29F-2.102. Meetings, Hearings and Workshops  

Effective on Wednesday, November 24, 1999
  • 1(1) Persons who wish to address the Council on a matter not specifically included on the agenda for the Council’s upcoming public meeting, hearing or workshop shall so notify the Chairperson or the Executive Director not less than ten (10) days before the Council's upcoming public meeting, hearing or workshop. The Executive Director, in consultation with the Chairperson, shall include the party on the agenda or notify the party in writing of the reasons for not including the person on the agenda. An opportunity for general public comment will be included in each agenda.

    95(2) Persons participating in a public meeting, hearing or workshop of the Council shall be allocated a reasonable amount of time to present oral testimony and offer any appropriate written materials relevant to the person’s position. The Chairperson shall instruct all persons as to the amount of time allocated for presentation and as to the appropriateness of written materials offered.

    155Specific Authority 157120.54(5), 158185.505 FS. Law Implemented 162120.54(5), 163186.505 FS. 165History–New 11-24-99.


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