34-13.120. Persons Who Are Subject to the Law  

Effective on Monday, January 11, 2016
  • 1In general, the following persons are subject to various provisions of the Code of Ethics regarding gifts, things of value, honoraria, and expenses related to honorarium events.

    28(1) Public officers, whether elected or appointed and including members of advisory boards, at any level of government in Florida other than the federal government, except judges. This includes governmental units at the local or State level; any State, regional, county, municipal, or district governmental entity; any public school, community college, or State university; or any department, commission, authority, district, political subdivision, or other such governmental agency.

    95(2) Public employees at any level of government in Florida other than the federal government, including the governmental units described above.

    116(3) Candidates for elective public office, whether State or local.

    126(4) Spouses, minor children, parents and siblings of public officers and public employees.

    139(5) Persons who are paid a salary, fee, or otherwise receive compensation for lobbying any State or local governmental official or agency, the employers and principals of any such lobbyists, and the partners and firms of such lobbyists. The compensation which is paid does not have to be specifically designated for the purpose of lobbying.

    194(6) Vendors.

    196(7) Political committees as defined under the Florida elections laws.

    206(8) Local government attorneys, as defined in Section 214112.313(16), F.S.

    216(9) Other persons as designated by law.

    223Rulemaking Authority 225112.322(9)(b) FS. 227Law Implemented 229112.312, 230112.313, 231112.3148, 232112.31485, 233112.3149 FS. 235History–New 4-16-92, Amended 2-27-95, 1-11-16.


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