29I-1.004. Council Membership and Appointments, Term of Service, Vacancies, Removal from Office  

Effective on Thursday, May 14, 2009
  • 1(1) Membership and Appointments.

    5(a) The Council shall include the Counties of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee and Sarasota, each of which shall be represented on the Council by two voting representatives appointed by their respective Board of County Commissioners.

    41(b) All municipalities within each county shall select one representative of one of the municipalities within the county who will be a voting representative.

    65(c) Further, each city has the option to be a member local government and to appoint one representative from the city’s governing board; cities taking this option shall not participate in the process in paragraph (b) above.

    102(d) 103The representative(s) to the Council from each member local government shall be the elected chief representative of said local government or a member of its governing body chosen by such body to be its representative.

    138(e) Changes in membership provisions shall require a two thirds vote of the members.

    152(2) Terms of Service.

    156(a) Council members shall serve, and may be reappointed, at the pleasure of the appointing authority for terms not to exceed 3 years.

    179(b) Member governments may appoint alternate representative(s) to the Council. Alternate representative(s) shall be the chief elected official of said local government or a member of its governing body chosen by such body to be its alternate representative.

    217(3) Vacancies.

    219Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the initial appointment.

    236(4) Removal from Service.

    240Should a Council member have three consecutive unexplained absences from regular Council meetings, the Council shall so advise the appropriate appointing authority and request another appointment. Voting representatives will continue to occupy their offices until the Council is notified in writing of their replacement.

    284Rulemaking Authority 286186.502, 287186.505(1) FS. 289Law Implemented 291186.504 FS. 293History–New 2-9-76, Amended 2-20-77, 7-18-82, Formerly 29I-1.04, Amended 5-4-88, 3-1-95, 5-14-09.


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