53ER24-11. Lost, Stolen or Damaged Instant Lottery Tickets  

Effective on Friday, March 1, 2024
  • 1(1) Reporting Requirement.

    4(a) 5Up6on the theft, loss 10or dama12ge of instant lottery tickets the retailer shall immed21iately report the incident to the Lotter28y 29Division of Security at (850)34487-7752.

    35(b) For 37purposes of this rule, ticke42ts that have latex removed or that have been “scrat52c53hed” 54a55re not considered “59damaged 60tickets” and shall not be accepted for retailer accoun69t adjustment.

    71(2) Inactive Tickets. 74If tickets from a book are lost, stolen or damag84ed b86efore the book has been activ92ated, the retailer will be 97charged a service fee eq102u103al t105o 106fifty percent (50%) 109of the 111value of the book, less sales commission, except as fo121llows:

    122(a) If the retailer provides the Lottery with a copy of a police 135report reporting 137the theft of tickets, the re143tailer shall be charged a non-refundable service fe151e 152of 153fi154ve dollars ($5.00) 157for each 159book reported stolen.

    162(b) The retailer will not be ch169arged a service fee for books missing from a shipment provided the retailer reports 183the 184books as missing to the Lotte190ry within seven (7) days o196f receipt of the shipment201.

    202(c) 203A 204retailer will not 207be charg209ed a service fee for books damaged by the vendor provi220ded such damage is reported to the Lottery within seven (7) days of rec234eipt of the shipm238ent containing the damaged bo243oks.

    244(3245) Activ247ated 248Ticket 249Books 250 251Stolen.

    252(a) 253F254or 255a256ny 257a258c259t260ivated 261ticket 262book 263stole264n, 265or portion thereof, 268a retailer shall pr272ovide 273the 274Lottery275276s Division of Secur280ity 281with the 283last 284tick285et 286number 287sold fro289m 290each 291stolen book, 293or 294report that 296entire book(s) 298have been stolen, as 302appropriat303e304. 305The 306Lottery 307will use t310h311is i313n314f315ormation 316in conjunc318tion 319wi320th 321Lottery records regarding 324ticket validation history 327fo328r the 330stolen book332(s) 333to determine 335the 336rang337e of tickets to be placed i344n 345346stolen status.348 349Retailers will be charged for any ti356ckets not placed in 360361stolen sta363tus,364 365less 366t367he r369et370ailer371372s sales commi375s376si377on378(s379).

    380(b) 381If a retailer settles a book and subsequently reports 390the 391whole book, 393or portion 395thereof, 396as sto398len; 399and upon completion 402of the Lott405ery406407s 408determination 409of the ticket range 413to be placed in 417418st419olen status,421 422the retaile424r 425wil426l 427b428e 429charged for th432at 433p434ortio435n 436of 437th438e 439book 440not 441placed in 443444sto445len statu447s,448 449less sales commission(s).

    452(c) 453The 454Lottery will m457onitor 458stolen book/ticket report461ing activity. 463At the Lottery466467s discretion, a retailer471472s contract may be terminated for falsely re480p481orti482ng 483stolen 484book485(s)486/tic487ke488t(s).

    489(4904491) Activ493ated Ticket Books 496 497L498ost 499or D501a502maged503.

    504(a) If tickets from a 509book that contains low tier winning t516ickets are lost 519or da521maged after 523the book has been 527activated, the retailer shall be charged 533the retail value o537f the 539b540ook 541of 542tickets mu544ltiplied 545by the 547percentage of 549low tier win552ning tickets redeemed 555at the time 558the book is reported lo563st 564or 565damaged, less th568e retailer’s sales c572ommission(s).

    573(b) If tickets from a book that does not contain low tier winning 586tickets are l589os590t 591o592r 593da594ma595ged after the book 599has b601ee602n activate604d, the retailer shall be charged t611he retail value of the n617umber of tickets that have bee623n validated for payment at the time the b632ook is reported lost 636or 637damaged, less the r641etailer’s sale643s 644commission(s).

    645(646c647) If a r651e652tail653er 654set655tles a book tha659t conta661ins low tier w665inning tickets 667and subsequently rep670orts unsold tickets as 674lost or 676damaged, the retailer will be credited an amou684nt equal to the r689etail value of 692the book less the amount calc698ulated as set forth in 703paragraph 704(7054706)707(a708), 709a710bove.

    711(712d713) If a reta717iler se719ttles 720a book 722that does not contain low tier winning tickets and subsequently reports unsold tickets as lost 737or damaged, the retailer 741will be 743credi744ted an amount equal to the retail 751value of the book l756ess the a759mount calc761ulate762d 763as 764se765t forth in 768paragraph 769(7704771)(772b), 773a774bove.

    775(7765777) The retailer shall return to the Lottery tickets recovered by the retailer subsequent to the tickets being repo796rted 797lost, stolen 799or damaged.

    801(8026803) Payment for Tickets807. Accounting for lost, stolen 812or dama814ged tic816k817ets 818w819i820ll be reflected on 824the r826et827ailer828’s weekly Settlement Report 832and wi834ll be 836shown 837as an a840djustment841. 842No adju844stment will be made to the retailer’s account upon 853return to 855the 856Lottery of act859ive lost, 861stolen or 863damaged tickets recovered 866by the 868retailer subseq870u871ent 872to 873the tickets being 876rep877orte878d lost, stolen or damaged.

    883(8847885) In the event books of tickets are lost, 894stolen or damage897d for reasons arising out of force maje905u906re, the Florida Lottery re911se912rves th914e right to waive the assessment of char922ges und924er this rule.  927I928n de930te931rmining whether to 934waive a936n assessment, the Lottery will consider factors such as the number of 948previous occurren950ces of lost, stolen or damaged tickets 957b958y the retailer 961in question, 963if any; 965whether the retailer had taken precau971t972ions to 974prevent the oc977c978urre979nc980e of lost, stolen, 984or 985dama986ged tickets; and whether the retailer had implemented loss prevention 996recommendations m998ade by the Lottery prior to the occurre1006n1007ce of lost, stolen, or dam1013ag1014ed tick1016ets. As used herein, “force majeure” sh1023all inc1025lude acts of Go1029d, 1030ac1031ti1032on of the elements, 1036fire, 1037explosion, rationing, war, civil disturbance, or other similar occurr1046ences.

    1047(104881049) This e1052mergency rule replaces Emergency Rule 531058E1059R106022-141061.

    1062Rulemaking 1063Authorit1064y 106524.109(1), 106624.1051067(91068)(j), 106924.112(1) FS1071. Law Implemented 24.11075110762, 210784.1079114 FS. History10821083New 108431085-108611087-1088210894, 1090Replaces 53ER109222-141093.