40C-9.210. Plants or Animal Removal, Destruction, or Harassment  

Effective on Monday, June 7, 2004
  • 1All plants and animals on District Lands are protected. Removing, destroying, or harassing animals or plants from or on District Lands is prohibited except for authorized research efforts, authorized hunting, gathering, and fishing, as authorized by a permit or Special Use Authorization, or District-initiated removals associated with reforestation, control of exotic or nuisance species, or other land management activities. However, the sale or harvest of wetland trees and plants is prohibited on all District Lands except for District-initiated removals associated with land management activities.

    85Specific Authority 87373.044, 88373.113, 89373.1391 FS. 91Law Implemented 93373.088, 94373.093, 95373.096, 96373.099, 97373.139, 98373.1391, 99373.1401, 100373.199, 101373.59 FS. 103History–New 1-16-94, Amended 5-11-94, 7-30-01, 6-7-04.


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