5B-3.001. Definitions and Purpose  

Effective on Sunday, February 26, 2017
  • 1(1) For the purpose of this chapter, the definitions in section 12581.011, F.S., 14and the following definitions shall apply:

    20(a) Agricultural inspection station. An official inspection station operated by the department to assist in monitoring the intrastate and interstate movement of agricultural commodities.

    44(b) House plants. Plants commonly known and recognized as house plants, grown or intended to be grown indoors which may be included as part of a passenger’s baggage or household effects.

    75(c) Interstate movement. Movement into Florida from another state, U.S. possession or territory.

    88(d) International movement. Movement into Florida from any country or area outside the United States.

    103(e) Shippers. The producer or firm where the pest-infested plant or plant products originated.

    117(f) Sugarcane. All species of the genus 124Saccharum 125and all species of its close relatives 132Imperata, Miscanthidium, Miscanthus, Rapidium, Erianthus, 137Sorghum 138and all hybrids, selections, varieties or clones thereof.

    146(2) The purpose of this chapter is to prevent the introduction and subsequent dissemination of plant pests into Florida through the movement of nursery stock and other plants and plant products. This chapter provides for the regulation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products moving into Florida and establishes provisions for such nursery stock and other plants and plant products to enter the state. Additional information can be obtained by writing to the Division of Plant Industry, P.O. Box 147100, Gainesville, Florida 32614-7100 or go to: 234http://www.freshfromflorida/pi/contacts.html235.

    236Rulemaking Authority 238570.07(23), 239581.031(1), 240(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 245570.07, 246581.011, 247581.031, 248581.141, 249581.182, 250581.211 FS. 252History–Repromulgated 12-31-74, Formerly 5B-3.01, Amended 3-16-92, 7-2-95, 4-1-97, 2-17-04, 2-26-17.


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