53ER15-51. Replacement of Obsolete Emergency Rules  

Effective on Tuesday, September 15, 2015
  • 1The following Department of the Lottery emergency rules relating to 11its personnel program 14are being replaced because 18the provisions of the 22personnel 23rule24s 25are 26obsolete 27or unnecessary29. This rule shall replace the following rules: 3753ER0385-47, 3953ER400416-33, 4253ER4306-42, 4453ER4507-30, 4653ER4707-31 48and 4953ER5008-09, 51F.A.C52.

    53Rulemaking Authority 5524.109(1) FS. 57Law Implemented 5924.109(1) FS. 61History–New 629-1563-6415, 65Replaces 6653ER05-47, 53ER06-33, 53ER06-42, 53ER07-30, 53ER07-31, 7153ER08-0972.