2A-9.007. Unused Funds  

Effective on Tuesday, May 16, 2017
  • 1(1) A discretionary grant may be awarded to a crime stoppers organization from unused funds if available, if the discretionary grant does not exceed the Department’s spending authority, and if the grant is approved for the following purposes:

    39(a) To initiate a campaign to form a crime stoppers organization in a county where a crime stoppers organization does not exist;

    61(b) To enhance a crime fighting effort to target a specific criminal element as a statewide initiative, or

    79(c) To initiate statewide training pertaining to crime fighting programs which support Crime Stoppers, law enforcement personnel, and/or the general public, or

    101(d) To support an Official Member and its crime fighting programs, by supplementing their existing award for unanticipated allowable expenses, and to allow for an increased award amount, for a single criminal act which creates an unexpected and substantial increase in expenses which could not have been anticipated by the Official Member.

    153(2) Unused funds shall be used for the coordination with appropriate governmental agencies to support and enhance efforts to train the public in crime prevention methods and in personal safety principles, especially for citizens who live in, work at, or frequent locations having high crime rates.

    199Rulemaking Authority 20116.555(6) FS. 203Law Implemented 20516.555, 20616.556, 207938.06 FS. 209History210‒New 6-22-15, Amended 5-16-17.