53ER19-55. POWERBALL® New Year’s Eve Promotion Amendment  

Effective on Friday, August 23, 2019
  • 1(1) Subsection (5) of Emergency 6r7ule 53ER19-47, F.A.C., 10POWERBALL11® 12New Year’s Eve Promotion 16is replaced in its entirety as follows:

    23Drawing and Number of Prizes. The Florida Lottery will conduct one drawing in the Promotion. Prizewinners for the drawing will be randomly selected from entries submitted and received before midnight 53(54ET55) 56on August 31, 2019. 60Prizewinners will be randomly selected using a certified random number generation process. The drawing shall be public, held in Tallahassee, Florida, and witnessed by an accountant employed by an independent certified public accounting firm. A prizewinner may only win one VIP Experience prize in the drawing. The drawing date and entry period is as follows:


    116Drawing Date

    118Entry Period


    121September 4, 2019

    124August 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019

    131In the drawing, the Florida Lottery will select a total of one hundred entries. The first fifty valid entries drawn will win a VIP Experience prize. The remaining valid entries drawn 162will be alternates and used in the order in which they were drawn and in the order of need to select an alternate 185prizewinner in the event of any of the following occurrences: a prizewinner is selected more than once in the drawing; a prizewinner cannot be notified as set forth in subsection (6) below; or a prizewinner fails to timely provide required claim documentation as set forth in subsection (7) below.  A total of fifty VIP Experience prizes will be available.

    244(2) Except as provided in subsection (1) above, all other provisions set forth in 258r259ule 53ER19-47, 261F.A.C., shall remain in effect.

    266Rulemaking Authority 26824.105(9), 26924.109(1) FS. 271Law Implemented 27324.105(9), 27424.115(1) FS. 276History–New 8-23-19.