40B-3.531. Abandoned Well Plugging  

Effective on Tuesday, June 22, 1999
  • 1(1) All abandoned wells under Section 7373.303(1), F.S., 9and abandoned artesian wells under Section 15373.203(1), F.S., 17shall be plugged in accordance with subsection (2) unless they can be repaired in the time specified by the District.

    37(2) All abandoned wells or abandoned artesian wells shall be plugged by filling them from bottom to top with grout within 72 hours of permit issuance, unless otherwise provided in writing by the District. The plugging shall be to restore or improve the hydrologic conditions which existed before the well was constructed. The work shall be accomplished by a licensed water well contractor.

    100(3) A permit is required to abandon a well as in Rule 11240B-3.041 113and subsection 11540B-3.201(4), 116F.A.C.

    117Specific Authority 119373.044, 120373.171, 121373.309 FS. 123Law Implemented 125373.306, 126373.308, 127373.309, 128373.113 FS. 130History–New 7-1-85, Amended 6-22-99.


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