40A-8.011. Policy and Purpose  

Effective on Wednesday, June 12, 2019
  • 1(1) This chapter establishes minimum flows and minimum water levels for surface waters, and minimum water levels for groundwater at specific locations within the Northwest Florida Water Management District.

    30(2) In establishing minimum flows and minimum water levels, the Governing Board shall use the best information available to establish limits at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources or ecology of the area.

    68(3) Minimum flows and minimum water levels prescribed in this chapter are used as a criteria for imposing limitations on withdrawals of groundwater and surface water and for reviewing proposed surface water management and storage systems and stormwater management systems.

    108Rulemaking Authority 110373.044, 111373.113, 112373.171 FS. 114Law Implemented 116373.042, 117373.0421 FS. 119History–New 6-12-19.