59E-4.102. Florida Nursing Home Uniform Reporting System  

Effective on Wednesday, November 1, 2023
  • 1(1) The Agency 4hereby establishes a uniform system for electronic filing of nursing homes’ and their home offices’ prior year reports by adopting the Florida Nursing Home Uniform Reporting System (FNHURS) Manual, June 2023, which is incorporated by reference and available at: 43http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1595745. The manual is also available at: https://ahca.myflorida.com/health-care-policy-and-oversight/bureau-of-central-services/financial-analysis.

    53(2) Each licensee and their home office must submit their actual report, required attachments and audited financial statements using the FNHURS Online System in accordance with the requirements outlined in the manual.  The system 87is available through the Agency’s Single Sign On Portal located at https://apps.ahca.myflorida.com/crs.

    99(3) 100Prior Year Report 103Submission.

    104(a) Each 106licensee and their home office must 112submit their prior year report to the Agency not more than 120 days after the end of their set fiscal year.  133Separate prior year reports must be submitted for each licensee, regardless of ownership or operation.  148The first fiscal year report is 154due starting with licensees and home offices that have fiscal years ending 30 days after the effective date of this rule.

    175(b) The actual report must be prepared for each 184licensee and their home office 189from audited financial statements for submission of the prior year report in the 202system.  203If the actual report does not correspond with the audited financial statements, the licensee and/or their home office must provide a reconciliation of the amounts presented in the audited financial statements to amounts reported in the actual report.

    2411.  If the licensee and/or their home office is unable to obtain audited financial statements for the first year of submission within the required timeframe, the licensee and/or their home office must submit a copy of unaudited financial statements for the initial report along with its actual report in lieu of audited financial statements for that first year of submission. 

    3012.  Licensees and/or their home offices that are unable to obtain audited financial statements for the first year of submission must include an audited financial statement for the first year submission with their next fiscal year submission.  The audit of the first fiscal year report may be contained in the audit of the next fiscal year submission as a separate column on the income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows.

    3733.  Any changes between the initial report’s unaudited and audited financial statements submitted for the actual report must be revised pursuant to Rule 59E-4.103, F.A.C.

    398(c) The licensee’s home office and all affiliated licensees must share the same fiscal year for the purposes of this rule.

    419(d) A report is considered submitted when it contains:

    4281. All schedules, reports, attachments and data required in this rule chapter and outlined in the 444manual;

    4452. The appropriate signatures by the Administrator/Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the licensee and their home office; and

    4663. Signed copies of audited financial statements unless an exception is noted pursuant to section (b)1. for the initial report.

    486(4) Review, Notification and Extension.

    491(a) The licensee or their home office will be notified of whether a submitted report is “Accepted” or “Not Accepted.”  A report is considered “Accepted” 516if the data are mathematically accurate, reasonable and verifiable, 525and the report timely meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 408, F.S. and this rule chapter. 

    541(b) After a report is “Accepted,” the Agency may request additional information about, or a revision to, the report after reviewing the aggregate data of all nursing homes in the State.

    573(c) The Agency may request additional information from any licensee or their home office via email or through notification in the system.  The licensee or their home office must respond within 21 days of a request for information made by the Agency.

    615(d) Notice of Violation or Deemed Not Filed.

    6231. If a licensee or the 629home office of a licensee 634submits a report that does not conform to the requirements of this rule chapter, the report will be deemed “Not Accepted” and a Notice of Violation will be sent to the licensee and/or 667their home office 670via email and/or by notification through the system.  Failure of a licensee or home office to submit audited financial statements purusant to section (b)2. will result in the first year submission being deemed “Not Accepted” 705and a Notice of Violation will be sent to the licensee and/or their home office via email and/or by notification through the system.

    7282. If a licensee or the 734home office of a licensee 739subject to this rule fails to timely submit a report, a Notice of Deemed Not Filed or Notice of Violation will be sent to the licensee and/or 766their home office 769via email 771and/or by notification through the system777.   

    7783. The notice shall indicate the deficiencies found, the corrections or modifications necessary to make its data complete and verifiable, and the time by which a corrected or modified report must be received by the Agency.

    8144. The licensee 817or their home office 821shall have no fewer than 10 business days following receipt of a notice of violation or notice of deemed not filed to submit or resubmit the report to the Agency with any corrections or modifications detailed in the notice.

    860(e) The licensee or their home office may request an extension through the system to the Agency for up to 30 days to submit the report if the request is received at least one week prior to the due date of the report as required by section (3)(a).  The Agency may also grant an extension of time to compile the actual report in consideration of the following circumstances:

    9281. Delays related to natural disasters or other declared states of emergency.

    9402. Delays related to recovering from cyber attacks.

    9483. The nursing home or its home office is also filing a cost report for the same fiscal year as the FNHURS report.  The extension in this case cannot exceed the due date for filing the cost report.  

    986(5) Modifications or corrections to a report can be made by resubmitting the report through the 1002system1003.

    1004(6) In the event a consolidated audit exists for a corporate entity, the signed copy of the consolidated audit can be substituted for individual audits of the licensee and their home office if:

    1037(a) The consolidated audit includes consolidating schedules listing the home office and each licensee as a separate column on the consolidating schedules.

    1059(b) The consolidating schedules include a balance sheet and income statement.

    1070(c) The consolidating schedules include an opinion from the certified public accountant that the schedules are presented fairly in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole.

    1101(7) In the event a licensee’s or their home office’s audited actual data is restated, the licensee or their home office must report the restatement to the Agency within 30 days of the issuance of the restatement.  The restated audit must include a letter explaining the reason for the restatement and an updated opinion on the audited financial statements taken as a whole.

    1164Rulemaking Authority 1166408.061(2), 1167408.15 FS. 1169Law Implemented 1171408.061(2) FS. 1173History–New 11-1-23.