract with Federal or State agencies.

    178(4) The Council, in adopting its annual budget, shall establish a reasonable minimum financial contribution from each county local government member unit.

    200(5) Assessments shall be due in full on October 1.

    210(6) Each county local member government that does not remit the assessed amount by November 1 shall lose all voting privileges, both for representatives from the principal member and other appointees from the county, until payment is made.

    248(7) The following persons are designated to sign all checks issued by the Council: 1) the Chairperson; 2) the Vice-Chairperson; 3) the Secretary-Treasurer; and 4) the Executive Director of the Council. Additional staff persons shall be designated as signators by the Council to avoid problems associated with time or distance. All checks over $1,000 are to be signed by two (2) of the above-designated persons.

    314(8) The budget and such other changes, amendments or supplements as are necessary to conduct the fiscal affairs of the Council shall be amended by action of the Council provided, however, that the budget may not be amended to increase the annual per capita contribution by the county local government member units.

    366(9) The purchase of any single item of either equipment or goods that will require the expenditure of more than three thousand dollars ($3,000), and that is not included in the current approved budget, must be approved by the Council.

    407Rulemaking Authority 409186.505 FS. 411Law Implemented 413186.505 FS. 415History–New 9-22-99.


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