40E-61.200. Implementation of Nonpoint Source Discharger Requirements  

Effective on Sunday, April 11, 2021
  • 1(1) A nonpoint source discharger that discharges to or within the Northern Everglades watersheds, and is 17required to monitor under 21Section 22403.067(7)(b)2.g., F.S., 24and subsection (2) of this rule section, must 32submit for District approval a Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) to demonstrate attainment of the water quality criteria for the parameters addressed by the appropriate BMAP. Any WQMP submitted must meet all the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 62-160, F.A.C.

    73(2) All lands located within a BMAP are presumed to discharge surface water runoff into the Northern Everglades watersheds. Lands for which a landowner contests this presumption may submit information demonstrating that the land does not discharge surface water runoff into the Northern Everglades watersheds. At a minimum, the landowner’s information must include the location of the lands in relation to the watershed, a description and site plan for stormwater drainage, applicable hydrologic boundaries, and information described under Rule 40E-61.220, F.A.C. The District will review the information submitted and other information available to the District and issue a written statement of final determination within 90 days of the submittal date.

    183(3) Within 180 days of the effective date of this rule, or within 180 days of the date of written notification by a Coordinating Agency of the requirement to either submit a notice of intent to implement BMPs as required under the BMAP or submit a WQMP, a nonpoint source discharger must 235either provide verification to the District by electronic mail or in writing 247that they submitted to the appropriate Coordinated Agency a Notice of Intent to enroll in a BMP program under a BMAP, or submit a WQMP in accordance with this chapter.

    277(4) Lake Okeechobee Drainage Basin Works of the District Permits issued prior to the effective date of this chapter are rescinded. The effective date of this chapter is April 11, 2021.

    308Rulemaking Authority 310373.044, 311373.113, 312373.4595 FS. 314Law Implemented 316373.4595, 317403.067 FS. 319History–New 4-11-21.