58B-1.009. Outcome Measures and Quality Assurance Standards

Effective on Monday, April 16, 2007
  • 1(1) Outcome Measures: The ARC governing body shall ensure that ARCs perform the following minimum outcome measures:

    18(a) Adhere to the annual Legislative mandate for the percentage of individuals, age 60 and older, determined to be eligible for nursing home placement that are placed in home and community based services; and

    52(b) Demonstrate that the average monthly savings for clients receiving home and community based services is less than the Medicaid cost for nursing home care for comparable client groups.

    81(2) Quality Assurance Standards: The ARC shall adhere to the following quality assurance standards to provide assurance that clients are receiving services that meet their needs and access points are adhering to the terms of the ARC agreements. This activity shall include the following elements:

    126(a) Ensuring access points adhere to the ARC agreements regarding the provision of client services in the most effective and cost saving manner. This shall be determined through regular monitoring, feedback and client satisfaction surveys.

    161(b) Ensuring that clients receive care and services that meet their needs while living in the community in order to avoid nursing home placement. This shall be accomplished through periodic clinical review of client care plans, client progress towards goals, and client satisfaction surveys.

    205(c) Ensuring that an annual program improvement plan is developed and submitted to the department.

    220Rulemaking Authority 222430.08, 223430.2053(10) FS. 225Law Implemented 227430.2053 FS. 229History–New 4-16-07.


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