40B-21.631. Water Shortage, Phase II  

Effective on Monday, April 21, 2008
  • 1A Phase II Water Shortage refers to a severe water shortage. The Governing Board shall choose a combination of these and any other appropriate and necessary restrictions to achieve the required reduction in overall demand.

    36(1) Indoor uses shall reduce use by employing water conservation measures and by installing water conserving devices.

    53(2) Essential uses may voluntarily reduce water use by limiting flushing and other system cleaning activities to a level required to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

    83(3) Agricultural uses shall be restricted as follows:

    91(a) Treated wastewater irrigation shall not be restricted;

    99(b) Low pressure/low volume irrigation systems shall not be restricted except in accordance with subsection 11440B-21.601(1), 115F.A.C.;

    116(c) Overhead irrigation by high pressure/high volume systems shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 a.m. 133and 1344:00 p.m. Systems that have been certified by an independent irrigation laboratory within the past five years prior to the effective date of a water shortage order to be as efficient as practicable shall not be restricted, except in accordance with subsection 17640B-21.601(1), 177F.A.C.;

    178(d) Flood/seepage irrigation systems shall be operated in a manner that will capture all runoff that is practicable for reuse;

    198(e) Hand watering shall not be restricted;

    205(f) The District shall request that livestock 212water 213users voluntarily reduced their water usage;

    219(g) 220Water 221use for freeze protection shall be restricted to situations in which official weather forecasting services predict temperatures likely to cause permanent damage to crops;

    245(h) Soil flooding for pest control or soil preservation shall be prohibited. Soil flooding to permit harvesting of sod shall be prohibited;

    267(i) The District shall request that aquaculture 274water 275users voluntarily reduce their water usage;

    281(j) All irrigation systems shall be operated in a manner that will efficiently use the water withdrawn;

    298(k) All agricultural enterprises should reduce or suspend those activities which stimulate the need for increased irrigation, as feasible and appropriate;

    319(l) No unnecessary off-site discharge from irrigation shall be allowed;

    329(m) Users having access to more than one source class shall maximize the use of the lesser or least restricted source class;

    351(n) For those agricultural enterprises that have best management practices approved by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, irrigation for purposes of watering-in of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizers shall not be restricted. Such watering-in shall be limited to the minimum necessary and shall be accomplished during the hours allowed for normal irrigation.

    405(4) Commercial and industrial uses.

    410(a) Phosphate mining and beneficiation operations:

    4161. Recycled water within the mine site shall be used as much as possible to reduce freshwater withdrawals.

    4342. Water within noncontiguous mine cuts and other impoundments shall be used to the greatest extent practicable to augment the mine’s circulation system.

    4573. Off-site discharges of water shall be reduced or eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

    4724. Cleaning requiring 475water 476use shall be reduced to the minimum required to protect the efficiency of the operation, prevent damage to equipment, or maintain the health and safety of workers.

    5035. Reduce or suspend the washing of vehicles except for health and safety needs.

    5176. Nonessential uses, plant cleaning, water-cooled air conditioning, and lawn irrigation shall be reduced or eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

    538(b) Chemical products processing or manufacturing facilities:

    5451. The use of fresh water shall be reduced to the greatest extent possible.

    5592. Off-site discharge shall be reduced or eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

    5723. Recycled water shall be used to replace fresh water to the greatest extent possible.

    5874. Nonessential uses, plant cleaning, water-cooled air conditioning, and lawn irrigation shall be reduced or eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

    608(c) Limestone, sand, gravel, or other minerals mining operations:

    6171. On-site impounded surface waters shall be used to replace fresh water withdrawals to the greatest extent possible.

    6352. Reduce spraying for dust control in quarry area except for health and safety standards.

    6503. Reduce general housekeeping that requires the use of water to the greatest extent possible.

    6654. Off-site discharge shall be reduced or eliminated wherever possible.

    675(d) Cement, concrete, and concrete products manufacturing facilities:

    6831. Reuse runoff to the greatest extent possible.

    6912. Reduce spray drift to the greatest extent possible and increase the efficiency of spray application to the greatest extent possible.

    7123. Reduce the unnecessary water content of products shipped to the greatest extent possible.

    726(e) Perishable foods processing operations:

    7311. Off-site discharge shall be reduced or eliminated wherever feasible.

    7412. Water losses from released steam shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible.

    7553. Effluent shall be recycled to the greatest extent possible.

    765(f) Perishable foods packing operations:

    7701. Restrict washing of fruit and plant area to the minimum level necessary for health and safety standards.

    7882. Equipment washing apparatus with automatic shut-off devices should be used to the greatest extent possible.

    804(g) Bottled water and other beverage products operations:

    8121. Restrict equipment washing operations to the minimum level necessary for health and safety standards.

    8272. Implement routine process inspections to find and reduce water waste to the greatest extent possible.

    843(h) Power generation:

    8461. Maximize production from generating facilities which are least dependent upon withdrawals from the source experiencing the shortage, and minimize production from generating facilities which are most dependent upon withdrawals from the source experiencing the shortage, to the greatest extent practicable.

    8872. Non-essential uses of water, plant cleaning, water-cooled air conditioning, and lawn irrigation shall be reduced or eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

    9103. Power companies should encourage customers to reduce power consumption to the greatest extent possible, so that they may reduce power generation and in turn, reduce water consumption.

    938(i) Other industrial and commercial uses:

    9441. Reduce use by employing water conserving measures and by installing water conserving devices.

    9582. Replace use of fresh water with reclaimed or recycled water to the maximum extent practicable.

    9743. Users having access to more than one source class shall maximize the use of the lesser or least restricted source class.

    996(5) Water utility uses.

    1000(a) To the greatest extent possible, utilities shall institute conservation measures such as improving and accelerating leak detection surveys and repair programs, installing and calibrating meters, and stabilizing and equalizing system pressures.

    1032(b) New water line flushing and disinfection shall be limited to minimum requirements.

    1045(6) Landscape irrigation uses.

    1049(a) Lawns and landscaping.

    10531. Established lawns and landscaping.

    1058a. Treated wastewater irrigation shall not be restricted.

    1066b. The irrigation of established lawns and landscaping is prohibited, except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

    1086c. The use of water as described in subparagraph b. above shall be further restricted as follows:

    1103(I) Established lawns and landscaping at locations with street addresses ending in an even number, or in the letters A-L, may water only on even numbered days.

    1130(II) Established lawns and landscaping at locations with street addresses ending in an odd number, or in the letters M-Z, or with no addresses, may water only on odd numbered days.

    1161d. Hand watering, as described in Part I, shall not be restricted.

    1173e. Irrigation for purposes of watering-in of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, where such watering-in is required by the manufacturer, or by federal, state or local law, shall not be restricted; such watering-in shall be limited to the minimum necessary and should be accomplished during the hours allowed for normal irrigation.

    1223f. The operation of irrigation systems for cleaning and maintenance purposes shall not be restricted, except to be limited to the minimum necessary to maintain efficient operation of the system. Each irrigation zone may be tested a maximum of once per week.

    12652. New lawns and landscaping.

    1270a. Treated wastewater irrigation shall not be restricted.

    1278b. Irrigation of new lawns and landscaping shall not be restricted; however, irrigation should be limited to non-daylight hours to the greatest extent possible and limited to the minimum amount required for the establishment of the lawn.

    1315c. Irrigation for purposes of watering-in of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, where such watering-in is required by the manufacturer, or by federal, state or local law, shall not be restricted; such watering-in shall be limited to the minimum necessary and should be accomplished during the hours allowed for normal irrigation.

    1365d. The operation of irrigation systems for cleaning and maintenance purposes shall not be restricted, except to be limited to the minimum necessary to maintain efficient operation of the system. Each irrigation zone may be tested a maximum of once per week.

    1407(b) Golf courses.

    14101. Treated wastewater irrigation shall not be restricted.

    14182. Irrigation of greens and tees shall be reduced to the greatest extent possible and shall be accomplished during non-daylight hours.

    14393. Irrigation of fairways, roughs, and non-play areas on the front nine holes of the course shall be prohibited, except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. 1465and 14667:00 a.m. on even numbered days.

    14724. Irrigation of fairways, roughs, and non-play areas on the back nine holes of the course shall be prohibited, except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. 1498and 14997:00 a.m. on odd numbered days.

    15055. Reduce or suspend to the greatest extent possible those horticultural practices which stimulate the need for increased irrigation.

    15246. Users having access to more than one source class shall maximize the use of the lesser or least restricted source class.

    15467. The operation of irrigation systems for cleaning and maintenance purposes shall not be restricted, except to be limited to the minimum necessary to maintain efficient operation of the system. Each irrigation zone may be tested a maximum of once per week.

    15888. Irrigation for purposes of watering-in of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizer where such watering-in is required by the manufacturer or by federal, state or local law, shall be limited to the minimum necessary and should be accomplished during the hours allowed for normal irrigation.

    1633(c) Cemeteries.

    16351. Irrigation of cemeteries shall be prohibited, except between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

    16522. Irrigation of cemeteries shall be further restricted as follows:

    1662a. One half of the cemetery property may be irrigated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    1677b. The remaining one half of the cemetery property may be irrigated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

    1694(7) Miscellaneous uses.

    1697(a) Recreation area use of water shall be reduced to the greatest extent possible.

    1711(b) Washing or cleaning streets, driveways, sidewalks, or other impervious areas with water shall be prohibited except to meet federal, state, or local health or safety standards.

    1738(c) Mobile equipment washing shall be accomplished using only low-volume methods (excluding commercial car washes).

    1753(d) Outside pressure cleaning shall be restricted to only low-volume methods.

    1764(e) Augmentation shall be limited to the minimum necessary to maintain and preserve the long-term integrity of the surfacewater body and associated habitat for fish and wildlife. Where minimum levels have been established by the District, no augmentation shall occur when water levels are above the applicable minimum water level.

    1814(f) The use of water for cooling and air conditioning shall be restricted to that amount of water necessary to maintain a minimum temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Discharge of water from cooling and air conditioning systems shall be to pervious surfaces and shall not be accomplished through irrigation systems, where feasible and appropriate.

    1868(g) Aesthetic uses.

    18711. Outside aesthetic uses of water shall be prohibited.

    18802. Inside aesthetic uses of water shall be prohibited.

    1889Rulemaking Authority 1891373.044, 1892373.113 FS. 1894Law Implemented 1896373.175, 1897373.246 FS. 1899History–New 7-30-06, Amended 4-21-08.


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