34-6.001. General  

Effective on Tuesday, July 28, 1998
  • 1The Commission on Ethics is authorized to render advisory opinions about the application of the Sunshine Amendment (Article II, Section 8, Florida Constitution), of the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (Part III, Chapter 112, F.S.), and of Sections 42350.031, 43350.04, 44350.041 45and 46350.042, F.S. 48If a person does not have standing to receive an advisory opinion from the Commission, but would have standing to receive a declaratory statement, or if the Commission does not have the authority to render an advisory opinion, but would have the authority to render a declaratory statement, the Commission may issue a declaratory statement.

    103RulemakingAuthority 104112.322(9) FS. 106Law Implemented 108112.3215(12), 109112.322(3), 110350.041(4), 111350.043 FS. 113History–New 4-11-76, Amended 9-21-77, Formerly 34-6.01, Amended 8-7-94, 7-28-98.


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