53ER23-57. PICK 2TM BLACK FRIDAY PROMOTION (Replaced by 53ER24-53)  

Effective on Friday, November 24, 2023
  • 1(1) 2On N4ovember 264, 72023, 8a/k/9a 1011Bla12ck Friday14 15(one day) 17(“Promotion Pe19rio20d”), 21the Florida Lottery will 25conduct the 27PICK 229TM 30B31LACK FRIDAY PROMOTION.

    34(2) 35How 36to 37Participate.

    38(a) 39On November 2424, 4320442453, 46until 4711:59:59 p.m. (ET), 50a/k/51a 5253Bla54ck Friday56 57(one day) 59and s61ubje62ct t64o retailer 66and Lottery 68office 69o70pe71ra72ting 73hours, 74players who p77urchase a $1PICK 2 Straight Play ticket will receive a Coupon 88for 89a f91ree 92$1 PIC94K 496TM 97Straight Play Quick Pick 101(QP) 102ticket103. 104The 105C106oupon will p109r110int 111at th113e time of 116a qualified 118p119ur120chase. 121Al122l fr124ee P126IC127K 1284 Quick 130Pick 131tickets 132will be for th136e next available drawing, 140based on when the Coupon 145i146s redeemed. 148T149he 150C151oupo152n 153redemption deadli155ne is 157Tuesday, 158January 21603, 2024 162(11:59:59 p164.m., 165ET166), sub168ject to retailer 171and 172Lottery office operating hou176rs177. 178Coupon179s 180are 181good 182for 183a one-time use on187ly.

    188(b) If a 191Coupon is 193redeemed and the free PICK 4 ticket issued, the PICK 2 ticket cannot be canceled. If the Coupon has not been redeemed, 215the PICK 2 ticket 219may be 221canceled if 223o224t225her canc227el228ation criteria are met232. C234ancelati235on o237f th239e PICK 2 242ticket 243will invalidate the Coupon, 247and the Coupon will 251not 252be redeemable254. 255A 256free PICK 4 ticket may be canceled; 263however, a new free PICK 4 ti270cket 271will 272not be 274issued, 275and the Coupon cannot be used again.

    282(2833284) T286a287x288es. 289A290ny 291f292ede293ra294l, 295st296a297te, 298and299/or 300lo301cal 302taxes 303a304n305d306/307or 308o309ther 310co311sts and 313f314ees 315wi316ll 317b318e 319t320h321e 322r323esponsibil324ity 325o326f the 328p329layer330.

    331(3324333) 334O335t336her 337Re338str339ict340i341on342s 343an344d 345Prov346i347sion348s349.

    350(a) 351A 352p353layer 354must 355be 356at le358a359s360t 36118 362y363e364a365rs 366o367f 368ag369e370.

    371(372b373) 374All 375p376layer377s 378and ti380cket purchases 382are s384u385b386ject 387to the 389pr390ov391isi392on393s of 395C396h397apte398r 39924004, 401Flor402ida 403Stat404utes, 405and 406rul407e408s 409p410ro411mu412l413gated 414th415ere416und417er. 418C419op420ies 421of 422c423u424rre425nt 426r427ule428s 429c430an 431be 432o433b434tain435ed 436f437r438o439m t441he 442Fl443o444ri445da Lo447t448t449ery, 450O451f452fice of 454t455he 456Ge457neral 458C459ounsel, 460246150 462M463arr464iot465t 466D467r468i469v470e, 471T472al473l474ahasse475e, Fl477orid478a 47932480399-4014811 482or at flrules.org485.

    486(c) 487By 488participating in 490t491h492e 493PIC494K 2 496BLACK FRI498DAY 499P500ROMOTIO501N, 502a prize winner gives his/507her permission and consent, and without notification, for the Florida Lottery to pho520tograph and/or videotape and record him/her and to use his/her name, photograph, vid533e534otape, and/or recording of him/her 539for curr541ent 542and 543f544uture a546dve547rtisi548ng or publicity purp552oses without additional compensation, notification, or consent559.

    560(561d562) 563Pers564ons proh566i567bit568ed by 570s571e572ction 57324.116, 574F575.576S577., 578fr579om 580pur581ch582as583ing 584a 585Flo586ri587da 588L589o590tter591y 592tick593et a595re 596not 597e598li599g600i601b602l603e 604to 605p606ar607ticipat608e in 610t611h612is 613P614rom615o616t617io618n.

    619Ru620lema621k622in623g A625utho626r627ity 62824.629163005(6319632), 63326344635.163609(6371) 638F639S. 640Law Im642ple643me644n645ted 64624.106475648(6499), 65026514652.653165415655(6561) 657F658S. 659Hi660stor661y–New 66211-66324-66423665.