Florida Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 7, 2025) |
53. Department of the Lottery |
D53. Departmental |
53ER09. Emergency Rule For Year 2009 |
1(1) The Lottery finds that, due to the unique nature of its business, strict compliance with Chapter 255, 19F.S., 20and the rules adopted thereunder, would impair or impede the effective and efficient operation of the Lottery. Therefore, the Lottery is adopting this rule to provide the following alternative procedures for 51acquiring facility leases 54in an open and competitive manner.
60(2) The Lottery will follow 65S66ection 67255.25, 68F.S., 69and the rules (excluding the forms) adopted thereunder, to competitively acquire leased office or warehouse space of 10,000 square feet or more, 92subject to the provision96s 97of 98S99ecti100on 10124.105(13), 102F.S103.
104(3) 105For leases of office or warehouse space less than 10,000 square feet, 118competitive offers will be 122solicited123. 124N125egotiation of terms, conditions and costs will be conducted 134thereafter. 135Alternatively, if the Lottery rejects all offers received, 143it will either re-solicit 147competitive offers 149or the procurement will be canceled155.
156(1574158) The Lottery shall enter into facility lease agreements that have a base term, renewal and/or extension periods that are determined by the Lottery to provide the greatest long-term benefit to the 190state191.
192Rulemaking 193Authority 19424.105(13), 19524.109(1) FS. 197Law Implemented 19924.105(13), 20024.111, 201255.25 202FS. History–New 20410-9-09, 205Replaces 53ER08-79207.