29H-1.007. Finances  

Effective on Monday, November 8, 1976
  • 1(1) Fiscal/Work Year.

    4The work year and fiscal year of the Regional Planning Council shall be the 12 months beginning the first day of October and ending the 30th day of September.

    33(2) Yearly Membership Assessment.

    37Each member government shall pay basic dues of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per fiscal year. Each member county and member municipality located in a nonmember county in addition to the basic dues shall contribute such cash amount per capita on the total population of its county (City) as is required to make up the remainder of the adopted annual budget over and above the total of the members’ basic dues. The population base for calculating such pro-rata contribution shall be the most current reported for each county (city) in accordance with the official annual estimate of county (city) population established pursuant to Section 23.019, F.S.

    143(3) Payment of Dues and Assessments.

    149Dues and Assessments are due in full 30 days after adoption by the Council.

    163(4) Penalties.

    165Any member who does not remit its dues and assessed amount within 30 days after the first day of the fiscal year shall lose all voting privileges until payment is made.

    196(5) Service Charges.

    199The Council may set fees for its services commensurate with costs incurred therewith and provided such fees are not otherwise prohibited.

    220(6) In addition to annual dues, the Council may receive and accept in furtherance of its functions: gifts, grants, assistance funds, bequests, and services from federal, state, and local governments or their agencies and from private and community sources, and to expend therefrom such sums of money as shall be deemed necessary from time to time for the attainment of its objectives in accordance with all applicable laws.

    288(7) The Council shall maintain bank accounts including but not limited to checking and savings and may purchase short-term U.S. government securities, Certificates of Deposit, and conduct its finances in accordance with all applicable laws.

    323(8) All checks drawn on Council accounts shall be cosigned. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, the Council’s Executive Director, and Assistant Director are hereby designated as authorized fiscal signators.

    351(9) An independent auditor shall conduct an annual audit of the Council’s finances at the close of each fiscal year.

    371Rulemaking Authority 373163.01, 374163.01(5)(h) FS. 376Law Implemented 378163.01(5)(d), 379163.01(5)(e), 380163.01(5)(g), 381163.01(10)(b) FS. 383History–New 11-27-75, Amended 11-8-76, Formerly 29H-1.07.